The batteries last a very long time. Generally 300,000-500,000km. Today about $20K to replace full battery.
Sorry, slight miscommunication there. 2 sentances not one.
I have driven my buddy's MS Plaid but not with special tires and the rolling start required to hit the 1.9 second mark.
I did have the car stopped on a 4 lane divided road with 2 miles in front of me with no cars in sight.
Depressed the brake, followed by depressing the accelerator. Then released the brake and off like a rocket. No idea what the actual 0-60 time was. Maybe 2.1 seconds? Maybe 2.3???
Regardless, at the time - 8 months ago - it was the fastest car in the world 0-60. Since been surpassed by a couple of other BEVs.
The G's were so strong, I felt a wave of nausea.
These cars are fricken unreal. I drove a 2018 model 3 also. Didn't compare to the Plaid but way faster than any other car I have driven in my life. Handling is incredible too.
Model 3 slimilar price to a Camry, they'll sell boatloads in Thailand.