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Posts posted by Krataiboy

  1. Blue skies and blazing hot again today in Cha Am. We've had only a couple of days with any rain this month, so no chance of getting anywhere near Bangkok's notional May monthly average of more than two weeks of downpours. Mind you, we do generally tend to get less rain than our big brother 167 clicks up the road. With ever-increasing tourist numbers, we're keeping our fingers crossed. . . 


    Average rainy days (rain/snow) in Bangkok, Thailand   Copyright © 2019 www.weather-and-climate.com

  2. Not all hangings fo this nature are suicide. Some occur accidentally through autoerotic strangulation, as in the case of kung <deleted> actor David Carradine, found hanged in the closet of his Bangkok hotel room nearly a decade ago.


    Either way, sad to forfeit a life so relatively young.

  3. 3 hours ago, Happy Grumpy said:

    Kids need to start saying parent 1 and parent 2 instead of mama and papa. Assigning them genders is wrong. 

    This is precisely the kind of "progressive" nonsense one hopes Thai parents will not tolerate being taught to their children.


    Nobody should be fooled by the Rainbow Sky Association of Thailand's cuddly-sounding name. The primary objective of President Danny and his chums is to brainwash future generations into believing their gender has nothing to do with the sex they were born.


    The effects of this anti-scientific proselysing are becoming all too alarmingly clear in "progressive" nations like the UK, where politicians have capitulated to LGBTQ...XYZ activists and enthusiastically embraced the so-called transgender revolution.


    As part of the new Enlightenment, junior and infant school children receive their sex education - larded with the politically-correct weasel language of "diversity and inclusivity" - in gender-neutral classrooms where words like boy, girl, man and woman are banned. As a result, many pre-pubescent children are becoming confused about their "real" sex and suffer  mental health problems.


    "Going trans" has become such a vogue with the young that a record 50 UK children a week are queueing up to see gender realignment doctors - twice as many as a few years ago.  Children as young as four are asking to change their sex, a process which routinely will involve putting them on potentially harmful hormone blockers to delay puberty.


    Parents who have the timerity to object either to the new sex-education curriculum or their children being treated as "trans" are routinely condemned as bigots to be gnored. Some have responded by switching their offspring from state to fee-charging private schools where sex education continues to be based upon science, biology and empirical evidence.


    If what is happening in classrooms across the developed world anything to go by, one can reasonably expect to find a crock of something other than gold at the end of Kuhn Danny's rainbow. So do look before you leap, Thailand.



    5 minutes ago, Mr22Tim said:

    Horse Shit , Trump is full of it up to his eyeballs. He may be able to run out the clock and last to the 2020 elections but even the intellectual Trumptards( the ones that actually finished 8 th grade) will only swallow the crap he feeds them to a point.

    Trump is the P.T. Barnum of politics. Accusation after accusation but never a legal

    charge let alone a conviction.

    Blimey! Trump gets the blame for everything these days!

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  5. 11 hours ago, Baht Simpson said:



    "I simply don't recognise your depiction of homosexuals as downtrodden, vilified victims of a prejudiced society- at least certainly not in the UK where I come from."


    I never said that. Where did you get that from?


    "The gay guys I know back home are pretty with-it, rounded and grounded individuals happy to live somewhere where they have the same rights as heteros, including marrying and adopting children."


    Well good for them. I'm from the U.K. too by the way.


    "I cannot imagine any of them having an attack of the vapours over Mr Folau's tweet of what his religion reckons will be their eventual fate."


    Who's getting the vapours? I thought we were just discussing the merits or not of Mr. Folau's remarks.


    Anyway, I've enjoyed this discussion. I know it's a hard life being a straight, white privileged male but try to keep your spirits up. ????


    Cheers Krataiboy






    If you look back through your posts, you will see you HAVE made numerous statements which led me to react as I did. However, I'M not going to nitpick! I've enjoyed our lively exchanges, too. Good luck.

  6. 5 minutes ago, Baht Simpson said:

    You asked me to respond to your points and I did. That's hardly nit-picking. 


    Yes, I've seen some of Folau's exchanges. They might be frank but they're hardly fair. Basically he just re-iterates that gays are going to hell purely for existing.  (see below)


    I'm well aware of misandry. Even gays get that but I'm sorry it's not even on the scale that black people, women and gays have to endure. It's not even close. 


    Turning the other cheek  is o.k. on occasion but often when someone gets away with insults and humiliation they feel emboldened and do it even more.  That's certainly true with gay insults.


    I agree that homophobia has become somewhat of a catch-all word but generally people mean it to be prejudice or discrimination towards gays.


    I'm not in favour of de-platforming but again I'm not sure how this works in colleges and the like so I shouldn't comment. 















    Whatever. But. . .

    I simply don't recognise your depiction of homosexuals as downtrodden, vilified victims of a prejudiced society- at least certainly not in the UK where I come from.

    The gay guys I know back home are pretty with-it, rounded and grounded individuals happy to live somewhere where they have the same rights as heteros, including marrying and adopting children.

    I cannot imagine any of them having an attack of the vapours over Mr Folau's tweet of what his religion reckons will be their eventual fate. If any antipodean gays ended up crying into their cans of frosty, my gut reaction is to tell them to grow a pair.

  7. 5 hours ago, Lacessit said:

    Folau can earn money elsewhere, such as Brunei where his views are in tune with the sharia law.

    His money is highly relevant, as it makes him a high profile sportsman. He's just too stupid to keep his mouth shut. And yes, I think he would be in the same leaky boat as far as Rugby Australia is concerned if he was a Muslim saying the same things publicly.

    The  concept of original sin is unique to Christianity. Acceptance of the dogma a new-born baby starts sinning as soon as it greets the world is further evidence of the mental absurdity of people such as Folau.

    It's regressive when hatred and intolerance  is tolerated in the name of free speech.. Are you sure you would not be more comfortable back in the days of the British Raj?

    You are entitled to deplore this man’s adherence to religious beliefs which you and others (including myself, as it happens) find abhorrent.

    However, he should have as much right to express them as you have to express yours - provided that in the process, the law is not contravened.

    Hatred and intolerance need to be ventilated and dispersed by the oxygen of  free speech and open honest civil discourse.  When, as now under pressure from the "progressive" left, these twin pillars of democracy begin to crumble, society is on the slippery slope to totalitarianism.

  8. 43 minutes ago, Baht Simpson said:

    Well, firstly you state it was a "fair and frank exchange of views". The original tweet was nothing of the sort. It was a dictum, "homosexuals are sinners", complete with the requisite punishment in bold letters "Hell awaits you."  Since then Folau has said that Jesus means more to him than even his friends or family so there is no room in his mind for an even discussion.

    You are nit-picking. But to unpick your nits. . . 


    My "fair and frank exchange of views" was made in reply to a Forum member's posting to underline the fact that anybody who felt offended by Folau's tweet could respond accordingly, via social media, as many did. 


    If you are unconvinced that white, straight males are the new pariahs of society, simply Google "hatred of white males" and read some of the being mud slung at us from all directions.


    It is not only acceptable but wise to "turn the other cheek" to most insults. People who use insult to injure can usually stand anything except being ignored. Race or sex or irrelevant in this context and should be in all other areas of an equal society.


    We'll have to beg to differ on the origin and purpose of those "phobia" words. They can be used to denote prejudice and bigotry, but all too often, like "hate speech",  are used to stifle any criticism of the most vocal minorities.


    All forms of communication affect people's thought processes. By banning contrarian viewpoints social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter can easily influence public attitudes to important issues.  


    There may be more platforms available then ever before. However, free speech which fails to toe the official line all too often results in individuals being  de-platformed, particularly  conservative and right-wing voices. 







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