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  1. Have I missed them... the new Income tax forms 2024 in English, promised repeatedly to be available for december at the latest?? By what means do you declare your taxes now? Thank you and sorry if I have overlooked.
  2. With the "Sword of Damocles" of Global Taxation in mind, the most pressing question I ask myself is however this: Will the TRD Order No. Por. 162/2566 of November 20, 2023 be implemented at least in 2024, or could it be declared invalid without further justification? What is such a departmental order legally worth? Of course, the proposed introduction of Global Taxation would take some time, but what happens in the meantime? Are you still counting on above Order that Accrued Foreign income/assets as of December 31, 2023 won't be taken into consideration by TRD if transferred to Thailand from 2024 onwards? Thank you.
  3. No, so your comments don't concern me. But thank you anyway, interesting material for your fellow countrymen.
  4. Yes, it does not really make sense to prefer the gift approach to the accrued savings option (as of 31.12.2023), as it seems that the latter is now guaranteed by TRD. Your explanations of the procedure at the land registry will help people who want to declare the purchase as a gift. Thank you for your practical advise.
  5. Sorry if the following or something similar has already been discussed. I am currently in the process of buying a house for my Thai wife here in Thailand with resources from abroad. The land title (chanote) will be entirely in her name. In your estimated opinion will this transaction (with fund transfer to her Thai bank account) be regarded and accepted by the TRD as a Gift for the spouse and thus be non taxable income-wise? Or does my co-inhabitation as husband infringe the requirement that the giver of the gift can't benefit in any way of the donation him/herself. If accepted as a gift, would wife have to pay tax on the gift anyway? Do I need a tax consultant? Thanks a lot.
  6. Sorry Wobblybob, I do not quite understand whether these devices can be used as a normal hearing aid (e.g. for a conversation) or only in connection with a bluetooth source (e.g. amplifying the sound of a youtube video), OR for both these cases. Thank you!
  7. Hi UbonJoe, YES, that was it! Thanks a lot for years of help!
  8. I know there are numerous threads about this... Trying to do the online report the system stops around the end of the 1st personal data page with the remark: PERMIT DATE OF YOUR PASSPORT MUST NOT OVERSTAY... However I am only on the 135th day after the last retirement extension of 360 days ending in Jan 2023. Any suggestions ecxept imm. visit or mail? Thanks.
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