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Saudi Sid

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Posts posted by Saudi Sid

  1. I got married 3 years ago yesterday on paper but didn't do the village boiled egg eating, rice and water throwing, dancing like a <deleted> bit until the following June. Its not like the uk it doesn't all have to be done at the same time.

    All good advice. And on the Thai wedding bit be warying of the hanging money. Tradition is such that Thai guests attach rolled up money to the string around the bride and grooms heads, hands etc. There were some oohs and ahhs when my yank boss attached some rolled up 100 dollar bills to my Mrs followed by howls and chuckles when he did the same to me. 'Ah, all in the spirit of things', I thought.

    Then, after about three and all the wedding photos, my senile great aunt asks me, quietly, 'is it a farang tradition to have tampons hanging off your head'.


  2. .

    2. Will her lack of employment cause issues when looking at reasons to return to Thailand.

    And on number 2 it's just been agreed that on return to her village home she'll take care of her sister-in-law's 2 month old baby as well as help her mum while waiting for me. Not exactly returning to her previous paid job in a supermarket but at least she's working and has ties to her family. I will be sponsering her but I guess that has already been assumed.

    My own view is that she will have difficulties proving reason to return. The ECOs are aware that working the beach road is a wretched existence, fraught with dangers including violence both physical and sexual as well as drug abuse. And, logically, not a state that anyone would choose to return to.

    Also, I think that proving the family ties may help - however, the family ties were still there previously whilst your Lass was working the beach road. I personally think your best chance is , as you say, for her to return home and, again as you say, be with her family. I would also suggest she get a job quick smart. And, I would personally approach teh application that way IE she is a Lass living at home and working in a supermarket or similar.

    As I said, its a pathetic existence on the strip and if she is not there anymore, then why even go down that route? You can as simply say you met in Pattaya and leave it at that. She could have been there on a jolly. And , matey, keep in mind that the vast majority of visit visas are granted. But, again in my opinion, you run the risk of being in the minority unless you both take some wise steps.And also keep in mind that very few applicants are called in for an interview not just in Thailand biut worldwide.

    The poster known as 7by7 faced a similar issue in that his now wife was initially refused a visa as she was unable to prove adaquate reason to return. You might want to PM him and ask the details on why the application failed.

    All the best and good luck to you both. And I hope that both of you end up in a genuine, equal relationship. And, mate, be sure to think things through. A relationship based on one saving the other rarely succeeds - it leads, longterm, to resentment on one side and distrust on the other. We are all just human, afterall.

  3. the only thing wrong with being a prostitute is its illegal, apart from that its all right i guess. How can you say theres nothing wrong with it when its illegal in the country where she is doing it.

    I think you need to stop trying to score points, this thread is not about the legalities of prostitution.

    Their working patterns and pecking order, of which I'm not an expert, having nothing to do with this thread.

    I dont agree - I think my mucker, Marston, was trying to point out the varying levels of desperation that prostitutes face. And, in turn, assisting the OP in considering the whole situation.

  4. I would also say go for it. It will give you chance to get to know her and if she even likes England.

    You only live once mate.

    The only advice is do it right, if your unsure just ask or if your not that good with the paperwork side ask an agent.

    And the opposite side of the story would be you only live once, so live it wisely.

    And as for children...........don't you think it would be wise to find out if she drives you up the wall first?

    • Like 2
  5. OP seems a bit naive of his situation.

    Anyways, what makes you think that a masters degree in Computer Science is worthless in Germany? They don't use computers in Deutschland? I bet you will find many IT related masters degree workers at Deutsche Bahn.

    If anything is worthless it will be her lack of German work experience. That will make it more difficult for her to find an IT related job in Germany.

    The degree is from a university in Myanmar. Thats enough reason to make it basically worthless in Europe

    This is untrue. To assess UK comparability look on the NARIC system. I understand that Germany is indeed a superior nation (despite its heavy reliance on vocational education though) but it will show you the degree is not worth nothing.

    And none of the poo pooers have even asked if this is an acccredited university.......

  6. These changes look excellent to me. In particular with regards criminality and so called 'students' who are in the UK just to work via these dodgy English schools and, in the recent example, universities too.

    These include non-substantive changes for sponsors and migrants coming to the UK under the following routes of the points-based system:

    • Tier 1 - entrepreneurs and investors
    • Tier 2 - skilled workers, including changes for senior intra-company transfers
    • Tier 4 - students, including extending the interim limit
    • Tier 5 - temporary workers, including the requirements for the government-authorised exchange category and private servants in a diplomatic household
    • sponsorship - revised sponsorship guidance will be published in December

    In addition, there are changes to the rules affecting:


    • establishing a more robust and clear criminality framework to assess immigration applications against which immigration applications will be assessed
    • recalculating the length of time, based on the length of sentence, before we will revoke a deportation order
    • introduction of a re-entry ban, for some foreign national offenders who have been removed from the UK as part of a conditional caution and additional powers to end (curtail) a migrant’s visa or leave
    • creation of a ‘route’ for ex-armed forces to remain in the UK.


    • amendments to clarify the absences from the UK that are allowed during the continuous residence period for Tier 1 (General), Tier 2 and pre-points-based system work routes (for example work permits, self-employment and business person).

    Family and private life

    • minor changes to the child and parent routes to make them as clear and comprehensive as possible

  7. She will have finished a Masters degree in Myanmar (Computer Science), which I assume, is useless in Germany

    How very German of you....

    Does anybody have experiences how Myanmar people, or maybe SE Asians in general adapt to life in a western country?

    I assume you have lived in Myanmar to be marrying the lass who is still at uni? If so, have you been anywhere else in SE Asia? They are quite different countries, Hans.

  8. Mate, no visa required to visit an airport.

    Not taking the pish but I wish I had to ask questions like this. My Mrs and I spend half our lives in frigging airplanes and we both hate it.

    If I had my way, I would never go on one again. I'd take a <deleted> ship every couple of years between Thailand and the UK.

    International travel sucks .

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