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Posts posted by CrisRMenumate

  1. Using the word "Spring" does not derive from the "arab spring" but actually from the 1968 changes in the Czechoslovakia over that spring, and that were quickly put down by mid summer by the rest of the Warsaw pact countries invading them... so it didn't result in any major changes in the country despite Mr Dubcek's best efforts. Obviously it is now being hijacked for any change in an oppressive regime to help people... or at least that is perhaps what they intend. Thai spring.... when UDD is populated by former communist party team and then this group is also led by them we could be in for interesting times... at least they are willing to express their opinions and distrust of the Shinawatra clan's regime and its attempts to control parliament and government administration.

  2. what kind of future when 10 years olds are killing 5 year olds... so sad. The Thai news reports on Channel 3 this morning, showed the level of complete lack of understanding of what to do in this situation. The parents of the killers carry some blame, The school for lack of supervision of the students are definitely liable, but society as a whole needs to take a look inside and see why this is happening more and more. Future Vocational/Technical college louts in development perhaps? These kids should be on a watch list of registered violent criminals to ensure that they are not free to attack others in the future.

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  3. Is it just me or is it a happy coincidence that Khunying Porntip was pushed aside one week before this ruling was made? there is no clear evidence as to who shot this guy or anyone else. For sure some people were shot by the army, doing their job, after the people in the area were warned for two weeks that the area was going to be cleared by military with live rounds. For sure some people were shot by red/black shirts and others taking advantage of the confused situation to conduct their own mayhem around Bangkok. But no one can say for sure who shot whom, where and when, especially not just on the basis of "belief" that only a certain group were in a certain area and that the ammunition used was similar to the type used by a certain group. This is no more than circumstantial and proves nothing in this case. As usual, to the victors goes the spoils and the opportunity to rewrite the truth to suit their needs. Having watched much of the stupidity over the course of the period from early March through to May 20th it is apparent who was breaking the law and why the military was needed to regain control over the city/country's valuable strategic assets. If a bunch of thugs did this in downtown London, Paris, Washington or anywhere else there would not have been 2 months of negotiation and discussion, they would have been cleared out by the police and military/national guard in days. That it was let go on for so long merely shows that there was back-room power brokering going on to see who could gain most from the opportunity. The fat lady ain't singing yet, this isn't over!

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  4. They don’t know how to form trade unions to collectively organise. … - because the Grasshoppers don't want the ants to know that they actually have a voice and could get organised, its better to keep them down trodden and scared even through if they did collectively organise it would bring great benefits to workers... but of course would mean that the international supply chain would just move on to the next 3rd world country where workers are not yet organised and exploit them until the cycle continues on and on.... and the organised workers might be organised but are now out of a job because Thailand is getting too expensive due to labor issues, ok lets head to Vietnam, now to Bangladesh, now to Laos, next to Myanmar.... People want cheap goods and its too expensive to produce them in the west at a reasonable price so they have to find low cost ways, low cost means something has to give.... consumers want low price for good quality, retailers want low cost with good margin that consumers are willing to pay, developing country want the exchange $$$, labourers just want to exist... but even that is taken from them by the operations of some of these sweat shops, as shown in the recent case in Bangladesh as well as many others where workers were denied the right to protect themselves in times of emergency through locked doors in fires, or shoddy buildings for factories to keep rents down or whatever, the perfect recipe doesn't exist to keep all sides happy in this mess. It didn't in Socialist/Communist regimes and it certainly doesn't in Capitalist style markets. Good luck Andy Hall.... whoops there goes another rubber tree...

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  5. who cares if it is fake? the red rabble will believe it to be true and act on it as gospel so all "V" mask people will be "v"illified and re"v"iled in the red land, as if the Thuggy gave the order himself. Its a way of having plausible deniability. Make statements that followers will be too stupid to realise are not real, then retract them but by then the faithful will already be rallying to do as instructed or suggested. Excellent plan. Then deny any knowledge or involvement. "What me officer"? "I never"..... it was them... but of course it is obvious that this statement wasn't real.

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  6. First reaction... wow this is such an important news story, there is nothing else important in the world that we should focus our attention on these 2 idiots behaving like idiots. The only ones they shamed was themselves. Why is it that Thai seem to think that what one or two individuals does has an impact on what people think of the entire nation or a segment of it? I get my impression and opinion on "Lady Boys" by how they behave in the street in general public, in Pattaya, Samui, Phuket and Bangkok you can see enough of their behaviour to know that this silly video is barely an "amuse bouche" in the context of the the reality of the general behaviour of this particular sub-group within Thai society. Just My opinion of course.

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  7. Don Mueang... red central of Bangkok so not much hope for other parties to turn this around, and of course the PTP/Red rubes will call for sympathy votes because of the terrible injustice done to their man..... seriously people in the future will look at all this politics rubbish here and think it was all made up soap opera...w00t.gif

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