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Posts posted by Cory1848

  1. 13 hours ago, TheDark said:


    Greta has popped so many blood vessels of elderly men, it itself counts as great advance when fighting the climate change and overpopulation ????

    Honestly, sometimes I think the Thai Visa monitors post Greta Thunberg items just to watch people’s blood get boiling. But one thing is worth bearing in mind. It wasn’t too long ago that (US) college-age kids protesting their government were lambasted by the “establishment” for being communist stooges, spoiled trust fund babies, Jane Fonda wannabes, whatever, and dismissed for not knowing what they were talking about. Unlike the adults, who had things under control.


    As it turns out, the kids were right! Their government (the Nixon administration) really WAS a pack of crooks and liars! US involvement in Vietnam really WAS a colossal miscalculation, the worst mistake in US foreign policy history!


    Really, sometimes there’s nothing more dangerous than the hubris of old men.

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  2. 24 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

    Do you acknowledge that the Iranian regime are routinely shooting and killing their own citizens who they view as dissidents? Just curious to hear your thoughts on this. 

    In the recent protests, the Revolutionary Guards killed as many as 1,500 demonstrators in the streets. Since their founding in 1979, the IRGC has gone far beyond their original purpose and now controls vast swathes of the Iranian economy. For all those conspiracy nuts who go on about the Hillary Clinton/George Soros “deep state,” this is what an actual deep state looks like, and the Guards have too much at stake economically to allow street demonstrations to get out of hand.


    Still, there’s no reason under the sun why the Guards or the regular military in Iran would knowingly shoot down a civilian airliner; it was clearly an error. These are two entirely different matters.

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  3. 10 minutes ago, rabas said:

    Russia is the world's leader at 5 commercial flights shot down, but oddly you don't mention them.


    -- 1940 Kaleva OH-ALL Finnish

    -- 1978 Korean Air Lines Flight 902 shot down by fighters

    -- 1983 Korean Air Lines Flight 007 shot down by a Soviet Su-15TM interceptors

    -- 1985 Bakhtar Afghan Airlines Antonov An-26 shot down by SAMs

    -- 2014 Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 shot down by Buk surfacte to air missle

    Russian supported conflict in Georgia

    -- 1993  Transair Georgian Airline Tupolev Tu-134 shot down by missile

    -- 1993  Transair Georgian Airline Tupolev Tu-154 shot down by missile

    -- 1993  Transair Georgian Airline Tupolev Tu-154 shelled, destroyed on the ground with passengers.



    -- 1988 Iran Air Flight 655 shot down by missile, mistaken as F-14


    -- 2020 Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752


    Thanks for the info! Russia was mentioned earlier but I think the posts were removed for being off topic.

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  4. 8 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


    And nothing you have written excuses the Iranians or denies the evil nature of the current regime that imposes its rule on Iranians.

    I did not intend to excuse anyone -- I was just pointing out that the Iranians did not set out to kill civilians. As for the “evil nature” of the regime in Tehran, I try to be careful with words like that.

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  5. 45 minutes ago, Thomas J said:

    Gwelloman, so I assume Trump should have just allowed Qassim Solemani to continue his objective of killing Americans.  I suppose however you had no problem with Obama having hundreds of military strikes and of course killing Osama Bin Laden.  Perhaps Trump should have followed Obama's example and let a few more terrorists out of Guantanamo and sent Iran a few hundred billion for good measure.  



    The blame game is too obvious, and too futile; sure, we can go back to Mosaddegh, or Thermopylae if you like. But what happened in this latest dust-up is that virtually no military personnel lost their lives, whereas a few hundred civilians died (including at the funeral stampedes in Iran). What I see are two aggressive, hyperactive boys roughhousing in the living room while mom and dad are out, cheered on by other boys, and suddenly an antique lamp gets knocked over and busted. Whoops.


    It’s been one of Obama’s better post-presidential ideas that maybe women should be given a shot at running the world (of course, many already have, but there are still notable barriers -- President Klobuchar, anyone?). Women might come up with the idea of using international support and cooperation to build a memorial at the Ukrainian Airlines crash site in Tehran and having everyone come for the opening, and while we’re all there, let’s seriously discuss ways to simmer down, starting with interests that we share, and how do we preserve those. Sure, that’s stupid and naïve (not to mention sexist), but at this point I’m at a freakin’ loss.

    • Haha 1
  6. 18 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

    I think you'll find in general that rural populations tend to be more easily manipulated by fundamentalist ideology and suspicion of foreign influence. Just consider how they vote in the U.S. elections.

    Red state/blue state thing; I suppose there are equivalents everywhere. I’m also a dual citizen but US-born, and I’m sure I have a lot more in common with my Iranian friend than with a Trump voter from Wichita, Kansas -- and I mean no disrespect in any direction; that’s just the way it is. (Granted, my friend has spent much of her adult life abroad, and she speaks fluent English.)

  7. 3 hours ago, rabas said:

    80 million, I have been there many times. Why? Don't understand the thought process behind your question. A very large part of the population is anti-regime.


    Is it your sense that rural Iran is also anti-regime? I have a good friend who’s a dual Iran/UK citizen who spends maybe four months a year in Tehran, and she’s been disgusted by the mullahs and, more, by the Revolutionary Guards for years (her niece and a dozen other people were recently sentenced to ten years in jail for spying, when all they were really doing was tracking endangered cheetahs). But my friend is very much a part of the “urban, educated elite,” with family connections even to the Ancien Régime (of the shah), and while I trust everything she tells me, I wonder how predominant her opinions are nationwide in Iran.

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  8. 40 minutes ago, hydraides said:

    Really really pisses me off when people keeping saying "Trump did it because of impeachment/Election for Trump"


    This has nothing to do with trump..........Even if the media says it was trumps decision......its the larger America establishment/Israel Geopolitical moves in the area

    Trump did it because of impeachment.


    You’re right -- corporate interests (including the defense industry) feed money to politicians, who then owe them favors in return. (Theoretically, politicians also have a civic duty to the people who vote for them, a duty that some take more seriously than others.) Some wars, like Bush’s Iraq invasion, are primarily driven by corporate profits (especially when the politician in charge and the CEO are one and the same person). And you may be right about some of the motivating factors here. But politicians are players, too, with enormous power of their own, and Trump is using his exclusively to save his own copious rear end. Until real evidence of corporate malfeasance and corruption (and government collusion) comes out -- and it may well do so -- we’re only speculating.


    As for “Israel geopolitical moves” -- Get off your rocker. Repeat ten times after breakfast every day: “Israel is just another country. Israel is just another country.” Etc.

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  9. 2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Where are all the Jack Kennedy's when the Dems need them?

    An old guy that said stupid things while VP is the best they have?

    Good question. Actually, I think in 1960 a lot of Americans thought that Jack Kennedy was too young and naïve for the job; no reason that a President Klobuchar or Buttigieg can’t quickly grow into it. The most qualified person still standing, and the one whom Americans need the most, unfortunately is probably too far to the left to win in a general election. I’d be happy with Biden for one term. Christ, at this point Marianne Williamson sounds good ...

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