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Posts posted by gburns57au

  1. Doesn't happen often (did Venus pass between us and the Sun recently?)

    ... but I agree with what gburns57au posted above ... now preceeding page!

    (apart from the comment about tax returns ... but that's neither here nor there ... merely an opinion).

    gburns57au (on this one) ... thumbsup.gif

    Tax return notice, the one they send you after your tax has been done........for people who are self employed or dont get payslips this may be the only proof of income they have.

    I seem to remember a previous discussion about this with David but cant recall the details......But I was told by DIAC that 6 months of payslips or the tax assessment notice (whatever it is called) was the preferred proof of income.

  2. [

    My post wasn't aimed at you as I agree with most of what you said and it is probably one of the few not 'i guess/i imagine' posts, sorry if you thought my reply after your post was aimed at you. =) Except this makes no sense "You need to show that you actually know her and have done for at least 4-6 months, relationship proof is not necessary at this stage. This is done through the chat history letters and photos, so they will need those." second part of the sentence contradicts the first and third, but sure it was a typo. smile.png I don't think the 4-6 months thing is concrete, but if you are in contact only once or twice a week then it probably is. If you are in daily contact, (as in my case), it is obviously viewed differently.

    What I was saying is that some of the information said on Thai Visa doesn't necessarily apply in every case, and isn't 'critical' as it is said time after time on here (ie you MUST know her for a long period of time, ie 6 months of more, you must have income in the bank etc etc), which were all things that I read before applying and it never came up, no call, no issue, application was approved, no work history no current job, only a letter from a hairdressing school thats it.

    Of course each application is individual and thus it makes it hard to predict what is and isn't needed. Family issues can be difficult, being sick doesn't necessarily mean someone can't temporarily look after them while they are away, there is also the financial support aspect (for why they would return).

    There are also likely applications that are 'half arsd', in complete, appear non genuine etc etc which may account for those being rejected (but how do we know). I can't see them rejecting an application that appears genuine, has a lot of time put into it and that has included everything that you could possibly include.


    As you quoted from my post I naturally took it that it was aimed at me. smile.png

    Anyways.......to clarify the point you raised.

    From others experience that have been posted here, it appears that 4-6 months of physically knowing the applicant is the minimum accepted by DIAC. You must have physically met the applicant, as against the "internet relationship" Internet time doesnt count toward knowing the applicant. Knowing the person can be supported by photos (the best proof) etc... Letters and chat history can be considered proof if they refer to physical meetings in the content.

    There is no need to declare a relationship for a tourist visa as it is a visa for family and friends. Declaring a relationship leaves DIAC with the option of saying " You should be applying for a partner visa not a tourist visa" on future applications for tourist visas. This has occurred in the past and can take a bit of getting around not to mention delaying the application process.

    As far as income is concerned, If the application is a stand alone one then the applicant will need to show that they have sufficient funds. If the applicant is being supported then money in the bank and income becomes less critical. My own partner showed no income and no funds as I fully supported her, no problems. Stacking a bank account can actually raise a flag with DIAC that the application may be questionable. If the applicant is being supported then the support person will need to show evidence of income (not money in the bank), this could be by payslips or tax return notice, if payslips are used they usually like to see 6 months worth, I presume because it shows continuous employment.

    Family issues as a reason to return are generally not accepted as they know that a lot of the applicants will go and work in the city or tourist areas and leave children at home in the villages for months at a time in the care of parents etc or leave sick rellies in the care of others....their view is that if the applicant can do that then overstaying on a tourist visa wouldnt be an issue for the applicant.

    Hope that assists.

    • Like 1
  3. I love how many people 'imagine', 'think' and otherwise about what would be required when they haven't even done it and have 'general guidelines'etc that mean squat. Everything said I wouldn't be able to get the visa the first time I applied for it with my ex and wow, was approved no fuss in 4 days.

    I've done it twice for an ex, first time I had known her 2 months and no issues and approved, second time same thing (and we were both 28). She was also unemployed at the time, no money in the bank and I was supporting her with a small 9k a month (living in CM).

    What they want to know.

    - that your relationship is genuine (if she is going to visit you, this is to make sure she isn't being trafficked, tricked etc), show photos, your history together etc (have her write a letter in support of her application and you can also add one), financial supports, example of daily contact etc (details don't matter)

    - don't worry about the financial stuff if you are providing financial and housing support. You can give her a signed statutory declaration saying you are taking care of all her expenses, ensure she will have medical insurance etc.

    - in her supporting letter say why she wants to return to Thailand, ie she has family she needs to support, old parents that need looking after, she's developing a business or whatever the case may be. In my case she was studying hairdressing, but also said she needs to look after her family. Also in your stat dec, say you will ensure she abides by her visa conditions and returns to thailand before the expiration of her visa (it's a legal document, if you don't do it then you can also get chased up about it).

    The biggest issue I have seen with people complaining about denied visa's is...age gap, lack of supporting evidence (ie just fill out the form, the more information you put the better, even if it is not needed) and the perceived likely hood of over staying (as 'sponsor' is older, settled down etc etc (all subjective of course)).

    Just put as much info as you can, don't be scared of people saying you need to know them 12 months etc etc, in her letter write why she wants to visit australia (not just to visit you, but to travel, see where her bf lives, experience the difference in culture all that stuff).

    The application needs to be as complete and sincere as possible, it needs to be genuine and not generic.

    Good luck.

    "The land ownership papers are good evidence for reason to return. That letter from her ex employer is useless as is motorbike regos. children and relatives, even sick ones are not considered to be reasons to return."

    From yoru personal experience, or you just making it up? My experience would suggest otherwise.

    Why would I make something up.....I have been on this forum a long time discussing visa issues for which I received an award from this site......the information is garnered from not just my own but also other peoples experiences as well as advice from DIAC.

    For instance.....If there is a sick relative.....who will look after the relative while you are away?...if someone is available to tend for them then there is no reason to return.....If there is no one to look after them then you shouldnt be going in the first place....you need to understand the way DIAC looks at things.

    • Like 2
  4. 1. yes

    2. 888 forms and others.....quality of application not quantity.....the required number of 888's with a couple of extra statements is sufficient

    3. Form 80......only submit if asked for by the embassy

    4. Time frames........the actual time for processing is less than stated by DIAC....however, each application is different and times can vary, most are done in less than 6 months according to reports on here.

    5. Translations.....any Thai documents submitted will need to be translated

    6. Yes you can apply for tourist visa during the application process, however this may delay the application process and the partner will need to be in Thailand for the visa grant. Discuss it with the case officer as suggested

  5. I met another Aussie guy recently who said his wife got a 12-month tourist visa for Australia. From what I've heard, it seems to be a rare but not unheard of phenomenon. I often wonder what kind of logic the visa-issuing officers use.....my wife got a 3-month visa with the "no extension of stay" condition attached to it.

    More than likely he was talking about a 12 month multi entry which are not as rare as a 12 month single entry.

  6. I dont think that he can apply in CM......Applications need to be done at the VFS office in Bangkok or at the Embassy, applications can be couriered to there. He can apply for a 676 visa as a stand alone applicant but he will need to meet the criteria which will include having sufficient funds for the holiday. You can do the family sponsored visa but you may need to put up a bond. A 6 month visa is not guaranteed so you may need to adjust your plans accordingly if a visa is granted.

  7. Why do you need to change her maiden name? There is no legal requirement for that.

    However if she does change names then just ensure that the name being used is the same on all her docs that have been generated since the marriage. Especially travel and visa docs.

    Documents with the maiden name such as phone bills etc will be acceptable with the change of name and marriage certificate included in the application

  8. She only needs money in the bank if she is doing a stand alone application, there is no guideline as to how much that should be...land ownership does count as a reason to return. So long as he can meet the requirement or has someone who does for the financial support then her application has as much chance as anyones

  9. Darren,

    You need to show that you actually know her and have done for at least 4-6 months, relationship proof is not necessary at this stage. This is done through the chat history letters and photos, so they will need those.

    If you are supporting her financially you will need to fill out the additional funds provider question on the form, you will also need to show at least 6 months of payslips or proof of income if self employed. A tax.return receipt that they issue after your tax is done is also good evidence of employment and income. Someone else can support her but will need to meet the criteria as well. She doesnt need money in the bank if she is being supported. Also include receipts of any monies sent to her, Westrn Union receipts for example.

    The land ownership papers are good evidence for reason to return. That letter from her ex employer is useless as is motorbike regos. children and relatives, even sick ones are not considered to be reasons to return.

    In the letter of support outline the support given, financial, accomadation, medical etc.

  10. As you have been appointed a consultant to assist you with the move, I think you may find that there will be a certain reluctance for people to comment as it may conflict with your consultants advice. Remember too that your consultant will not be looking at the cheaper options for you as you are not paying his fees, he may be a little more fee driven :)

    As to point 2......the father merely needs to write a letter giving permission for the daughter to travel out of the country....however if you can get him to do it as a Stat Dec at the local Amphur then it may be be better option.

    Medical costs per hospital will differ by sometimes quite an amount...you could shop around for a ballpark figure or you can wait till it is done and ask at the hospital that is used

  11. You will both need to apply for a 676 visa for Australia (I believe thet US citizens can get an E visa which is cheaper and quicker to get) and apply for the appropiate NZ visa as well. If your is travelling on Thai passport then she will need to apply the Oz embassy for her visa as mentioned by Edwin

    Where you live, your marital status etc has no bearing on obtaining an Oz visa.

    Her travel history will assist as it shows compliance with other visas.

  12. No wind up david just busy with work.

    Nothing has been decided yet and my TGF is fine either way it goes. Song has a job but only gets 10k a month and her bank balance is only sitting at 32k so money wise it a no go imo for her to stand on her own.

    Proof of relationship between her and jay

    Stat dec from me

    A few emails

    Phone records

    Skype records

    3 photos clearly showing faces

    Only problem here is it will only be 5 months proof.

    I have talked to Jay about how my involement might cause problems for me in future so he wont let me do it if some harm comes from it.

    Reason to return

    Letter from employer

    Family ties

    Still have time to decide what to do, tho it would have been easier to do it next week while we are both in BKK.

    No harm in attempting to get a visa if unsuccesful he just flys tp thailand.

    Forgive any errors please written from iphone.

    5 months proof is generally sufficient to show you know someone as long as there has been a physical proven meeting, by that I dont mean a dinner date alone but time spent in company such you would over the course of a holiday. Internet or mail contact alone will not be considered.

  13. First thing.....forget the word "sponsor".....a sponsor is not required for a visitor visa.

    If she doesnt have enough funds for a stand alone application then she will require an additional funds provider who will have to provide proof of income, this can be provided by anyone. However if you support the application then you will need to show proof that you actually know her. There wouldnt be a problem with the American supporting her application. She will also need to meet the criteria including a reason to return to Thailand.

    As to future applications for your girl, it may raise some questions with the next application that you support.

    Being American does not add anything to an application, each application is judged on its own merits not on the status of the application support person.

  14. Well, although we requested a 6 month visa, my wife only got a 3 month visa.

    When we apply for her Migration Visa, I guess we will ask what kind of visa she can come to Australia on while the Migration Visa is being processed.....if there IS such a type of visa. I phoned Immigration here in Oz and they said that a Tourist visa is indicated for this kind of thing, and that it is up to the discretion of the embassy in Bangkok. Great. Once again I'm at the mercy of condescending bureaucrats who can randomly throw a spanner into the workings of my personal life.

    I'm still trying to decide which is best : to apply in Thailand or in Oz. The cost is $2000 in Thailand and $3000 in Oz, but any saving will be eaten up by her having to return for an interview.

    There IS some kind of interview involved, isn't there ???

    If the no further stay condition is applied to her current visa then she cant apply for a spouse visa in Oz.

    Yes generally an interview is conducted for the spouse visa.

  15. 1. No.....it is her aplication, you being there makes no difference

    2. No.....the new visa cancels the old one

    3. No.....Just update the new application evidence, eg photos of her in Oz and tick the 12 month box on the App.

    4. you can outline an itinery if you want.......upto you.

    All she can do is follow the response to number three and take her chances on getting a 12 month ME.....it is at the discretion of the embassy as to what they grant. And it is not a given

    Thanks gburns. Just on point #1, let's take my presence out of the equation. Do you think it makes a better impression if my GF makes an appointment & submits her visa application to the embassy in person, or would it make no difference if she simply posted to application in?

    No difference at all....each application is judged on its own merit, the delivery is unimportant.....The VFS office at CC towers is also good for lodging as they will look over the application and then advice if further info maybe required.

  16. 1. No.....it is her aplication, you being there makes no difference

    2. No.....the new visa cancels the old one

    3. No.....Just update the new application evidence, eg photos of her in Oz and tick the 12 month box on the App.

    4. you can outline an itinery if you want.......upto you.

    All she can do is follow the response to number three and take her chances on getting a 12 month ME.....it is at the discretion of the embassy as to what they grant. And it is not a given

  17. You actually don't need to live in aus while waiting for permanent residency. Strange as it sounds but it's there in b&w on their website. You will still need to meet the criteria for an ongoing marriage when supplying the info when they request it after 2 years. However once you have residency you'll need to apply for a residents return visa if you leave. This is for 5 years. But you won't be given a second one unless you've spent the majority of time in aus. The exact time spent offshore is available on the immi website. There's really not much to gain if you have no intention of living in aus.

    You only need to apply for an RRV after the initial 5 year period after PR grant has expired.

  18. Yes my wife has had the medical in Australia the report is being mailed to me next week I want to make sure I can forward it to the embassy in thailand or to immigration in Australia a website I read said she needs to have it done in Thailand and her case officer said we can do it to in Australia I'm confused there are so many different answers to the same question



    Send it to them......if they require anything further, they will tell you

  19. Hi LD

    I would apply for a 12 month stay and just say that your wife would like another visit later on during the year. I wouldn't mentioned applying for a spouse visa.

    If you get really lucky, you might get the 12 month multi-entry visa without 8503 (no further stay) condition. You can then apply onshore on one of her visits.

    You've mentioned that you spoke to Immigration. If you did mention lodging a spouse visa, it may have been noted on file which would then make it more than likely that 8503 will be given. If it is, then your idea of lodging a spouse visa first after the toursit visa may be the best way to go.

    All the best.




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