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Posts posted by seanocasey

  1. Hi Gardenubon

    Don't see why you would want to cut down Cashew nut trees to plant rubber. Rubber will not make a return for 7 years and will cost more than you think. Jim

    yeah i like the cashews but everyone here is statring rubber and about 9 years ago the father in law did start 40 rai and then by advice of 1 friend cut them all down as this freind said you cant grow it here so he stupidly cut them all down and did cashews instead. now the 1st year here people are getting rubber and he feels stupid i guess.

    yeah did a bit more reasearch and not sure about farming in general, we have land but im not sure if i want to invest cash as i dont think i will be working on the farm too much.

    cashewnut trees are nice and not too much hard word as you get the shade although i hate the moot deang when they have a nest up the cashew with all that fruit!

    thanks and the cashews will stay for the time being and dad in law has nearly 2000 cashew trees so its nearly time for harvest.

    If water is not a problem then why don't you try "glua koi"? Lady finger banana's are hot the trot for the export market getting 18-21 baht per kilo. You get a return in about one year, figure it out, 1600 plants to the rai @ 25 kilos per plant @ 18-21 baht per kilo = B720,000 - B840,000 per rai...the exporters say that 4 rai will provide enough for them to come from Chiang Mai and collect them. :D

    i'm thinking i must e dumb. :)

  2. Interpol has an office in Bangkok with full access to outstanding warrants for all European countries well i guess everyone that has to worry should,

    as cooperation between the bib and Interpol is there. :Dinterpol

    Ok I have read all the replies and comments.

    Don’t get mad ok !

    This is the system and how it works.

    Each country has a list of outstanding arrest warrants on their books. Those warrants are for the most part are without extradition orders. The ones with extradition request and or orders(the orders are to the countries respective state departments not Gov. To Gov.) are part of Interpols database and not made readily available.

    This is what the system will show, “John Doe, DOB 13/1/1955, ID# 123456789 Passport #123456789 Warrant outstanding #121345 cause #, cause Child Support or DWI or Bond Issue not completed. :)

    This is a Real sample

    County SID No. : 10126854


    Cause No. : 05005969 - 3 Age : 46

    Date of Birth : 08/12/1964

    Degree of Off. MB


    Arrest Date 07/16/2005

    Complaint No. 000000

    Bond Req. $ 500.00

    Court Date

    Fine $ 800.00

    Court Cost $ 186.00

    Sentencing Time 15 Days

    Probation Time

    Sentence Date 07/25/2005


    Entry No. Comments Entry Date

    0001 s:COURT 3 computer assigned 07/19/2005

    0002 COMPLAINT/INFORMATION 07/19/2005

    0003 GLTY: 15DYS INSTANTER W/CRD,$800 FINE $186.CC DUR /I 07/25/2005

    0004 s:COMMITMENT ISSUED 07/25/2005


    0006 OWED INCLUDED KL 08/10/2005

    So that’s what they get public information,

    can they use it ? Yes,,

    is it legal? Yes

    Oh Can it cause you problems Oh hel_l yes! :D

    This is not a NEW system the computers they use may be new but this data has been available for the public use all around the world for some time. THE ONLY EXCEPTION IS Interpol, CIA and a few Euro countries that is not public.

    Just so you know...

    told ya so. :D

  3. I know i can not get TRIPE AND TRISHEEN in Issan but just maybe someone knows where i can get a good cuppa anywhere in Thailand BARRY'S TEA gold blend red box and any one know where i can get Philadelphia cheese. "Will not travel well"

    I know I'm asking a hel_l of a lot but just maybe some one knows.

    There was a acquaintance of mine in Surin who would have known but sadly he is not with us any more.


  4. interesting reading here


    Asian economies are poised for accelerated growth as the global economic crisis recedes, but recovery remains fragile and carefully calibrated policy adjustments along with increased integration efforts will be needed to sustain growth and cushion the region against future shocks, says a new study commissioned by the Asian Development Bank (ADB).

    The study, entitled Policy Changes for Asia after the Global Recession: Impact of the Global Economy and Policy Implications, notes that growth in the region is set to quicken this year as the global economy regains strength. But it also cautions that recovery in Asia is still overly dependent on policy support from developed economies, while a turnaround in the region’s largest market, the US, has yet to gain traction. Mobile capital flows which can cause volatility in exchange rates and domestic liquidity also continue to pose a risk to emerging economies in the region.

    The study, prepared by the Centennial Group International, is one of a series of reports that will be presented at a two-day regional forum on the Impact of the Global Economic and Financial Crisis organized by ADB at its headquarters in Manila starting today. Top officials including policymakers, finance ministers, heads of central banks, business leaders and development experts from nearly 20 countries from developing Asia are taking part in the forum.

    Opening the forum, ADB President Haruhiko Kuroda said, "The region is now showing signs of a V-shaped recovery, with a 6.6% growth outlook for this year. While we believe developing Asia is leading the global economic recovery, it is still too early to relax vigorous efforts to restore demand and stabilize financial systems. In particular, exit strategies for fiscal stimulus must be carefully timed."

    Poverty reduction will not be sustained at the pace of pre-crisis years unless sources of growth are rebalanced toward more domestic and regional demand, and made more inclusive. It is imperative for the region to bring growth back to its higher trajectory to cover the lost ground on poverty reduction, and to support global recovery, Kuroda said.

    In a second report entitled, Policy Changes for Asia after the Global Recession: Long Term Implications for Asian Economies, the study notes that Asia should continue to strengthen cooperation in the financial sector as a bulwark against future financial turmoil in developed economies, but also stresses that integration efforts should be modest in size to ensure they deliver real benefits.

    “Policy makers should avoid using up scarce bureaucratic resources and limited political goodwill on huge initiatives which do not yield tangible benefits at the ground level but should instead focus on smaller scale efforts,” this report says.

    It notes that areas where financial cooperation could be strengthened are bilateral agreements allowing large financial institutions in one country to expand or acquire banks in another, as well as the expansion of sector privileges in subregions, such as Greater Mekong Subregion.

    The report also advised that to support future growth, countries in the region should increase intraregional trade and take steps to raise productivity and their capacity for innovation. Smaller economies should adopt policies which attract low cost manufacturers, foreign direct investment, and tourism.

  5. It is the basis of a chinese new year dragon.......the vent is to help any excess smoke escape during the performance..........the dragon heads are very heavy and require movable support....

    Food cart of sorts

    hot fresh bread bakery :)

  6. are we all to busy drinking to see or even understand. I'm sickened

    The Karen, Mien, Hmong, Lahu, Akha and Lisu... A 2,000 Year Journey to the Thai Payap.

    Hilltribe People can trace their origin from the southern Sino-Tibetan geographical area. Though all have legends that speak of their particular tribe as being the "original people" of this area, it is more practical to think of them as part of a continuing exodus of ancient peoples out of China as far back as 2,000 years.

    Their history is shrouded in myth and legend; a beginning as hazy and dim as the early morning mist that cloaks their valleys. Depending on the source of the information, most of the Hilltribesmen came from the interior of southern China. These semi-nomadic peoples moved slowly, driven by their need for new land to replace that exhausted by their slash and burn farming techniques. They eventually arrived on the northern borderlands of Thailand, called the Payap.

    The gentle tribal people that occupy the lush hillsides and verdant valleys of the Payap, a section now called the Golden Triangle, have come from the south-west and south-central areas of China. All, that is, except the Karen: their origin remains one of conjecture and debate. All of the Hilltribes retain various aspects of their Chinese cultural heritage however the Karen seem to have a cultural background in common with the people of Tibet.

    For the most part tribes still remain concentrated on the northern borders of Thailand but with the passage of time increased internal migration has gone as far south as Bangkok. It is now impossible to outline distinct areas of a particular tribe's district. Some places you may find all six major Hilltribes living on the same mountain side or valley.

    There is a cultural tendency for the earliest tribes, like the Karen, to have ventured into Siam and lowland valleys. Other tribes, like the Hmong, moved into the more mountainous regions of the borderlands of the Payap. All of the Hilltribes have traveled vast distances to find more areas suitable for their swidden-fields (slash & burn farming techniques). These swiddens can supply enough fertile growing seasons for only a few years before villages have to move on. The Thai government is attempting to change this pattern with crop rotation.

    Now living in close approximation to their Thai neighbors, the Hilltribes are in danger of being completely assimilated into the general culture; losing their heritage, self-identity and expressive artifacts, so long a part of their life. Another generation will likely see most of the Hilltribe culture vanish, like most ancient peoples, and their rich legacy a matter of history.

    The Mien (Yao)

    * TRADITIONAL LOCATION(S): Northeastern Borderlands, some villages located south to Nann, west to Chiangrai

    * Major Tribal Divisions: Only clan names within the villages; clan membership carried by the male line only

    * POPULATION: (1992) est. Approx. 40,000 settled in villages not counting refugee camps on the borders

    * LANGUAGE(S): Miao-Yao, related to the Sino-Tibetan with many words coming from Chinese

    * FAMILY GROUP: Huge Extended Family; not unusual for 20 or more members per household.

    * RELIGION: Interrelated system of Spirits and Taoist teachings (from China).

    * VILLAGE SETTLEMENTS: Mid-slope areas, near water source. Ill defined village areas, no gates.


    The Mien likely originated from southern China about 2,000 years ago via Hainan, Guangxi and adjoining provinces. They were referred to by the Chinese as "barbarians", which is reflected in their name. These tribal peoples are the only ones to have a written language, Chinese. In recent years, both a Romanized and Thai-based script have been added by Western missionaries.

    These peoples have a series of ancient writings which organize their day to day living and include items such as worship and medicine. A series of pamphlets have been devised over the centuries to help their groups become accustomed to their environment and the people they have lived beside.

    More is known and understood of the Mien because of their written language, hence their history is more readably available to both scholars and students of Asian Culture. From such rich chronicles we have been able to save the legend of the Mien's beginnings.

    The Emperor Pien Hung of China, was attacked by the very powerful Emperor Kao Want and faced defeat. The dog, Phan Hu, was able to get through the lines, kill the aggressor, and bring Kao Wang's head back to the Emperor Pien Hung. Phan Hu was rewarded with one of Pien Hung's daughters as a wife, whom he took up to the mountains to live with him. They produced 12 children, six boys and six girls, from whom sprung the 12 clans of the Mien as we know them today. Or so the legend goes.

    THE LAHU (Mussur)

    * TRADITIONAL LOCATION(S): Central Highlands of the Payap

    * MAJOR TRIBAL DIVISIONS: Black Lahu (77%) and the Yellow Lahu (23%) or the Mussur Daeng and Mussur Kwi

    * POPULATION: (1992) est. approx. 40,000 in Thailand and 300,000 in China, Burma and Laos

    * LANGUAGE(S): Yi branch of Tibeto-Burman family; Lahu Na (dominant) & Lahu Shi (occasionally).

    * FAMILY GROUP: Extended family unit with an emphasis on the grandparents sharing raising of children

    * RELIGION: Spirit worship with heavy overtones of Christianity in nearly all villages

    * VILLAGE SETTLEMENTS: Prefer living above 1200 meters but many have now moved to lowland areas.


    Like most Hilltribes, the Lahu have their origin in southwestern China. In about 1830 there were already some Lahu villages located in the Kengtung State of Burma. By 1870 the Lahu had moved across the northern Burmese border in fear of their lives from the government of Burma. They moved into the northern highlands and valleys of Siam. By the 20th century Lahu villages were discovered as far south as Fang, just 70km north of Chiangmai.

    Burma has long been the oppressor of Hilltribe people, and it is not only the Lahu who have experienced their wrath. In order to make these independent peoples succumb to a despotic rule, many Hilltribe people have been killed.

    The Lahu have always referred to themselves as the "people of Blessing". That is, they have always thought that the blessings of health, sufficient food to eat and security for their families were the greatest gifts that their Creator could bestow. They have used the term, Boon (or merit) to denote the form in which this Blessing is given. Lahu often refer to themselves as Bon Yu or the "children of the Blessing."

    The Lahu have now embraced many of the ways of missionary peoples that have lived among them since the end of World War Two. It is a fact of social change that in the near future many of the customs of the old Lahu will have given way to the "consumer passion" that is now evident in Southeast Asia. Radio, television and print media are fast altering this tribal peoples.

  7. OK can someone please explain to these mor** how much they have to pay in bail money just to get out of jail.

    OK + the extras why do not these people use search I'm to lazy to tell them how much they p*** every one off.

    I'm sorry been there done that please wake up you morons 1st class insurance unless you have $500,000bhrt in bank.

    please guys wake e'm up before they end up where every hypocritical fa-rang ends up.

  8. The reasons why Chiang Mai is the most popular retirement destination in Thailand and also SE Asia are many and include:

    Low cost, effective health care and the ability to speak English to the doctors many who were trained overseas and the ability to see a specialist promptly unlike Europe where AFTER your family doctor decides he has milked the system for enough money and cannot determine what ails you FINALLY makes an appointment for you to see a specialist in 3 MONTHS.

    The foods are delicious and not affordable but downright cheap as many fruits are grown locally including strawberries. Year around enjoy bananas, mangoes, pineapples, watermelons, apples, durian, and many fruits that I do not even know the name of but which are absolutely declious.

    The cost of living in Chiang Mai from accommodations, to dining, to sightseeing is cheap compared to North America and Europe. Comfortable accommodations for 20-25% of the cost of equivelent accommadations back in North America yet with all the amenities you could want and ask for. Cable tv includes English movies and about 55 channels, hi speed internet even wirless in your room, balcony, mini fridge, dvd, swimming pool, and even kitchenettes.

    Chiang Mai is a very safe city to live in and I can walk safely at night anywhere in the inner city without any fears whatsoever, and just outside of the city I have to ignore the dogs that protect individual properties. The dogs will bark to alert the owner and that is it.

    There is an abudance of things to do in Chiang Mai, a city that is the second largest in Thailand, home to thousands of foreigners who have discoverd that this is the place to retire to, and also Chiang Mai is visited by hundreds of thousands of tourists each year. Chiang Mai zoo, temples, man made lake, golf, biking, shopping, massage, to relaxing at the local pub and shooting a game of pool or talking to some expats.

    You can live here and communicate in English and not have to learn how to speak Thai. Many Thai's here speak some English and English is spoken at banks, Government offices, and in health care facilities as there are many foreigners living here and also it is a tourist city as well.

    It is cooler in Chiang Mai as compared to Phuket or Pattaya. Also safer and lower costs of living here in Chiang Mai compared to Phuket or Pattaya.

    and the KEY reason why Chiang Mai is the number one place in Thailand to retire and also the most popular place in all of SE Asia. Over 18,000 foreigners are living here in retirement and happily from what I can tell.

    Attractive, attentive and caring Thai women make for great companions, girlfriends and wives and are the main reason foreigners have selected Thailand as a retirement destination.

    All the foreigners that I have met here have a Thai girlfriend or wife and All are perfectly happy.

  9. System restore can take up a lot of space.

    There are some viruses that also fill your hard drive.

    What happens when you go to disk cleanup? Any large amount of "stuff" in any of the categories?

    make sure your viewing hidden and system files and look in the root directory of C:/

    I had a similar problem and found that it was my antivirus program kept creating a 6Gb dat file in the root !! It wasnt a virus (It was AVG Antivirus software

    if anyones interested). So I uninstalled and replaced with diff AV software. Fixed it

    By the way, your pagefile is in the root too.. dont mix anything up with that. Its a big file but not 'that' big!!

  10. xmas eve dinner isnt a big deal as far as I know. You certainly wont need reservations for most unless its xmas lunch tomorrow so you have 10,000 retseraunts to choose from, just do a search under romantic restaurants. To many to list here unless your very specific in what you want

    Thank you for your suggestion. That's what I finally did. I googled for it and we went to a fancy restaurant around Sukhumvit 39.

    Strange as it is, she didn't feel very comfortable in that environment. She is from Udon Thani and told me that she didn't need that kind of place to be happy. She said we could go for Christmas to a simpler, cheaper and more comfortable place and it'd be great. So we did -it's my first Christmas dinner in such a place-. It was great: relaxed, fun and with wonderful food. You ought to love Thailand :)

    Sometimes it is better to listen to your GF.

    AHA we just want to impress, but we can also make them feel small and lose face. A little bit to think about

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