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Caveat Emptor

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Posts posted by Caveat Emptor

  1. Lots of perception problems with the word tourist as probably the first thought is of foreign visitors.

    Many Thais travel at holidays but don't think of themselves as tourists as they stay with relatives, eat at home etc as opposed to those who live in hotels and eat out.

    It suits the Minister of Tourism to call as many people as possible ' tourists ' to inflate her already dodgy figures.  

  2. 1 minute ago, worgeordie said:

    It would be nice if we could all get along,its deteriorating,into

    name calling,and negative remarks,2 things i dont like about

    ThaiVisa,remember there is no prize for the winner,just knowing

    other posters and members ,respect and acknowledge what you 

    contribute to this forum.

    regards worgeordie

    Well said and it needed to be.

    IF this is repeated next year I can imagine a lot of posters won't appreciate being nominated.

  3. 1 minute ago, JLCrab said:

    Well I guess I'll be glad when it's over but I've had a but of fun with it: Of those high on the leader board, one of them said of me here on ThaiVisa that I was a disgusting person and another said that the dogs leave sh-&i-t at my front gate because dogs are a good judge of character.

    Imagine if they didn't like you much.

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