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Posts posted by bangkokpoppys

  1. I have no objection to people eating dogs for meat, or horses etc but farm the animals if you want to eat them - and process them with some basic principles in mind. The ingenious way of clamping jigs and mouth opening devices for feeding - never seen anything more brutal.

    Demand for cheap meat will not recede anytime soon, suppl of dogs is probably the best place to start and <deleted> surely this ties in beautifully with the Phuket soi dog reduction program?

    It'd be a great masters theais to sponsor - analysis in terms of financial, socio economic and also developing replacement strategies for incomes lost if the trade is stopped.

    It's screaming for success with careful planning and I reckon if you tapped up 10 high profile stars you'd get the $ to do something meaningful.

  2. Ever wondered why most Asians can eat all day and more and not get fat, yet you try do the same and pile it on?

    No, I've never wondered about this because it's not true. If Asians eat too much they'll get fat even easier than their taller non-Asian counterparts.

    Perhaps you're comparing older non-Asians (expats) to younger Asians?

    More comparing Expat to Asian (hat the word generally, but generally). They seem to have a more turbocharged metabolism vs the food intake they consume, not always healthy either. Maybe it's part of the eat less & eat more often routines that stop the hunger and keep the fire stoked?

  3. There is one surgeon I saw world famous for treating obesity whose analysis is initially on blood types (I was technically obese on the very lower end). It makes sense given the history of mankind and where the main groups of folk came from and what they were raised on. But everyone's different. Worked for me and the wife.

  4. There is a simple analogy that can help some folk - it's easier to put less in your tank than to spend hours in the gym. Too often we can eat our orses orf, akin to continually filling up your fuel tank in your car, but it's already full and you hardly drive it/use the fuel. I've successfully lost 13 kg from taking notes on blood group food association. Ever wondered why most Asians can eat all day and more and not get fat, yet you try do the same and pile it on? Most are not exercise freaks either. There are some great reading materials online and in bookstores about what foods certain blood types can digest more readily than others.

    Can also take discussion on fried foods Asians consume and cholesterol etc, nutrition is another discussion entirely!

  5. Selling the family van, it's Silver, reg for 11 pax though we've removed one row of seats for our purposes. Turbo diesel, new Bridgestone tyres, I've installed a Pioneer GPS/DVD in dash system with a rear 19" screen to keep the kids happy. It has 97,700 km on the clock and is in excellent condition. Full service books at Mercedes dealer. I will service the major service 100,000 at Benz before handover. A very comfortable and reliable vehicle. Selling as work circumstances have changed an a driver no longer required, need a smaller Vehicle that the wife can drive. price is 1,100,000 Will consider a trade with 7 seat SUV like Captiva. See pics attached any queries pls PM or reply to this post.


  6. It seems you knew the answer to your question already and the posts are validating that.

    Questionable, unreliable support from authorities - give it a go call them anyway if there is an issue. However it seems the best deployed strategy is improved physical security ie use bushed in front of your fences, lock your gates etc.

  7. It is good for America to remind Thailand in a polite way that it is lazy by comparison to Even Indonesia with regards to visible detergents to Terrorism. Indonesia had the horrible Bali bombings and also several others in Jakarta embassy areas to manage. The result has been increased stability and increased investment. Overall if Thailand can respond positively it will be a good thing in 5 years, just now it is alarming for me to be living I what America says is the hotbed of terrorism int he region. That's a big call given Indonesia's factions amongst their own folks and also the Philippines with their own macchinations. A country's intelligence service doesn't issue such notices willy-nilly. Highly embarrassing for Yingluck and no doubt also His Excellency would be none too pleased with it, however hopefully it can lead to some positive change. The current status of some Mafia groups here is really out of hand. But that's only what you see,

    Must be the iceberg 10% with the other 90% passing us by blissfully on motorbikes and pickup trucks.

  8. I don't know anyone that books trips in the destination country unless you're there staring into the eyeball of others

    "Hey Honey - would you like to go to Yangon this weekend?"

    "Sure, let's find a company there to book our flights and accom with."


    Aint gonna happen!

    Agree with the insurance, one event usually pays for the premiums in spades.

  9. Apart from the custom in this country, law enforcement needs improvement. It is or should be child molestation Thai or farang a simple definition needs enforcement. Like a lot of things it's a question of standards. The moment you start entertaining discussion from villagers, you've lost the argument.

    Lock up the bastard and the mother for even contemplating what she did to this innocent girl who is now scarred for life. Send a message to every other deviate that it's not ok, Thai or farang, and especially Farangs who come to Thailand looking for this kind of Thing.

    "you get what you settle for"

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  10. I would liek to offer my sincere condolences to the family of the woman who tragically died in this case, and also the mother to be and her family who lost their unborn child.

    Alive one minute, dead the next whislt shopping for furniture of all bloody things. Just aweful.

    i would hope that we all do our bit to prevent such happenings in this country. Sometimes it's a bit easy to say T.i.T. over the froth of our beers and participate from the peanut gallery. If we all offered a more mature demanding approach, perhaps we can save the next incident from happening.

    Or just sit back in Nana and Patt's bars saying T.i.T. for the rest of our lives...

  11. what are some of the other options of home care for young kids other than local unskilled 15000 thb kind? our kids are aussie and too much to handle for the locals who mean very well but can only look after kids to a point. has anyone have any au-pair experience for examplpe?

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