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Posts posted by dakineto

  1. I'm with an agency from Bangkok which sent me to a school in another province.  My work permit and visa is from Bangkok, my paperwork prepared by the agency.

    Now the agency says there's a new rule from the labour office that allows a second location in the work permit for 3 months only, after that you would have to apply again.

    Means my visa and work permit need to be registered in my province. My school said there's no new rule and wants me to stay with the agency. No one in my school has experience with the paperwork involved.

    Anyone heard of this new rule?

  2.  The situation: Non B (for teacher) expires end of March, work permit expires in August (due to teacher license renewal).

    Now the new NON B  - to be issued end of March - will expire in August when the work permit expires according to school. New visa required again.

    Then the new NON B from August would expire again end of March 2018 with the end of the contract.

    My questions: The new work permit will be renewed for one year or expires with end of visa Mach 2018?

    If it's renewed for one year then that game will go on forever, two visas per year.

    What to do?



  3. That is how it is done now. If you don't have a year left on your passport when you appy your extension will only be valid up to the date your passport expires and you have to apply for the extension again when the shortened extension ends.

    I surely can apply for a new extension at my immigration?

    I'm just wondering why there's stamped in my passport, under the granted shortened extension:

    Holder must leave the kingdom within the date specified herein, offenders will be prosecuted.

  4. My passport expires in September, the visa expired in April. I got in March my under consideration stamp for new NON O extension. Meanwhile I got my new passport. When I got back to immigration, the old visas were transferred, but the new extension expires in October 2014, not April 2015.

    They said as I started that process with the old passport, the visa is related to the old one and therefore only valid till October and I have to start all over again and come back there in August.

  5. Thanks for all the answers.

    I would like to apply for a muliple entry non O.

    So if I go to Bangkok, I need my wife and child to go with me and to show 400k in a Thai bank account and it would have to be there for 60 days? Or just later?

    I just transferred money to Thailand and it would - when I apply- be there for just one month.

    Or better go to Savannakhet? No financials to show and no Thai wife needs to accompany me.

  6. I'm married with one child in Thailand and want to apply for a Non O marriage visa. I'm now here on a tourist visa.

    Now I read that to show proof of 400,000 Baht in a bank account is not an option anymore as the rule was changed.

    You have to show a combined income of at least 40,000 Baht.

    Can someone confirm this? Without monthly income no Non O?

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