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Posts posted by Krataiboy

  1. Is there anybody on this planet who actually believes Yingluck did a runner unaided by the junta and that they are are serious about wanting her back? 


    This sounds about as likely as a an aging senior politician borrowing a bunch of fancy watches from his rich mates just to show off.



  2. And this from the same leadership which offered tax concessions to encourage a Christmas spending bonanza among Thai families! Small wonder most Thai families are deeply in debt, to the tune of an average of over 119,000 baht apiece.


    The government should start encouraging people to live within their means, crack down on loan sharks and encourage savers to safeguard the future by forcing profiteering banks to offer fairer interest rates to depositors.




  3. 12 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

    Your source is full of disparate facts  It's also full of unfounded assertions based on the old logical fallacy  "post hoc ergo propter hoc". (After this therefor because of this.)  Just because some events precede others, doesn't mean that they are cause of those other events.

    An interesting Latin observation. However, the fact that some events precede others does not, of course, mean they cannot be causative. This, as we know from history, is something the Romans learned the hard way.


    My apologies if the particular source I quoted in this instance seems - how shall we say? - all Greek to you. As it happens, Al Jazeera is not everybody's idea of an unimpeachable fount of wisdom and knowledge, either.


    Varietas delectat, as we say in Cha Am (Variety is the spice of life).



  4. 4 hours ago, DM07 said:

    Aaaaaahhh...more fuel for right and their hateful politics!

    Read the whole article: 

    - no mentioning of who these crimes are committed to and under what circumstances

    - refugees from war- countries commit far less crimes 

    - bringing together families might very well bring crime - rates down


    But, please... by all means...keep banging the war drum! 

    It's nothing to do with the politics of left or right, but with facts. This is a government study and the main fact which needs to be faced, without the attempt you are making to explain it away, is: 


    Violent crime rose by about 10 percent in 2015 and 2016, a study showed. It attributed more than 90 percent of that to young male refugees.


    Presumably, you can read and understand this. Now accept it as a reality and stop making excuses for the inexcusable.



  5. The role of the motorcycle taxi driver in aiding and abetting this young woman's tragic attempt to prematurely end her young life is questionable to say the least. Driving an emotionally volatile and drunk girl to a bridge and filming her as she climbed over the handrail and fell to her death is not exactly an act of responsibility, let alone chivalry.


    What on earth did he think she was intending to do - and why did he, instead of trying to talk her out of it, act so apparently willingly as her accomplice? Assisted suicide, which this arguably was, is surely a criminal offence here as elsewhere.


    Legality apart, what a sad reflection this story is on the kind of uncaring, dispassionate society we are creating in this, the Century of Self. 

  6. 1 hour ago, ilostmypassword said:

    Now that I've looked at that, I've gone ahead and read something by someone who is actually deeply knowledgeable about the situation in Iran. 


    Keep 'em coming. You can't have too much information about anything, though a lot of the stuff in the Aljazeera piece is opinion or deduction rather than fact.

  7. With Syria on the back burner and Rocket Man preaching peace and love, is Iran about to become the focus for extending the US's hegemonic "war on terror"?


    Not according to Fox News or CNN, of course. Me? I'd rather pull up a stool, pour a drink and listen to what the cynical old barflies at the Moon of Alabama have to say on the subject. Illuminating as the old lunar orb herself.





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