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Posts posted by chrisbacke

  1. Getting past the England / United Kingdom mistake, that 10 year visa the US offers tourists lets you stay six months at a time for 160 USD. Let's see Thailand match THAT kind of reciprocity. (http://www.path2usa.com/visitor-visa-faq). Change that first, Thailand.

    BK mag pointed out a projection by Kasikorn Thai Research Center that claims Thai visitors to Japan will increase 50% in one year because Japan now lets Thais in with a visa on arrival. Wouldn't the reverse of that be true as well - a decrease of 50% by adding on a visa fee? (http://bk.asia-city.com/travel/article/thai-citizen-travel-visa-free-uk-us-france-japan)

  2. Why don't you give it to me and I'll find out for you :)

    Seriously, though. No need to live like a miser. Live it up. Figure an apartment most anywhere for 20,000 baht a month, food (at 500 baht a day average, or 15,000 baht a month), travel / entertainment / alcohol (2,000 a week, more if you like paying for sex or need to impress women), and other expenses around 5,000 baht a month.

    That's 48,000 baht a month, or $1,524 / month on the high end. 16,000 / 1,524 = right at 10 1/2 months.

    Personally... My apartment is 13,000 a month (split in half since I'm married), food is around 250 baht a day on average, or 7,500 baht a month. Travel / entertainment / alcohol is perhaps 800-1,000 a week, and that 'other' category is probably around 4,000 baht a month.

    That's 22,000 baht a month, or $698 / month. 16,000 / 698 = just under 23 months, or almost two years.

    If I was trying to scrape by for as long as possible...

    Cheap apartment for 6,000 baht a month (split in half since you'll have a roomie), Food is around 100 baht a day, or 3,000 baht a month. Travel / entertainment / alcohol is perhaps 500 a week, and that 'other' category is probably around 3,000 baht a month.

    That's 11,000 baht a month, or $349 / month. 16,000 / 349 = just under 46 months, or almost four years.

    • Like 1
  3. If you're an American, get a Paypal debit card. Link it to your American bank account, transfer from bank account to Paypal, then withdraw at the AEON.

    If you have a Thai bank account, you can setup a different Paypal account to link to your Thai bank account. Tell people to pay your Thai Paypal account, transfer to your Thai bank account, and withdraw or spend at your leisure.

    For larger amounts (but under $10,000 USD) I'd get it in cash. Put it in with the rest of your papers. No justifiable reason to let banks take a dime in fees.

  4. There was 7,400,000 tourist in Phukett last year (2012) and Bt 1.4 billion generated from those tourists. From an earlier thread local hospitals in Phukett where on the hook for Bt 5 million of unpaid hospital bills.

    That is 67 Satang per tourist. Get over it!!!!

    So, 67 satang per tourist times how many hospitals across the country?

    There's a lot of numbers missing, to be sure. Take this article as one hospital's opinion in a country where the rest are probably watching to see how hard the hammer falls on the nail.

  5. I can sympathize with the guy - but only to an extent. We're a couple of months removed from a guy getting murdered over a 51 baht cab ride, but this guy thinks it's appropriate to carry a knife?

    Anyway, I'm trying not to stereotype a billion people based on a handful of incidents - but seriously, smoking in the van? Nope - driver made the right call there. As for the circuitous route, it's unclear from the article whether they hired the minivan for the day or whether they're riding with other passengers...

    • Like 1
  6. "According to a report in The Telegraph of London, the 15-person crew was in Thailand on a sensationalist story about teenagers on their first holiday abroad.

    But the crew decided that the planned Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents show wasn’t worth doing after all."

    Maybe I completely misunderstand the responsibility of the crew here, but is that really your decision? Even if the teens did discover the plot, maybe the producers decide to change the angle - teenagers and the parents that party with them...?

  7. There's still a long haul to go. I don't know enough about Thai's craft beer scene, but Korea's came a long way in the span of five years. The requirements there all but ensured only the biggest manufacturers were legally entitled to licenses - something that's only changed as some requirements have been relaxed and more imports have arrived (thank you, FTA!)...

    With that said, it's a welcome change - just wish it weren't so expensive.

    • Like 2
  8. Google Maps has been great, though the biggest problem I've had with them is that it claims buses stop at given stops, which in fact they don't.

    The app I'm currently using is called the Bangkok Bus Guide (https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/bangkok-bus-guide/id450485768?mt=8) - it's free, a little quirky, but a decent-enough way to show a bus route.

    The 99 baht bus map has been a good solution as well (the second one pictured).

    The old trick still works: keeping notes of which buses stop at your common destination and seeing which ones stop at home.

    In short, there's no one perfect solution yet. Whoever figures it out - and puts it in English and Thai - will make a friend for life.

    • Like 1
  9. Newbie to Bangkok here on a non-immigrant B visa. I've been told that mailing your current address into Immigration is possible - and it sure sounds like the easiest way to avoid the journey out there and the wait. The question is how exactly does this work? I've yet to see any explanation or step-by-step process. Is there a template that works wonders, or some other way of getting the address reporting done?

    Thanks in advance :)

  10. FWIW, it's been advertised pretty heavily along the BTS, and I've seen the overly long domain name enough times that I *should* be able to remember it... What I still haven't seen in the ads are a couple of basic things:

    * The place

    * The times

    * Whether there's any chance of books being in English

    * Admission fee (if any) - if it's free, that's one excellent thing to play up

    I do intend to check it out, if only to see how the locals perceive books / authors...

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