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Posts posted by pinfold

  1. But we farang should have carte blanche to settle where we like and be welcomed, we improve the conditions anywhere we go with our superior knowledge so freely dispensed to all and sundry, all this is our god-given right as superior beings!

    There is something to this post that does strike a chord. Not that God was an Englishman,but the fact Thailand was never colonised was to its disadvantage,wherever the British colonised in the world they generally left a well organised and prosperous nation(what happened afterwards is not for comment)

    The screaming comments a few years back from the editor of The Nation lamenting his fellow Thai to being 50 years behind the thinking pattern of neighbouring countries due to the above raised a few laughs.

    Thailand nearly made it,if the aircraft carrier accompanying the Repulse and Prince of Wales had not rammed the reef,if Churchill had has his way and declared Thailand an enemy of the people after WW2,all would be so different,still Thailand staggers on leaderless,2015 I guess will be Thailand's watershed.

    Yes Muslims in Malaysia,and the greater Indonesia pose problems,just ring fence the sods ,give them independence ie starve the sods,they are incapable of anything,the only way Indonesia is going is down the toilet. Always said Islam is a world wide club,joining qualifications are for the thickest,bone idle,dumbed down sods in the universe

  2. For me personally,its entrapment,try getting the girlfriend (not bar type) or wife into the EEC now.


    Please explain in detail, no idea what you might be trying to express here.



    >I feel sorry for a Thai woman closing on 50, taken care of Farang all these years and the rug gets pulled.


    If her long-term farang hubby hasn't provided for her long-term care when he pulls the plug, then yes, feel sorry for both of them.

    Most of my friends in this unfortunate situation have done so, some more voluntarily than others.

    Sat down more than a few times with visa"experts",getting visa for EEC is on a par with the UK ,if not harder. Anyway plan A takes off soon,buying the adobe in Canaries,which as suggested as more than necessary move to getting consideration for Thai companion/wife accompaniment (yes, I do like being looked after)

    At the end of the day another day spent in Thailand is another day wasted,just want an end to the nightmare,was washed up on these shores,no choice,just want out now

    Good luck I hope it all works out for both of you but don't forget you can live in a bubble anywhere.

    In a way people make their own luck,Ive been lucky through the majority of life,but now I'm fed up,need a sea change. Was hoping that something here in Thailand would have forced my hand a year or two ago,something like visa change for the long term residents and personally I think that is likely to happen in the not too distant future,more so now the western currencies are getting onto be worthless against the Baht,nothing more embarrassing than watching farang searching out the bargain bin in Big C,gees it looks bad

  3. Visa requirements have been ratcheted up,anyway no way I want to live in the UK any more,need European visa for Thai partner

    Travelled up and down the Costa's,makes depressing viewing,but those villas sure look cheap, but it is climate that I'm looking for, likened to paradise that warm breeze in Canaries and yes cheapo flights to sp

  4. For me personally,its entrapment,try getting the girlfriend (not bar type) or wife into the EEC now.


    Please explain in detail, no idea what you might be trying to express here.



    >I feel sorry for a Thai woman closing on 50, taken care of Farang all these years and the rug gets pulled.


    If her long-term farang hubby hasn't provided for her long-term care when he pulls the plug, then yes, feel sorry for both of them.

    Most of my friends in this unfortunate situation have done so, some more voluntarily than others. wink.png

    Sat down more than a few times with visa"experts",getting visa for EEC is on a par with the UK ,if not harder. Anyway plan A takes off soon,buying the adobe in Canaries,which as suggested as more than necessary move to getting consideration for Thai companion/wife accompaniment (yes, I do like being looked after)

    At the end of the day another day spent in Thailand is another day wasted,just want an end to the nightmare,was washed up on these shores,no choice,just want out now

  5. The endless flow of farang out of Thailand may suggest something

    Fear not, there's an endless stream of guavas waiting to get on the plane to move here, and always will.

    Unfortunately they often go sour in the heat very quickly.

    Sad but true. For every disgruntled farang that leaves, two comes to take his place. The cycle of whining/whinging never ends!

    For me personally,its entrapment,try getting the girlfriend(not bar type) or wife into the EEC now. The UK was not on my planned for destinations,but Canaries was,and still is.Wonderful climate,wonderful place for retirement. Not the Baht strength for me,got more than enough to carry me through to the next lifetime,but the general attitude of Thailand for me anyway its getting oppressive. I feel sorry for a Thai woman closing on 50 ,taken care of Farang all these years and the rug gets pulled.

    Now for those who "love" Thailand yes, you have to protect your thinking pattern,anything that rocks your boat,rocks your world,glad thoughts of getting deep into Thailand by buying this and that years ago evaporated on the bar stool,the packed suitcase at the end of the bed acted as a sort of anti-depressant

  6. Thailand makes for me an increasingly uncomfortable experience,be it yearly visa,90 day reporting ,rising Bat, the welcome mat being spread thinly until its all about being threadbare Have a Thai partner that is no longer allowed into Europe makes it feel as Thailand is now a prison,and my sojourns out of Thailand are getting more frequent and more prolonged

    Id rather drink my San Miguel on a Lanzorete beach than here any day of the week. The endless flow of farang out of Thailand may suggest something and yes is difficult to escape the general flow of farang talk,just avoid it,keep head down and when times up do the great escape,bit diff though with roots down,(have to get the spade out)

  7. Trying to overcoming cultural conditioning and rising above a slave state requires a lifetime of constant vigilant mindfulness, and with each level of success comes greater responsibility.

    Both of which most people do their best to avoid and desire nothing more than ease comfort freedom from fear and pain.

    Let them have their lazy pigeonholing labeling 'us and them' separation thought processes, gives them comfortable distractions from reality and lets them continue to sleep the sheep. . .

    Not as if those who wake up a little bit are in any real sense "better" anyway, all comes out the same in the end, things are exactly the way they're supposed to be for the current situation.

    I go along with this,nothing so blinded as the blind. The place is rotten to the core,comfortable living separated is akin to living in a zoo,the youtube video just about to go viral makes the whole Thai experience brought home in all its brutality Land of Smiles ugh!!!

  8. Just ask yourself why is Pattaya International not on BUPA Thailands approved list?

    Largely because they bill pad and try and jack up prices after the event, even asking some westerners to join in the insurance fraud.

    Their top guy (owner ?) is also a bully and for someone so well educated and outwardly loving of westerners, loves the derogatory "farang" word and despises the people who have largely provided his wealth.

    Seems about right,think all farangs are on the hate list now from Thais,especially with the baht being so strong,were all fleas on the dogs back,good reasoning to say 'bye 'bye to Thailand.

    Stroke or emergency govt.hospital to get stabilised,then outa Thailand. I'm off to India in a couple of weeks for annual medical testing/minor surgery (its good and cheap,even with the air fare).

  9. I will make the prediction the thai baht will still be strong in 5 years from now. Asian countries put in place harsh banking reforms after their crash. Except for Japan they (asian) governments did not try to spend their way out it and recovered fairly quickly and have little or no debt.

    Now look at the USA and most of Europe, they took a different approach and their economies are still at the bottom of the ocean along with their currencies.

    Unless those countries pay down their tremendous debts and deficits and stop printing money the thai bath will stay close to it current level for some time to come. It doesn't a super expat financial guru to figure this out...just common sense.

    Do not agree,Thailand is going to get thrashed in the not too distant future. Already the Thai govt. is struggling to make up for promises on the first rice crop,never mind second and subsequent crops,the fuel subsidy is so out of kilter its hard to see how its sustained. Tourism will be down without a doubt,exports will be increasing expensive. There are other problems developing too,plus the resentment of the poor Thai population seeing the elite get the rewards when they are ground onto the floor. The 300 Baht a day is an insult

  10. Only a blip,think it went up a bit late this afternoon. Most people will have some slack in their money stock,just hold your breath for a bit. seems odd when a country like Thailand with a BBB rating can have strong Baht against the pound aa1. Think same thing happened years ago Baht at 38 ,next month down to 97.for a week or so

    • Like 1
  11. They play a good game.

    At least they got you nervous.

    When the building is really worth it, others will come, maybe even within the 10 days you now have to wait.

    They play a good game.

    At least they got you nervous.

    When the building is really worth it, others will come, maybe even within the 10 days you now have to wait.

    They hold all the cards,they can and probably will reduce you to a nervous wreck. Been through it,but when you want to get shut you want shut like yesterday. Think for me took 18 months,just got sick of the process,endless bodies through the door,because your a foreigner they think your underclass or the like. Just all came together one day,got call to local 5 star hotel,never went,just another game player so I thought. Got another irritated call following day,so went along,tried to beat me down,did a bit,but held the line and out came a bundle of money all held together by rusty staples. Thing is another buyer showed up following day offered a ton more,but as they say A bird in the hand etc...

    Just so so glad to get shut,never to buy in dodgy situations with threat of confiscation hanging in the air. Philippines ,Indonesia, plus one other nearby country reported on BBC recently joining the growing ranks of denying foreign ownership of house and land

  12. No need to use the overpriced dedicated transport to the track,all the airport buses go past the stadium,just tell the driver you want off. Taxis,hail one that's already moving in the street,or you will be thrashed with price with a standing one. Some cheap good hotels other side of Times Sq on the metro link. Good luck anyway,nothing like clambering aboard returning bus to KL from a days viewing,wet through and a freezing cold AC bus

  13. Thanks for the advice. Bought a splitter ADSL,but now I get the message another comp is sharing my IP address. I guess 2 comps will not work on a ADSL splitter,or do I have to do something else?. I will buy a more expensive router ,but tried the cheaper option first

    We already told you what to do. Why not just do it and be happy.

    Am happy,could be happier though if I could save on the box,realisation creeps in when its two whole whores time its costing for the box,why don't I just change the IP address on one of the comps and still use the splitter?

    An ADSL splitter is a cheap little box that splits phone line so that you can use an analog telephone at the same time as an ADSL modem. It has got nothing whatsoever to do with networking.

    Therefore it's difficult to know what you are talking about.

    Working two comps on a splitter

    I thought my earlier posts would have suggested something. Ive changed the IP address now no probs

  14. Why would you go to Borocay when you could just go to any number of islsnds and bungalows here?

    Yeah, reflect how crappy and broken Phils is and how it makes Thailand look first world in comparison.

    So you seek out hot, spicy food. Only place you are going to have trouble is Philippines.

    Remember, it's a holiday not a permenent move. I'd say from my exp traveling with wife its lack of rice even more than spicy food as the issue. She's a pretty good sport and I try and get rice for us whenever possible. Also why when she whines about rice or food I get a bit upset because I really try to accomodate her. I can eat rice everyday and for breakfast no problem. So when it's not there or total hassle to make at moment I can be a bit agitated. I often tell her...you think some other white guy would care this much that you eat rice and Thai food? Never.

    When traveling, all Asian countries I force her to eat local and in US there is always something to try. Id say ishe usually at least likes it, at times a big hit. Often she is very surprised, wow good ☺! But she loves to travel and adventures.

    I think the old adage about taking thw woman out of Thai but not Thai out of the woman is somewhat dead. The 45 and under crowd want to see the world and understand well enough that they arent going to have a Thai restaurant on every corner.

    We have done a few Tgai restaurants, generally run by Chinese and pretty bad as well as expensive. Thus has also aided her learning experience. Why bother.

    If she can't go a day without pu pah lah, you might want to rethink the trip though.

    I like to dump the whole "Asian" thing,get away from the culture for a while,the Philippines allows that,and only 3 hours away

  15. Thanks for the advice. Bought a splitter ADSL,but now I get the message another comp is sharing my IP address. I guess 2 comps will not work on a ADSL splitter,or do I have to do something else?. I will buy a more expensive router ,but tried the cheaper option first

    We already told you what to do. Why not just do it and be happy.

    Am happy,could be happier though if I could save on the box,realisation creeps in when its two whole whores time its costing for the box,why don't I just change the IP address on one of the comps and still use the splitter?

  16. its crap,do not bother,wetter than wet,poor observation spots. If you have to go take a tunable Walkman to tune into race commentary,and buy tickets at the site cheaper

    Poor observation spots?? You can see about 30-40% of the track from most stands blink.png

    It's only been red flagged for rain twice since the inception of the Grand Prix in 1999. Hardly ever rains on race day. Perception doesn't equal reality. Last year, qualifying for the British Grand Prix was red flagged for 90 minutes because of rain. 2011 Canadian Grand Prix was red flagged for two hours because of rain.

    I would not go if I was paid...poor observation spots? see 30 to 40% from most stands?,right what about the 60 to 70% your missing,and the giant TV screen? take a powerful telescope just to see the screen,small is the operative word. Thanks Ill watch it fron a bar somewhere,keeping dry., If its washed out this time it was suggested there they will do a Singapore and night time it

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