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Posts posted by Hedghog

  1. Had mine done in the Uk.

    It takes time in the Uk because you have a psyche evaluation and then wait 6 mths

    Before booking the Op

    TheOpis no sweat,can be local anesthesia,or general,depends on the Doctor.

    2 incisions and a couple of stitches in each scrotum.

    Everyone reacts differently,after the Op.

    I presume it depends on the surgical skills,of the Doctor.

    A couple of days mild discomfort.

    I did it because my then wife,couldn't take the pill anymore,we didn't ,anymore kids.

    It is reversible.

    But very painfull ((I am told)

  2. No.1 Its great here with no PC overkill,(speak free)

    No.2 Do you actually play golf ?

    No.3 Would you want to be invited on a stag night,to Nana,Cowboy,etc.

    No.4 Blokes are blokes.

    No.5 sexual harassment, goes both ways.

    No.6 you have a long term partner that you go home to (what's the problem.

    No.7 you left all what you have mentioned behind you in the west,

    Also you have only been in country a few months,relax,or you will be going home,soon.

    Yes I am a man this thread was floating about in general forum.

    Good luck.

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