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Posts posted by moebius

  1. And what happens when the phone is stolen and used by a terrorist??

    Virtually all cellphones (mobiles) have keylock security which, if you don't utilize it, should foil anyone trying to use your phone who does not have the smarts to know what the service code default access code is (amazingly simple, really). :D

    Anyway...they steal your phone, can't access it through keylock, they log on to a phone unlock site, spend $6.95 US to get the access, it records a record of the transaction traceable by government class worm searches, and they localize where the e-transaction came from and send in the dark suits in the middle of the night. Better than having nothing at all, and much better than just having a bunch of stolen phones traceable to nobody. :D

    So, if you don't use the security features of your phone now, or don't register in the future, some black op will connect you to a terrorist action (in the eyes of the government), a la Brazil, and you will find yourself in a tricky situation. :D

    Ah, technology...ya' gotta love it... :D:D:D:o

  2. Correct me if I am wrong you pay the duty on said fags - should be able to keep em.  I know I've sent ciggies to blighty for me uncle and he got a letter from customs... u can either pay duty or forfeit.

    this is correct for heathrow had it happen to me with 3000 ciggs and that was 15 boxes, took up alot of baggage space. 50 cartons would be .5m2 that is a lot of space.

    all the same a good entertaining read

    No, in the UK if u dont declare them you get them confiscated,you cant even keep your 200 allowance. You dont pay duty on them you pay a fine for smuggling. You are welcome to declare them and pay duty.

    Its a bit silly to smuggle cigarettes from the Phillipines to Thailand, you wouldn't make much money. From Thailand or the Phillipines to the UK is quite lucrative.

    You can get about 70 cartons in a suitcase and be under the weight limit for most airlines. You can get more but have to pay excess baggage allowance.

    From experiences i've heard of its not a business to get involved in. It can have rather unpleasant results for the smuggler.

    i've still got the receipt they gave me, and unless things have changed this year i can assure you they gave me the chance to pay the duty and i also kept 200.

    however on susequent journeys i have been searched about 1 in 3 so maybe they keep a record or i've become very unlucky

    Ever wonder why your passport number is keyed in or scanned at immigration? ... :o

  3. I come from a town where guys have little else to do but get drunk, bump uglies to make more kids, and build muscle mass to fit the local ideal of "man".

    Combine this with steroids and you have the worst pub climate possible. It's enough for you to just stand there and enjoy a drink with your friends, for some over-sized pre-cromagnon p*sshead to determine you are looking at him, or his girlfriend, or somebody else, and decide to start a fight. This is my own, personal experience of steroids and steroid takers.

    Unfortunately, this is true, this is where general population meets steroid abuse and nothing good can come from it. Leave it to the profesional athletes!

    It's completely unregulated at the amatuer level which is what makes it dangerous. At the professional level its use is regulated, primarily for the purpose of injury recover as many anti-inflammatory drugs are steroid-based.

    As performance-enhancing goes, the gains can only be sustained by continued use, which any responsible or sports oriented physician would advise against. Unfortunately, greed plays a big part in decisionmaking everywhere. To allow any permissible amounts means science has to be able to measure quantity which isconsiderably more difficult than measuring for presence.

    Natural in this day and age is inconclusive. But I believe to allow or promote artificial athletes is detrimental, especially to young hopefulls making decisions about their futures. The athelete industry would change and as a result so would athletes - it already has, but it is still within some limits. Sure there are problems now, and there always will be. But let's keep the circus performers within in the rings and out of professional sports.

    ....just a couple of more ridiculous statements. As you may have guessed, I am not exactly a fan of 'roids.' The basic principle to me is: anyone willing to dishonour their body by sticking a needle into it for non-medicinal reasons doesn't deserve any accolades or laurels, and they certainly don't deserve a sanctioned stage to perform upon. :D

    So call me bias...because I am. :o

  4. just wonderin', do chess players on steriods to improve their brain power  :o

    Nope, definately not. :D

    Find this post rather bizarre as most who take steriods are not at the top of their sport and are unlikely to achieve anything significant by taking them. Those that are face life bans if they are caught.

    As for the long-term consequences of steriods, they are not fully understood as yet; therefore, a degree of risk is inevitable.

    I think your missing the point here....... there are many many champions at the top of their sport that are drug assisted already. People do take the risk of getting caught and some are, but there are a lot that are not.

    In many sports, athletes have are professionally managed with drugs.

    Dontbe surprised if your favourite champion of your favourite sport has been or is drug assisted..............

    Ive got to say that there has been extensive research on long term use of steroids, the risk is dramatically heightened if abuse is involved.......

    My point is steroids are misunderstood, probably as a result of negative media, general understanding and misinformation....... :D

    Quick gains, massive mass increase, agressive hormone imbalance, shortened career life, heavy eyebrows and cro-magnon features...

    Try growing up or living a sport life contending with this.

    Try living next door to this or having the end results in your family life and friendship circles.

    I don't have a real problem with performance enhancing means which have been studied and the effects responsibly conveyed to the users. Steriods haven't done this. I was raised to be and trained to be a professional athlete from the age of 10 (thanks dad). Many of my friends went the 'roid route.

    At 43 I can still play football with the young guys. It takes me a few more days to recover but I can still hole my own.

    My 'roid friends? They are f***ed up and finished by age 30.

    Since then I've watched 20 or so "kids" turn into 'roid boys.' They aren't even 30 yet and they are garbage. Just big, stupid, psychologically damaged pieces of crap.

    I smoke, so I declare it is every person's right to be as stupid as they like. Allow 'roids' into professional (who cares about baseball, really) sports as a sanctioned practice and you may as well tune into 'Gladiator' after midnight. No true talent. Just a bunch of five year bullheads.

    Face it guys (and gals), 'roids' are a malformation. Believe me, when you see natural and developed talent versus built up artificialism there is no comparison.

    You either have it, work for it, and exploit it while you have it, or take a sideline with a remote and a beer.


  5. :D

    Siemens M55 bought in China, 2003. :o

    TriBand, added language support, good sound quality, excellent battery life and range. Simple to use, trusty, reasonable storage capacity, and easy to manage addressbook using PC connection... and hasn't let me down after considerable abuse.

    Only use it for phone and messaging. :D

  6. It really is a waste and a shame. A willing volunteer prevented from helping Thai kids. Pity.

    didn't you once say that the government turned a blind eye to legitimate volunteer work doc?

    It's very silly overall. I volunteer in Canada and can provide more than adequate references to any organization. I could have easily given up two to three days a week teaching English or computer applications. :D

    But ask me to trust a blind eye and I look the other way. It just puts you someone's pocket. :o

    Not my loss...

  7. We are re-locating to China. :D

    I notice there is very little information about Customs duty or inspection procedures for moving household goods out of Thailand. :D

    For us it is mostly clothing, books, general stuff we have brought in from out of the country. No furniture or large items. :o

    Both moving companies I have spoken to do not offer a lot of information. :D

    Any tips or contact suggestions welcome. :D

  8. I sure hope they will control the Patong Tuk Tuk mafia, they not only have a very high fare, but they multiply it by the number of persons, so if you are taking a girl back to your hotel, it's double fare.

    Last time we were 4 people going from Soi Bangla to Phuket Palace, a short drive and he thought we should pay 400 bath for the trip. We walked home. :D

    You said it. :D

    First trip to Patong last month the taxis were lined up night after night clogging up the streets. No fares and for good reason. The rates they quote are ridiculous and even the locals advise us not to take them for trips to points where they might end up as our only transport back because then the price goes up on the return trip or you walk. :D

    I don't know where they get their business accumen. :o For the price of two quoted 10-15 km taxi rides we rented a van with driver recommended by the hotel from 10 AM to 6 PM. Stuck with us the whole day and the second day he even brought along his daughter to practice her English. For the kind of service he gave us we tipped (and tip) very, very well. :D

    Skip the taxis. Look to the locals. :D

  9. Ahhhhh.... It turns out that perhaps the Halls folks aren't quite as gullible as the hopeful "winners" that scribbled an "H" on a wrapper thought they might be. :o

    Published on June 10, 2005

    A Halls executive yesterday explained its Bt1-million cash prize campaign, after two women appealed to the Consumer Protection Board on Wednesday saying that the company had failed to deliver their prize money.

    Managing director Anat Julinthorn of Cadbury Adams (Thailand), the local manufacturer of the candy and cough drops, yesterday told The Nation that there were 17 distinguishing marks/signifiers – some detectable by eye, others that can only be detected by a microscope – on the winning Halls sweet wrappers.

    The distinguishing marks include a unique font style for the letter “H”, the words on the “H” wrapper being printed upside down, and a tiny “H” printed on the lower left-hand corner of the big “H”. The others will be announced in September once the campaign is over.

    Anat said the four winning wrappers were specially made and that he had secretly dropped each one into the machines during his regular factory visits.

    He added that there were still two prizes waiting for lucky winners.

    Wednesday’s claim is among some 20 made to the company, but the claimants have stepped back following the explanation of the wrapper criteria, he said, adding that the company had filed a complaint with police requesting they look into the case as its reputation is at stake.

    Okay, that's solved. :D

    :D THE burning question is: Where did the dancing Gif come from? :D

  10. To Sriracha and Boatabike:  What kind of gentle, constructive criticism do you suggest I offer newbies wanting to be English teachers in Thailand who blatantly can't spell or have horrible grammar

    Neckthai's English has miraculously (suspiciously?) improved since his/her first disastrous post, so perhaps there won't be any further need to express this opinion.  I don't think such advice is out of place here in the teacher's room, and if it discourages a few incompetents from the labour market here, so much the better.


    I certainly don't disagree with you in principal, Steven. I've seen my fair share of people that shouldn't be teaching.

    As for TV postings, there is usually a pattern throughout their post that shows a lack of understanding English that should preclude them from the profession and I didn't see it in this poster. I saw it as a one-off and something that was explained to my satisfaction way back on post #6 of this thread.

    As for her improving "suspiciously," it's likely that two things occurred. One, the condition reported in post#6 has been resolved. Two, no doubt she is certainly more aware of how critical some can be and is paying more attention.

    As for having something constructive to say for people with difficulty spelling is to tell them to run their posts through Word or similar program, prior to posting.

    Again, I do support your beliefs in having a modicum of English comprehension before teaching. :D

    Um...is that principal or principle? :o

    Really. I do agree in principle a teacher's forum should hold itself to some standard. But too high a standard exposes one and all to nitpicking. :D

    Understanding is principal in communication. Moreso than spelling or grammar - though both help. :D

  11. Color Me Beautiful


    Color for Men


    Does This Make Me Look Fat?


    if i'm a jeans/t shirt person, i would choose skirts, shirts, etc with a similar feel... not chicy boutique, or elegant but rather sport/elegant: cotton/permanent press, etc... sort of like wearing jeans but skirt like:  thingk: LLBean type stuff... if however u dressed frilly,flowy pants etc... then go for frilly flowy skirts/shirts... (not hippy/shanty style)... thai love colours and they're idea of proper colours for meetings etc is not our idea etc...

    also for the person going on about black on fat butts, it s not the color so much as the fit, type of material, and style of clothing u choose, even for men

    Excellent points! :D

    But the OT asked about colour so I thought I would chime in a little about colour. :o

    Was I going on about fat butts? :D Not my forte or my fashionable language of choice. :D

  12. Not going to get rich teaching abroad. :D

    Unless you are lucky enough or qualified enough to hook up with an international school which provides you a western style wage then you really should ask yourself what you are in this for.

    If the gf is love then you have choices to make. If not, and you want to haul the gf all over the world in your travels as a teacher abroad, then you will always be doubling up your visa fees and headaches. :D

    As for money and savings I've found: if you work in a major centre you can expect higher expenses and distractions, cost of living, etcetera. Just one of many reasons why I prefer rural-but-near-enough locations. My last five month term in China I still banked $2000USD on a $600USD a month wage. It's lifestyle and planning. :D

    Anyway, if you think you've been sold on a swan song then perhaps you were just looking for something or somewhere other than where you were. Have you considered going back to school? Always good for the mind. Often a good means to change occupation. :D

    Sure the demand is there, but so is a lot of bs. Sift and sort, sift and sort, give everyone a chance and keep on smiling. :D

    It's all about letting go. :o (Monty Python comes to mind here....)

  13. Hi there,

              I recently bought a notebook without a CD/DVD drive.I m thinking to buy a firewire or USB dvdrw drive.What i don't know whether i would be able to boot my notebook from an external usb/firewire dvd drive?

    Well I've seen backups on firewire drives boot as main OS on PC and Mac. Never bothered figuring out the details.

    I have yet to see it done with USB, though I have read in different forums that it can be done. And I have read claims a basic PC OS can be booted from a USB pen drive.

    On PC you specify your boot priority in the BIOS or you can hit f5 or f8 (can't remember!) to specify a boot drive.

    On Mac (under OSX) you can hold down a key sequence at boot-up (OSX.2.8 is Option Key) which allows you to specify your boot drive. See Apple/support for your particular OS versions for the key command sequence.

    BTW: if you connect and want to boot from a Firewire CD/DVD drive power Monty covered that issue quite well. It's all about power.

  14. Right, please people let's play 'nice' (or as nice as possible) now!

    Thanks kindly!

    "I Am The Great And Powerful Oz!!!"

    It's just my opinion. And I don't criticize every typo I see- make some myself. But I think even country schools in Thailand can do better than hire those candidates who have to spell phonetically (the way the OP obviously attempted to spell 'etiquette'). So call me an elitist!


    Hmm...my grandmother was one of seven sisters, all school teachers in the old English practice. Every time I used 'the language' in a manner not respectful I would get a good twist of the ear and a verbal slap. :D

    This must have had a residual effect on my thinking. :D While it is understandable people wish to save keystrokes, and internet and quick messaging is developing a phonetic language of it's own (no standards really), at some point anyone using shortcuts has to expect someone else to hold them to a standard - even if simply as an opinion. :D

    Apply that to fashion in the workplace - it's all about professionalism. Outside of the grind? Well, we cannot whip the slaves 24/7. Some things must be left to freedom of choice. How people wish to conduct themselves outside the demands of the 'prim and proper' world remains with them.

    Which is also how fashion works. But it's much difficult because schooling does not teach us to dress. Usually our background does.

    But fear not, fashion can be learned and can be fun to learn.

    A little primer: colours slim or add weight depending on your body shape and how you use contrasts of colours and tones to accentuate your desired affect, your appearance strengths, and to draw attention away from your weaknesses. Dark colours worn high with light or lighter colours worn low on a pear-shaped body will slim (if the clothes are not too tight and reveal rolls). Slight or slim people who wear dark low and light high add bulk to the overall appearance. However, the contrast between colors need not be extreme. You could end up looking shorter than you are! And apple-shapes should think lighter up top and darker down below. (Ajarn take note. Plus, don't shave and wear that dark shirt!)

    Tones which accentuate your skin tone and hair color generally add bulk while opposites will slim depending on their placement (upper, mid, lower body). Skin tones should recede from the the tone, not extrude. True fashion practioners see their accents as tones complimenting or contrasting or both. Going with a completely neutral color or tonal scheme may seem safe but choose colors carefully. Grey is always the safest neutral (boring but true) because each tonal scheme carries with it messages (power, excitement, control, casual, under or over statement, romantic, soft or hard presentation, subtlety versus bold, etc., ...).

    If you want to know what your colour scheme is, or should be, go to a beauty salon and ask (and pay) for advice. Beauticians and make-up artists understand schemes for skin and hair and body shape very well. They should be able to show you your colours on a chart - complimentary, contrasting, complete no-no's, etc... Pick what you like out their suggestions and then head out to a big clothing store and try on the different colour schemes. Ask people what they think. If you can dress to draw people's eyes to your eyes then you are winning.

    In an unknown evironment, subtle is safer, and sublte means soft. Dark and bold means power...not the best for delicate matters. Couturify your office attire by the personality you wish to portray, or one you feel is appropriate for the effect you need to portray.

    So, dress for the occasion, leave the red dress for evening attire, let the power tie (bright bold yellow or fire engine red) hang in the closet when negotiating without intending to intimidate, and you'll find life a little more interesting because you begin shaping your day, your moods, and the moods of others simply by having a little fun. Soften up a little and you can find yourself lifting your mood throughout the day. Those hot afternoons are much hotter in black and dark blue than beige and light yellow. And with that scheme a dark brown tie near your eye colour will get the ladies (or men if you like) talking. (Good outfit Scampy but the shorts for Moog poolside are a little understated. For the camera? Try dark brown semi-casual shorts and perhaps a dark blue and beige two-tone collared top...or go colourfull single or two-tone, even a Bermuda. ...just a thought.)

    Need some ideas?

    Depending on your monitor calibration, a fun site:


    Perhaps you should be aware of your colour perception first. A good reason to seek other opinions:


    Some guys I know never would have ever dreamed of wearing a pink shirt to work if they had not shopped with friends, tried new schemes, seen the affects, and so on... If you have a powerful figure and want to soften up your mean, muscular persona in that kindergarten class, pink goes over very well. If you have brilliant blond hair, well, maybe pink is not for you. A bit too bright overall. Glaring in some cases ...but one cannot generalize too much. It is all subjective, really.

    Some women I know never would have dreamed they would wear a light blue shirt because combined with a sublte change in their make-up hue(s) and their hair colour it turned them from clerk to banking professional as a first impression. We live, but we don't learn unless we try.

    Women can accessorize to soften or harden up the look in more sublte ways. Mind your shoes. Mind your buttons. Shoes say a lot. So do two undone buttons versus one; one being casual, two being alluring, three nearing a barfine. Guys, don't wear ties that say "I tied one on at Koa San Road" and if you can't tie a decent knot, find someone who can. (My first corporate job the receptionist on my floor met me every morning for weeks to re-tie my tie because she couldn't stand the site of me spending money on good clothes and yet still looking like a slob. I learned from her.)

    First impressions are established (recent study, wish I had the URL sorry) within the initial 5-30 seconds. Not much time to re-make that one! When I present myself to my classes for the first time, or come in to work meaning business, I dress the part. It is my uniform. I save the comfortable, warm personality clothing after I have gotten business out of the way and wish to gain a more intimate working relationship with my students or colleagues. I establish myself (though perhaps not as military as Merton).

    As a first day/unknown situation goes: crisp, clean, sharp and neutral (leaning to the dark side) is my established routine. I don't want to look bigger and grander than my employers - and I leave the expensive toys and accessories at home. A poor inner-city school? Tone it down but not too casual - taking your favorite senior citizen to a nice dinner where 'they' will be seen. A rich, wealthy international school? You are going to the bank for your first loan.

    Understand (and teach) the statements: comfortably at ease versus comfortably at attention and you may find the old school principles of posture come more easily. A poor posture can undo a great outfit and is also more tiring in the long run. And, for whomever's sake, spend a little more on good fabric! Comfort is always the key.

    ps: Use a napkin when you eat lunch. Pick your nose hairs (guys and gals) and mind your body (bawdy) hair and odour. Guys, let women or gay or metro friends dress you. Girls, don't let heterosexual men dress you! And, above all, don't look in the mirror as you dress! Wait for it!

    Just my humble opinion...

    :o ...jfc! I didn't check my spelling!

  15. I think the difference between bio-sexual and gay is that gay people in general can spell properly..

    Isn't Bios-exual an internet porn and PC user thing? :D

    A BasicInputOutputSystem? :D

    Okay, okay...

    Sure being bisexual means playing both sides of the fence, and bi-curious means just looking over one side or the other, but bisexual also means one can be attracted beyond sex and into intimate relationship with one or the other gender. Given the number of relationships one can have in a lifetime this is why some bisexuals are often called gay or universal humpers when they 'out' themselves to virtually anyone. Some are purely sexual driven, yes, but many are also genuinely attracted to people regardless of gender. :o

    The bio? Well I guess that's something new between you and your computer....:D


  16. Some people here have actually made some relative statements to a subject worthy of some discussion, though perhaps under a different topic header.


    Aside from that, and the touchy, feely ventures of straight guys into scampy territory, I really think three things about this whole thread:

    What is 'Scampy territory'? :D ...I can't wait to hear this. :D

    2. I thought the Gay Forum was for gays and gay issues relative to Thailand, not for straight guys to titillate themselves. Sure it's not a busy forum here on TV, but really...

    If you mean 'Gay's only' then no it isn't, just as men are allowed to post in the ladies forum providing they have a valid contribution to make, however, you can be forgiven for believing that seeing as none dared to venture into pastures gay until I lead the way with a silly title that would be sure to bait the curious posters, hopefully not too many trolls, and it worked.

    3. Substitute another group as the topic subject and see what kind of reactions you get.
    Something along the lines of 'Thai For A Day' has been done in the past, and who's to say the reactions here were bad anyway? ..It did okay mate. :D
    To be persecuted because of how you look or feel is a crime against humanity.

    To fight back or be hostile to persecution is human nature.

    Most of us know that, why care what the others think?

    I'm tolerant of those who are tolerant of others.
    Hmm, there are many minorities I don't tolerate that do tolerate me, potheads for example... Young spoiled children and alcoholics with no will power who have let their life go down the bog without a fight.
    Those who post or have posted in sincerity do deserve some credit for trying. It may have worked for me if it didn't carry the title it does.

    Granted, however I needed a daft title as the 'ice breaker' but we didn't come here to gatecrash or ransack. :D

    Good post BTW.

    Thanks. Every once in a while I find something good to copy out of a book. :o

    I think 'scampy' territory comes from the 'confused' sexuality statements made about you by other posties. It also sounds good. Please consider it a compliment. It may one day become a catchphrase to which you will get all the credit. NOI :D

    Gays for gay only is not wholly what I mean. I am someone who wades in to virtually everything - sometimes as participant, sometimes observer. My experience is: people often make light of issues which others can find very sensitive (spelling it right this time). A 'gay' forum is a great place to further promote tolerance for all, but also a great place for some to kick the crap out of some people's self esteem. :D

    I see something I respond. Hopefully not with a perceived knee-jerk reaction. While it's nice to see people having fun, I did feel it important to back up those who don't always share the humour.

    Anyway, I'm outta here...appreciate your sentiments. :D

  17. Some people here have actually made some relative statements to a subject worthy of some discussion, though perhaps under a different topic header.

    Aside from that, and the touchy, feely ventures of straight guys into scampy territory, I really think three things about this whole thread:

    1. PeaceBlondie is right on most counts and has my vote.

    2. I thought the Gay Forum was for gays and gay issues relative to Thailand, not for straight guys to titillate themselves. Sure it's not a busy forum here on TV, but really...

    3. Substitute another group as the topic subject and see what kind of reactions you get.

    And perhaps be sensative to history:

    Every right won was fought for, not given. :o

    To be persecuted because of how you look or feel is a crime against humanity.

    To fight back or be hostile to persecution is human nature.

    I'm tolerant of those who are tolerant of others. :D

    Those who post or have posted in sincerity do deserve some credit for trying. It may have worked for me if it didn't carry the title it does. :D

  18. it looks like this thread will be a doozy  :D  :o  :D

    So...Tornado, you started this thread and it appears that you are hoping that many people will view and post to it. Will you feel good about yourself and feel that you have accomplished something really great if its popular and feel a bit lonely and disheartened if not many people respond. Is this post a poll on your popularity here at TV?

    Just wondering.

    I've been too close to too many tornados to ever acqure a like for them! :D

    But I keep ending up near them for some reason... :D

    Ten months here.

    High: falling in love :D

    Low: condensed milk in my coffee :D

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