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Posts posted by Nuna

  1. I read the OP's post and then skipped here to page 7 - I think women should have a right to dress however they want without facing verbal harassment but Thai women do dress in ways that seems predetermined to attract men's attention. If they don't want this, they can easily dress down and go out without make-up, it's their call.

    Yes, you are quite correct - perhaps these Thai hussies should take lessons from our demure British maidens...


    @aussiebebe Excuse me, man. I don't know what made you have such logic. I think in your head may have something like..

    Aussie women have sex = human nature-Thai women have sex= she is a whore kind of idea

    Thanks for enlighten me how biased you are.

  2. Some western men mistaken my smile that I want to go out with them.

    Who do they think they are? Ben Barnes?

    After searching for this Ben Barnes character, I must say, now I better understand why Thai women flirt me with all the time, the likeness is uncanny although I do think I am a tad better looking.


    I am obsessed with him because of his role in Dorian Gray. Good looking man in costume :D

  3. It seems that I have been labeled as a rude poster due to my previous posts. Having had some bad experience always results in such attitudes and I am sorry for that. Anyway, instead of thinking in negative way I will find solution and melt down the conflict for this.

    According to the topic "westerner behavior towards thai women" I talked about my bad past experience and it seems that history has just repeated itself a few minutes ago. But I won't go into the detail because it can't help anything.

    1. Should I never smile? Recently, I decided to stop smiling then I got loads of the same question "Are you alright?"

    smiling = flirtatious

    not smiling= something wrong

    It makes me confused. Or I should learn how to smile like Mona Lisa.

    2. Can I make a joke with them? As you can see that my English is not perfect so making a joke is the way to exercise my skill. For language practice, I really rely on BBC Drama and I never had foreign friends because it's quite awkward to hang out with when you know the way they thinking about you.

    3. Only calm face can gain respect?

    Thank you

  4. As a thai, my answer is our eyes are not so sensitive to sunlight as yours due to its dark color. Therefore, sunglasses is unnecessary

    Brilliant post but you do realise you have just stopped four pages of nonsense.

    If you allow me the OP question about sun glasses was not at all for sun protection but protection while riding motorcycles, goof.gifso both of you will copy the OP 10 times... The nonsense can go on biggrin.png

    If you mean that. My answer will be... my helmet has fron't glass to cover my entire face so the sunglasses is useless in this case

    Many thais don't wear either helmet or sunglasses because of putting on so many accessaries is inconvenient and the different vision when I put it on make me dizzy . If the sun is not so bright, I won't put anything on my head

  5. As a thai, my answer is our eyes are not so sensitive to sunlight as yours due to its dark color. Therefore, sunglasses is unnecessary

    Same as their dark colored skin which is not so sensitive to sunlight. But for some reason, they try by any means to cover the skin when they are outside. (umbrellas, newspapers, books, jackets, walk in the shade etc.) rolleyes.gif

    Sun causes wrinkles as well not only skin darkening. If you ask me to choose between looking decade younger and looking lighter, I definitely choose the first choice. Anyway, I agree that wearing sunglasses is better since I have to squint my eyes often when going outdoor and it's a reason making eye wrinkles deeper.

  6. Why do Thai girls wear all their clothing when swimming, while you wear almost nothing?

    The answer, is of course, Thailand has different social customs to Canada.

    Good point, but I understand the swimming thing. Thai women try to cover up as much as possible to stay as white as possible. They are also much more inhibited about their bodies than most western women.

    Nothing to do with white skin, all to do with social values.

    Nipples (nipple outlines) and shoulders should not be shown in public under any circumstances.

    But you can show your legs right up to the butt cheeks.

    All to do with social values yes of course , nothing to do with white skin, not sure...

    The proof is that for her motorbike my wife has a full faced helmet... for her safety... no for the sunclap2.gif

    Sun does not cause only skin darkened but wrinkles as well. I am not fair skin woman myself so I don't bother cover my skin to keep it light but really fear of wrinkles.

    @rene123, I usually wear pijamas to shop especially at nigh time when I get hungry. Thais don't take it serious as long as you don't dress too open, otherwise, people will gossip behide you.

  7. Is telling the truth rascist?

    As the many posts on thaivisa have proven, people take offence at the slightest of things and turn differences of opinion into personal attacks. There are only a handful of basic truths, and everything else are personal opinions.

    Is telling the truth racist?

    It depends on what the truth it is, the truth by your perception or the truth that really exists. Some people here are like something that thais call "// Thai script edited out //" Despite none of back up information especially in cultural topics but never hesitate to prejudge by their own standards.

  8. It's nothing about sexism. It's about the precepts they holding. Buddhist monks have to hold 227 precepts while nuns take only 8 and the novices take 10. Even thai guys have to kneel down to offer things to monks and little novices. Furthermore, Thai guys have to kneel down to offer things to nun as well.

    If women don't want to do kitchen job for monk, they have to be Bhikkhuni holding 311 precepts instead of a nun. I had been nun for 2 months and I had to buy things, accepted money from locals because the respected Bhikkhu and Bhikkhuni are not allowed to touch money or to cook.

    Don't prejudge others by your standards please. If you don't know anything, find it. There are plenty of information from internet.

    • Like 1
  9. Less popular doesn't mean less important. It's because vipassana meditation only exists in Buddhism so it's much less known. Only samatha cannot lead you to Nibbana since the samatha is just the way to empower your mind and you have to utilize your empowered mind to do the vipassana (to smarten it).

    The mind which is able to approach Nibbana isn't the empowered mind but it is the wise one. Vipassana is the way to make it wise.

  10. The year of Miracle Thailand.

    Twice as many gun murders per year than the US and a population a quarter of the size.

    It seems that many people are suffered from " I am better than others syndrome" need to read sth to get realized. I can't post the link but you can google "total crimes by country" for the full list. Here are the top 5 countries in committing crimes

    1. USA 11,877,218

    2. UK 6,523,706

    3. Germany 6,507,394

    4. France 3,771,850

    5. Rissia 2,592,370

    Oh..I forgot Thailand

    20. Thailand 565,108

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