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  1. Just because you do it, or someone says it's ok, doesn't make it ok. Test your sugar and see if it's elevated or not if you really want to know. Much of the info I have received from the medical field over the years has been flat-out false. Ex. Eating "sugar-free: can be very detrimental. Check the carbohydrate content of sugar-free ice cream vs regular ice cream if you want an eye-opener (and I'm not recommending eating regular ice cream!). An A1C of 6 means your average blood sugar is 126/7 which is not terrible, but definitely diabetic in range vs normal blood sugar levels of a non-diabetic. And that is an average, so you blood sugar levels could be much higher and much lower at some points.
  2. There is not a simple answer to your question since you are type 2. Test your blood sugar 1 hour after eating your fruit - if it's over 150(US measurement) it's a no go. Diabetes basically means your body is carbohydrate intolerant. Type 2 can vary from severe to mild. I've been Type 1 for 48 years. An A1C of 6.0 is not terrible, but it does mean you are definitely diabetic.
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