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Posts posted by pacceka

  1. In truth, there are no words beautiful enough to describe nirvana. Neither from the Buddhist perspective, or the Christian name, the kingdom of heaven.

    However, through the practice of Vipassana you can discover for yourself. Is is not easy, and not hard. Learn to live now, and insight will come.
  2. Come to Thailand and study Vipasanna at any of the wats that offer instruction. There are many, each with a different style. You are a man. You do not need your parents permission. This about your personal search for liberation. Do not imprison yourself further with your parent's doctrine on life. If you want to do this, just do. If you want to pontificate about cultural expectations, then you are missing the point. :-D

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  3. It's an excellent place to learn. Very affordable. Be informed and check out gibill.asia, as this lists all options for English program degrees in Thailand, all of which are approved by Veteran affairs in the usa. To say degrees are worthless in Thailand is an insult to academics both Thai and farang who live and work here. :-D good luck.

  4. I would say the honey on the night bazaar road is honest honey. They have several different kinds there. I had a small bottle that lasted me a month. I had been told that mixing a table spoon with a table spoon of cinnamon would help with joint pains. I am diabetic so I looked it up on the internet. There is over 1,000 different kinds of honey in the world and they can have different properties the best for all around medical reasons was one from New Zealand. It apparently makes a big difference where the Bee's get the pollen from.

    I noticed you mentioned some having sugar added to them. Not on the Night bazaar road. But a couple of articles said it had more of the bad glucose in it than regular sugar. Who really knows you can find most any thing you want to believe on the internet.

    The bit about using it when you are diabetic went from no good for you to it can help you. I gave it up as my joints still hurt me. The Cinnamon was a hands down winner. Great for your blood. Keeps the sugar level in your blood down. Side affects were extremely rare. I now use it on my breakfast cereal and take a capsule after other meals. My blood sugar level has now dropped to OK from low high.

    I noticed you mentioned some having sugar added to them. Not on the Night bazaar road.

    Not having a go at you at all, but i'm seriously into this, wanting only pure honey...but how do you know that is actual fact? There appears to be no easy way to tell.

    The NZ honey you mention is Manuka Honey..known for its better than your average honey in medicinal uses and benefits.

    Has a points system..1-10 i think and the higher the points the better.....also much higher cost, but thats life.

    You are right I have no way of knowing for sure. It is just that I have never heard any one else doubt there purity and I was only talking about the honey shop in The Night Bazaar. I had bought there before for the wife in her coffee.

    There is a farmers market Friday morning behind the Kalare food court. You can also access it through the Porn Ping I had bought a bottle of honey there and I am sure it was sugar sweetened. It poured almost as easy as milk. I gave the bottle away.

    A little curious as to why so much insistence on pure honey when there is so many different types of them? You do realize they will all not have the same affect on you or taste the same. Was there a particular reason for your search for honey. As I said I found a couple of articles claimiong it wass worse for you than sugar. But on the internet all things are possible.

    "A little curious as to why so much insistence on pure honey when there is so many different types of them"

    Yes there are many,many varieties of honey, but what's curious about wanting each and every one of those varieties to be 100% pure honey..if i want to eat palm sugar and water i would, but i don't want to ..i want honey ..a natural product produced by bees from nectar from flowers as it has been/should have been for thousands of years..Nectar becomes honey...end of story!!

    I've been eating a lot of honey [bit of a honey addict actually] for more than 50 years now...yes ,thank you,i do realise the taste is not the same..come on...really?

    Every area, every flower type gives a different taste,one of the reasons i love the stuff so much...so much variety and one of the better foods to ingest frequently [iMO]

    I honestly thought that i was buying and eating pure honey only [and up till fairly recently probably was] and only after reading on TV and googling i am finding out the deception that is occurring re; honey....and as i said, i'm really pissed off about it.

    This deception is now world wide not just Thailand...

    Totally. It is an amazing substance. Amazing flavours. We all have a craving for sweet things from the day we are born - but honey hits the button every time. you can taste the sugar syrups they add. Honey never goes off. I've seen manuka +15 and i think ultra rate is +20, for hospital grade. It's made in the stomach of the bee - and is what it is. nectar. 5million flowers per 1kg. now that's cool.

    I hate buying cut honey. Bored of petty pinching. Increase the price if demand goes up, but don't water the product down. krab. Stupid and a waste.

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  5. Hmm... I have found buying honey a problem. It's cut with syrup, which you can taste. Even otop honey from lotus has the distinctive taste of syrup and I think has been cut. There is no diy test. So, look for taste and the unique flavour and sweetness only honey has. Use a European honey as a benchmark so you know what to look for. I have jars and bottles of the stuff that I cannot eat. Good to make candy though. 55555

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