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Caveat Emptor

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Posts posted by Caveat Emptor

  1. 1 minute ago, worgeordie said:

    It would be nice if we could all get along,its deteriorating,into

    name calling,and negative remarks,2 things i dont like about

    ThaiVisa,remember there is no prize for the winner,just knowing

    other posters and members ,respect and acknowledge what you 

    contribute to this forum.

    regards worgeordie

    Well said and it needed to be.

    IF this is repeated next year I can imagine a lot of posters won't appreciate being nominated.

  2. 1 minute ago, JLCrab said:

    Well I guess I'll be glad when it's over but I've had a but of fun with it: Of those high on the leader board, one of them said of me here on ThaiVisa that I was a disgusting person and another said that the dogs leave sh-&i-t at my front gate because dogs are a good judge of character.

    Imagine if they didn't like you much.

  3. Pongpat was at it for years yet nobody knew ! rolleyes.gif

    If a situation we can't talk about hadn't happened would we be reading stories like this about him ?

    I don't know how well quoted he was with the current powers but the situation that can't be mentioned certainly removed his previous insurance and even if he was in with he current regime there's no way anyone could have saved him.

    Even with his guilty pleas i can't remember anyone being arrested, in court and dealt with at the speed it all happened.

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  4. Oh...spare me!

    Prayuth getting involved in these trivial issues is pure PR".........he is after all the leader of hugely corrupt military!!

    PR exactly and the Sgt is junior enough to be dealt with. Would the PM have involved himself if it was a senior officer and especially one he knew, unless he didn't like him naturally.

    Look how all those on the NCPO, including many military types, were immediately protected when wealth was questioned.

  5. I'm presuming that these favourable reviews are as bent as those for restaurants and bars unless the reviewer has ethics.

    A previous landlord of mine was friendly with someone who did reports on bars and restaurants and he had a couple of ploys to ensure he got the best of service at no cost such as identifying himself as soon as he entered the premises so everything was just so and no bill presented or identifying himself after spending little or nothing then identifying himself as he paid the bill which was usually withdrawn.

    He would then say his review was not too favourable but he would hold off submitting for publication and visit again to give the establishment a chance to prove themselves. Naturally the staff spotted him next time at a 100 yards and no prizes for guessing the treatment he received and again no bill.

    He eventually lost his job but he'd done very well out of it.

  6. "The PM added that the government’s attempt to uphold Thailand’s image has attributed to an increase of more than 20% in tourist arrivals in the first quarter of this year."

    Yes, PM, I'm sure the Chinese and some other tourists flooded Thailand knowing your efforts to solve the human trafficking problem......

    Didn't I say to you to think before you speak?

    Nobody seems to be listening to me.......blink.png

    What's wrong Costas, your hero's halo slipping ?

    Let there be light !

  7. Are there any reports about the govt that don't start with " The PM ... " ?

    He's the complete one man band and running everything so does he really need the whole NCPO or are they there simply to take the blame if something goes wrong as i don't see him admitting he erred in any way.

    Is there something wrong with the Prime Minister running the government and it's associated activities?

    You really are a pathetic troll.

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