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Posts posted by bananafarang

  1. Again, as a widow of an American veteran, she can get medical expenses here reimbursed.  You have to pay up front, and it takes months to get reimbursed, but they cover up to 70% or so of most procedures.  Not sure about meds.


    This sounds like something she can definitely utilize in the future. Do you have any more information? How can she find out the eligibility and what is the process of application?

  2. I obviously don't know any of the specifics; however, attempting to find out a bit more about her preference to not rely on the daughter-in-law does not make sense on the surface.

    Perhaps you can explore whether her thinking is rational on this topic since her life here for the next several months would be much easier if she could rely on a local Thai woman.

    I will be the first to say I do not know the specific circumstances.

    One last question: Did the son have no farang friends? Has no one from his "group" stepped up to help their mates mom?


    I agree the best scenario is for her to stay with her daughter in law for a while. It is also hard to believe that she does not have any family and friends that could help her. Also it seems her son made no connection with his other side of his heritage here. I am not sure of other farangs. So far nobody has "stepped up" to help. I have been here couple years and I have never met him or heard of him. 

  3. Hello everyone.


    Thanks for all the advice and offer of support. I have been out of town few days and unable to respond. 


    It seems that we (My friend and I) need to approach this matter in short and long term and I would appreciate any information regarding questions presented below. 


    Short Term: Extend her visa stay at least 3 to 6 month and find a place to stay for her. 


    Short term:


    We need to extend her visa. Since the crackdown on border run, I see only two options.


    - Fly over to Malaysia and apply for 3 month tourist visa. This creates a problem of traveling which she is not capable of doing alone. 


    - Apply for retirement extension. She does not have enough funds of 800k  or 65k a month requirement. But I believe she can get 3 month Non visa when she applies for the extension. This would buy her time.  Any info about this would be appreciated. Another option is to get income statement from Embassy. I don't think she need proof of income for this. Just sworn statement. Hopefully immigration will accept the certificate of income without the proof. 


    - Find a place to stay while she is in Thailand. She doesn't not want to stay with her daughter in law for reasons I am not clear. I have looked into some sites that posters have offered. I would like to find a place in Chiang Mai. Any info will be appreciated.  This most likely be a short term stay of 2 to 6 month. 


    Long term:


    - Get a flight ticket back to States. My friend is trying to locate the fund ($10k) she wired to her son. Her daughter in law is not aware of the transfer. Locating the fund would be crucial for her coming expense. 


    - Find a person or agency who can receive her at the airport and help her transition to permanent home. This would require finding a short stay and evaluating her medical and financial status to choose the right option for her. This presents the greatest challenge and any help/info would be highly appreciated.  My friend called one of her friend in California but she refused to get involved. I have also called her brother in Korea and he has his own problem to deal with (his wife is in intensive care with brain hemorrhage). I have called president of Korean Community Association of Sacramento for help (Elderly lady is Korean American). He will present this to his community for support and help. I am to call him again tonight. 


    Today, I will be meeting my friend and the lady. I will try to get more detailed personal information, specially her medical condition.  So far I have very limited information about her.Only that she was married to Vietnam veteran and her combined income from her deceased husband's pension and her SSA is $1800. 



    Thank you again for your support. 


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  4. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


    I don't understand how she can have no friends or acquaintances back home.

    This doesn't sound right...no friends of the deceased husband? No church?

    Ofcourse, I am not saying she is not truthful...but hopefully there is someone she can trust.

    Unfortunately, with no honest person to look out for her back in the US, she runs such a high risk of being victimized for what savings she has left.

    If her son had been here 10 years and moved his mother over with the intention of her remaining here then she must be on what type of visa?

    Perhaps NeverSure has some understanding of processing times for assisted living and the California Assistance Program but I would expect it takes some time to get coordinated. Personally, I think she would be best off remaining in her sons home for the next 1-2 months while she gets a better handle on her grief and her circumstance minus the one person she was going to rely on. During this time, she can be near her son's memory and belongings to help her grief.
    As someone pointed out, she can compensate the wife for her hospitality and hopefully you will be kind enough to look in on her.

    Seems like holding tight for the time being here would be much cheaper than a hotel in California and give her time to get over shock.

    I am kind of surprised you only have a few posts and to be hit with such an unlikely event like this.
    What made you think to post on TV?

    I am also perplexed as to why she has nobody for support in the states. She may not remember. She arrived on 30 entry visa. I suspect her son had not thought through regarding visa. 

    I turned to TV in desperation. Hoping someone would provide useful information since I am totally lost as to course of action. 

  5. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


    If the son who died is a US citizen then the US embassy will already be involved in the case. 


    It is a matter of bringing the mother's plight to the attention of the officer who deals with the son's case. 

    Embassy was notified of his death but I am not sure they are aware of her plight. I couldn't call them Friday (July 4th). I will call them Monday and ask if there is anything they can do.

  6. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


    If she was to return to California, she can apply for Medi-Cal in the last county she resided in.  However, her income of $1800 a month puts her above the level of free service with the State which is around $700 a month. Maybe even less.  She can not have more than $2000 in the bank including property assets which it sounds she does not have.  With her monthly income she can survive.  She'll need to rent a room not a house or an apartment and there are many places where that be done but there is a long waiting list.  Someone will need to take her in until she can find a place.  Don't know of anyone. Might look and even write to the Council on Aging in Sacramento County.  Their name may have changed in recent months.  Best advice I can give.

    I have looked into the Medi-Cal program in California. It seems there is way for her apply for this program even with her income provided she pay for share of the cost. I am still looking into it further. 

  7. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


    I know the OP said that she had no friends and family in the USA but I wonder if she belonged to a church back home.  If so, perhaps contacting the minister in residence at the US church could shed some more light on her situation.  Also, if she transfered funds to Thailand, there will be a record at her bank in the USA.  At least it will be able to tell her if the funds were received, by whom, and at which bank and branch.  I feel sad for the woman, having lost her only son, and so soon after reuniting with him.  Even though life in Thailand can be substantially cheaper than the US, healthcare insurance at her age will be virtually impossible in Thailand, but in the USA, Medicare will take care of most issues, including longterm care, if it comes to that.  

    It is hard to believe that she has not family or friends to contact back home. However, she was persistent that she has none. She said she sometimes attended church but can't remember the name. I am trying to locate the church and hoping somebody can tell me more about her background. As I posted in my original message, she has mild case of dementia and need to repeat things several times. For example, she can't remember things I told her and had to repeat it over and over. 

  8. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


    Beachproperty raises a valid option. There's lots of aged care facilities in Thailand set up to cater for elderly western folks.

    If this lady really has no family to help her back in the US, perhaps a Thai care home is a good option. Lots on google about it.




    Best of luck anyway.

    This maybe an option to consider. We will look into it. Meanwhile if anybody have any info regarding care facilities for foreigners, it will be great help. 



  9. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


    Sad story....

    If I understand correctly ......her situation seems to be that she has no one (other than daughter in law now ....grandchildren?), and very little money but an income of $1800/month.


    Question #1. 

    Does she get along with her daughter in law (son's Thai wife)...


    Question #2.

    Are there grandchildren?


    Reason I ask ... And I know your OP is about moving her back to the US ...BUT........ it may be better for her to consider living in Thailand for a number of reasons....Cheaper to live, Daughter-in-law seems to be the nearest thing to a living relative to help her out, and if there are grandchildren I'm sure she's like to be near them (or even live in the same house as the daughter-in-law and family)


    I'm sure if she paid, say 20,000 baht a month, to the daughter in law,  she would have an immensely better life than living in a state run care facility in the US (Private assisted care facilities run $3350/month   http://www.seniorhomes.com/c/ca/sacramento/assisted-living/). AND if she lived in THailand with the daughter-in-law  she would have money left over each month for whatever!


    Just a thought .....with the limited facts given....

    Whatever though ....I wish her the best and spot on bananafarang for helping out (curious though as to the connection of  the friend who contacted you to help this women ).



    She has visited Thailand for short while before and have met her daughter in law.  I am not sure how close they are but her daughter in law seem nice enough. One problem is she doesn't want to live in Thailand without her son. Mainly because she does not understand the language and she feel like a stranger here. Another problem with her staying in Thailand is health. This is my opinion but from what I have seen, she is not well. She will need some medical care in the future and she cannot receive Medicare in Thailand.  Also, she does not have any grandchildren in Thailand. 

    • Like 1
  10. Thanks for the ideas.  


    Just went to her son's funeral yesterday. She is still in shock and doesn't know what to do about her future. We tried to calm her down and asked few questions about her situation, particularly her financial situation since this will be crucial.  With her diseased husband's pension and her social security combines about $1800 a month. She wire transfer $20k to her son but his thai wife does't know about it.  It's possible the wife is not telling the truth or he didn't tell her wife about the transfer. My friend is trying to find about the account.


    Since she has some income, I think she can choose either assisted living or home care option. The key is sending her back to California and finding someone who can help her find the right option. Since she has no friends or family member, this is becoming a challenge. I am trying to find a local church where she lived (Sacramento) for help.  


    Any more ideas or advice will be greatly appreciated.



  11. I am not sure where to turn to for some advice. Here is the situation.



    Yesterday I received a call from a friend asking for assistance regarding an elderly lady. So I drove over to his office and there sits 70ish looking woman. She arrived at Bangkok last week from California. She was greeted by her 51 year old son. She had sold everything and decided to move to Thailand to stay with her only son. They decided to stay overnight in the hotel before proceeding to where her son lived. Her son has been in Thailand over 10 years and living with his Thai wife. Before going to to bed, he took some medicine for cold and had a beer. Next morning when she woke up, she found his son dead. The hospital concluded that he had an heart attack. 


    Needless to say the poor old lady was in shock. When I saw her she was barely able to talk without crying. She says she has no family or friends to go back to. She has no home in the states. Understandably she is terrified of her certain plight awaiting her. She doesn't want to stay in Thailand. Also it would be difficult even she wants to stay due to language, food, visa , etc., problems. She is fragile and suffers from mild dementia. She also has very high blood pressure which effects her movement greatly. I am not sure of her financial situation but it does't look good.  My friend and I are trying to figure out what to do about her. We will call the embassy tomorrow and see if they offer some help or advice. 





    Now here is couple of questions:


    - Are there any federal or state run nursing or elderly care homes in California? 

    - If so what is the process involved? 

    - What is the eligibility?

    - What is the running price for modest nursing/elderly care homes? 


    This is sad and tragic event. If someone can provide some useful information regarding her moving back to states and find a place to stay, it would be greatly appreciated. 






  12. I want to change my retirement extension status to ED visa. What are the options?

    - Can I change to ED visa while my retirement extension is still active or do I need to let it run out and apply ED afterwards?

    - Will there be any issues with owning condo or vehicle with ED visa as I have both.

    - Can you still keep your bank account?

    The reason is I want to study Thai and don't see the point in freezing 800k in the bank.


  13. You need to go to Vientiane or Savannakhet in Laos to obtain a 2 entry visa valid for 3 months. It is issued in two days (apply in morning and get next workday afternoon). You entry for 60 and extend 30 but exit/return before expiration of visa to do the same a second time.

    Does this apply only for western passport holders? My g/f is Chinese and she needs to apply for new tourist visa soon. Can she do this in Laos?

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