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Posts posted by OMGImInPattaya

  1. 47 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

    Unfortunately history shows that the USA are not very good when it comes to wars. Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan etc. were all a disaster with thousands of body bags to prove it.

    You might want to run that statement by the millions of Viet-Minh and Viet-Cong soldiers that were greased during that conflict vs. the 36k American casualties.  That's a pretty good kill to loss ratio if you ask me. Maybe check with Saddam and his soldiers left as ashes on the Highway of Death how that conflict turned out for them...same with the remnants of the Taliban if you can find any.

  2. It is the Democrats and their liberal allies who are the dreamers if they think they can roll Trump and the Republicans in regards to legalizing the illegal aliens in the country. It's especially hilarious they think they can use a potential "government shutdown [another swamp term...80% of the workers have "critical" status so report to work anyway]" to pressure Trump...have they forgotten it's the Republicans who hate government. An unscheduled vacation for government workers would suit Trump just fine.





  3. Wasn't it Frau Merkel who endlessly pilloried candidate Trump for his proposals to limit refugees to America and his now presidential actions putting these proposals into effect? Wasn't it she who was endlessly virtue-signalling to the world her boundless compassion for the world's poor and destitute and receiving the praise of the cosmopolitan elite as the savior and new leader of the western world? 


    Am I to understand that she is now a supporter of Trump's refugee policy and that his policy was right all along? Oh the irony.

  4. 2 hours ago, KittenKong said:


    Well, that's what I initially thought from the email but when one goes to the website it seems to only show the two-passenger deals. Not very clear.

    I stand corrected...the picture prices are indeed for two travelers. However, the solo traveler prices are pretty good too...mostly low '70s to 80s for Europe return. Qatar will be on a promotional footing until this diplomatic embrolio blows over.

  5. This is like the biggest nothing-burger of news. The Boy Scouts is so like 1950s and is a dying and discredited institution like so many in America. What with gay Scout leaders diddling boys and now girls and next transgenders being allowed to join (or are they already in being that they are biological males?) most real Americans have already withdrawn their children from the organization.


    The Scouts, if it is to regain any sense or relevancy, needs a big Trump-flush ala the NFL. Then people might trust it again.

  6. 18 minutes ago, KittenKong said:


    I was just about to post the same. Finally some fairly good discounts from them. It's been a long wait.


    Edit: Actually these just seem to be part of the two-passenger promo so of no real interest to anyone flying alone.

    No...they are running two promos concurrently..."Two 2 Travel" specials and solo travelers. These are solo fares I believe.

  7. 33 minutes ago, Caps said:

    I would say there is nothing wrong with a bit off appeasement if it will help stop a nuclear disaster.  It also might be a bit better than the Yank "lets go to war with every f***er on the planet syndrome

    Unfortunately history show the falacy of this kind of thinking; and the war that Britain ultimately had to fight was much more devastating than what it would have been if they had intervened earlier. It is the same case with this Korean situation...action should have really been taken years ago.

  8. 53 minutes ago, coconuthead said:


    They are for deterring US aggression.


    Look what happened to Gaddaffi when he gave his weapons up.

    What happened...as I recall it, he was hunted down like a dog by his OWN people and when pulled from that sewer pipe, it was a joyous Libyan who shoved that knife up his butt.


    These tin-pot dictatorships like Iran, Libya, Iraq, and North Korea pursue nuclear weapons yes, to protect their regimes from efforts of the United States to overthrow them so they can continue their oppressive and totalitarian reigns of terror against their own people. Democractic representative polities have nothing to fear from the U.S. and that's why you don't see any of them pursuing nuclear weapons.

  9. 3 hours ago, Kiwiken said:

    In Decades past the United States had Prestige and Economic power. Yes the USA has a 19 Trillion dollar economy. If the USA chose to bully everyone into Sanctions. What if every Nation defaulted on repayments and trade Deals with the USA How strong would your 19 Trillion dollar economy be. The USA may be the biggest kid on the block but the Sandpit would be very lonely playing with yourself

    "Decades past" really...that 19T is here and now baby. And the very fact the world jumps at every utterance, Tweet, or burp of the President tells you all you need to know about which country is the indispensible nation.


    The U.S. is not bullying anyone...only offering a choice. You can trade with us, a 19T economy or with Iran's 400B one.


    The USA is a net debtor economy so if nations defaulted on their debts, it would be a net benefit for the country as the defaults would be reciprocated. Also, the USA is a vast and basically self-sufficient continental economy and international trade makes up a very small percent of it (less than 10%...compared with 50-80% for countries like China, Germany, and even little Thailand) so if other nations stopped their trade it would have very little impact on the country.

  10. 1 hour ago, boomerangutang said:

    US and Russia already tested their state-of-the-art weapons over Korea - 60 years ago when MIG-15's were dogfighting with US F-86 Saber jets.   As Yogi Berra might say, "It's deja vu all over again."

    And those MIG-15s were damn good planes...better than what the good guys had at the time. Today it would be an American turkey shoot.

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