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Posts posted by Secondmouse

  1. how about checking that all those that have left the boat actually have returned, it cannot be that hard can it? Not being a diver, I fail to understand how such a simple check is not implemented every trip.

    It is SOP.

    Obviously not as "standard" as an "SOP."

    I don't think this is an issue in this case....her dive meter said she had only entered the water 26 minutes earlier, I doubt that many, if any, of the other divers would have completed their dive and re-boarded the boat after just 26 minutes ....unless she went into the water a while after the others.

  2. my birthday is the 15th of march the date my license expires

    PS i also hold a valid ca license,

    no law broken , am driving with a valid license.

    even so

    waaaa, had a invalid Thai license for 2 days, you think the cops care?? LOL

    I care, dont give a stuff about anyone else!

    Hmm...read and re-read phuketrichard's post...can't see anywhere that mentions he was personally driving for those 2 days......he could have been driven to DL center by friend, taxi, whatever......a bit libellous to accuse him of breaking the law without any hard evidence...?! whistling.gif

  3. This is very sad news, read it on the BBC website this morning, my heart goes out to their families, who are so far away, lets hope the British Embassy gives them the support they need.

    Also what stood out for me is the line 'there were 389 deaths of British nationals in Thailand in the year to March 2013' , can it really be that high, that's incredible, and a bit scary.

    Relevant to the topic is now 14 murders of UK nationals in Thailand since 2009. 2012/13 HMG reporting year, requesting Consular support, 24 UK nationals had been sexually abused in Thailand.

    Sorry to pick on your post when you say 24 UK nationals were sexually abused in Thailand, but let's put this into perspective:

    How many Brits sexually abuse Thais? Daily?

    Laban, Where exactly does Simple1 state that '24 UK nationals had been sexually abused ....'....by THAI's..?....could easily have been abuse from Brit's, Aussie's, Italian's, Russians, etc, etc, etc,....why don't you think before you make such an ignorant comment ?

    • Like 1
  4. Out of control ?

    Well , that's what usually happen when people over speed and dont know how to drive ..... so easy to blame the car .

    How about his tire exploded? That's a possible cause right there for a car to spin out of control.

    Impossible, that would require some kind of explosive material in the tyre. Air and rubber and steel do not constitute that.

    Not so.....I had an 'over-inflated' front tyre on a rental bike in Nassau explode many years ago...it put myself and GF on crutches for 6 weeks with 'road-rash' down to the bone......over-inflated tyres + hot roads = more pressure/expansion until........bang ! sad.png

  5. "Bunchan Hongphukeaw, 25 years old waitress of a restaurant in Pattaya"

    Can anyone make out the restaurant from her badge. I would like to visit that restaurant and complement her on her good deed. whistling.gif


    Sounds like a good idea. Looks to me as if it is called 'VISITOR' restaurant - let me know if you find it.

    LOL..!.."Visitor' Restaurant ?....looks more like a badge you'd be given if you were visiting an 'official' building...you know, like a "Visitor' badge !...cheesy.gif

  6. http://www.tropicalstormrisk.com/

    Man-Yi neither over, near nor projected to affect Bangkok.

    Usagi was used to name two typhoons - one in 2001 and the other in 2007, and there's no reference to any tropical depression or topical storm called Usagi right now.

    This article and/or its sources appear to be based in a parallel universe.

    Maybe they name them as they do for the Atlantic Hurricane season in the U.S. and Caribbean ?

    Each year a list is given in Alphabetical order, consisting of Male and Female names, despite whether or not they develop from 'Tropical Storms' into full blown Category 1-5 Hurricanes.

    These names will be recycled and used in future years EXCLUDING names that are associated with devastating hurricanes such as 'Andrew' in 92' and 'Katrina' in 2005 for example....so when the Thai spokesman says 'Usagi' it's possible that it's the next name on the list..if they employ the same principal in this part of the globe.....just a thought...coffee1.gif

  7. How can the argument be work related

    The Home Pro staff are allergic to to work xcrying.gif.pagespeed.ic.kh9vLpJQkU.png

    All they can do is stand at the door and greet you wai2.gif

    If you ask a question they go pale and look more stupid than usual xwacko.png.pagespeed.ic.jGW10VtQsI.png

    This is my opinion if you think different good for you thumbsup.gif

    I like to play with them, they have this annoying habit of shuffling about and following me whilst I'm browsing....I'll walk down an aisle, then round the other side and then do an abrupt 'about turn' as they come round the corner....I jump just as much as them, and I know it's coming !..such fun......my therapist, (my current one), suggested I should get myself a life.......coffee1.gif

  8. 30 Baht for a shirt:

    Washing is no effort and costs almost nothing in the washing machine.

    ironing. I don't know how long a professional who is doing it all the day needs: 1 min?

    I guess something between 45 seconds and 2 min.

    Lets say 30 shirts per hour. 20 Baht profit, 10 Baht for electric washing powder, etc= 600 Baht per hour. Not great but the double of the minimum salary

    This doesn't make sense......the minimum wage is 300 per DAY...not per hour.......on your calculations of 600 Baht per hour working from 9.am. till 1a.m....that would amount to 16 hours, but lets assume a 3 hour siesta for lunch, so for a 13 hour day they would be making 7,800 Baht......that's 156,000 a month working 5 days a week..?...I don't think so.

  9. This has been going on for many, many years and the ILO is just figuring it out? Better late than never I suppose.

    Suppose there all types of abuses, especially against the youngsters. Must be a nightmare for some.

    Look at the money paid, sometimes I think if things are that bad they ought to push the owners overboard.

    you'd have to get the owner on board first...even the Capt. is salaried and/or on a catch commission basis............coffee1.gif

  10. The timing is rather too coincedental, regardless.

    Read into it what you want but if you read the OP it is said that his contract was up. I for one wouldn't put up with all the thankless shyt particularly when these wanke_rs are not gonna change an <deleted> thing.

    They will still be scamming tourists until the moon turns to green cheese.

    If anyone thinks otherwise 'I am real pleased for you' bah.gif

    ....I'm sure the saying about the moon is that it's made of 'cream cheese' ..and not 'green cheese'...just a thought......coffee1.gif

  11. I had a girlfriend like this in the States and she had a lot of money. She was so unstable the more I tried to get way from her the more crazy she would become. Would not take no for a answer.

    Make it clear to her that you are finished. Don't send mixed messages. Get everything lined up and then get out.

    Huh..! ....so did you go out with Kim before or after me ?....boy she packed a punch and that was 20 years ago...I remember her loosing it after we came out of an indian restaurant in Pompano one time.....I had a black eye for a week...she was an heir to Phillip Morris, aka Marlboro....."money can't buy you love...."..biggrin.png

  12. Female buffaloes are used for breeding (as has been pointed out), therefore it's only the females that produce milk (no tits on a buffalo bull of course). As genuine mozzarella cheese is made from buffalo milk (not cow's) the O.P. could consider a profitable sideline in cheesemaking. All monies generated could be used to treat any of the buffaloes that get sick.

    Blessed are the cheesemakers.

    post-142120-0-41437700-1370306701_thumb. .........coffee1.gif

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  13. A disconcerting number of people turning up on this thread in defence of an accused serial rapist.

    Ought to make the rest of us worry about what sort of dodgy types frequent TV these days.

    there you go again TJ...putting your foot in your mouth before putting your brain into gear,,,,,..,he is "accused" ....so therefore is innocent at the moment ....I couldn't see the bit about being a 'serial rapist' either...

  14. Can't help feeling that the 'sins' of 20, 30 and 40 years ago are being judged by the political correctness of today.

    That doesn't mean that I condone the alleged sexual misconduct but I think that looking at events in the context of the time is important.

    Values and attitudes do change over time and things that were 'acceptable' in a previous generation are not anymore.

    Society has changed its attitude to a lot of things in 30 years and perhaps DLT has too, but his alleged sins of the past are going to be judged by the values of today.

    Not saying what's right or wrong, just making an observation.

    When was sexual assault ever acceptable in your lifetime?

    You're in the 21st century now, not the Dark Ages. Behave accordingly.

    you're totally contradicting yourself......we're in the 21st century NOW TJ....coffee1.gif

  15. -She screamed for help, and a teenage boy ran over and kicked the mans motorbike out from under him, causing him to fall down.At that point, the thief tried to run away. The boy caught him and restrained him, but the man was bigger, and threw him off, then got on the motorbike and rode away.-

    I thought all thais were cowards , avoided helping others and only fought in packs ? This lad seems dam brave to me.

    Ive been a lurker on this website for a while growing more and more disilusioned with the increasing bigotry of "guests" who live in thailand .

    Maybe its lazyness , inability to learn the language and integrate or general insecurity thats leads to a deluded superiority complex , whatever the answer is I have to wonder if the same people dislike mexicans or somalians etc who fail to integrate in their home countries.

    Anyhow I just thought it was worth highlighting the bravery of the young lad who rushed to help a girl even though the attacker was a bigger stronger adult man with a large bloody knife . How many of you "superior" westeners would have done the same?

    You seem to be knocking farangs for some reason half way through your post. Hmmmm. sad.png

    Yeah...I thought the same......turned the OP into a farang bash for some reason rolleyes.gif

  16. I'm surprised they never tried the old fashioned way with sodium or potassium bombs or something my girlfriend said yesterday, use cigarette lighters as she thought it would catch fire lol.

    Actually, not too far from the truth....

    I remember the grounding of the 'Torrey Canyon' off the Cornish coast just before the summer of 1967......She was fully loaded with crude at the time, my brother was an ATC at Culdrose, the Royal Navy station nearby.....he explained to me how they ended up bombing the slick with fireballs to burn off the majority of the oil therefore minimising the slick.....wai2.gif

  17. Can some of the locals post a photo of whats called a large wave in Phuket please? Because I have not seen any . If I had my duck feet with me I would make a trip down there.

    What you have here is very inexperienced tourists in a strong afternoon rip. I use the term to include all outbound and side ways water movement (not just the texbook rip diagram )

    With the wave/swell direction from the South going into the Phuket bays at an even a slight angle , the water is then forced back out at the Northern part of the bay. Even an experienced swimmer/body surfer with fins might choose to just ride it out.

    You're right about rips,....all people, well ALL beach-going people, should have rips explained to them....if they were taught to recognise when they were in a rip and stopped wasting their energy trying to swim back to shore against it..(and this is where the majority drown, through sheer exhaustion of getting nowhere....) and just let the rip take you a little way out, swim parallel to the shore (with minimal rip resistance), you'll have a far greater chance of being able to swim back to shore...., but if the rip is still apparent, you are at least conserving valuable energy to be able to tread water until the lifeguards can get to you.....unfortunately, the beach and the ocean are not everyday environs for most visitors hence the need for better education of what could and does happen and some preventative measures that can be taken...wai2.gif

  18. RIP to the Russian man.

    Very sad indeed.

    I constantly remind the lifeguards at Nai Harn it can only take 1 or 2 minutes for someone to get in serious trouble. They have been doing a very good job of keeping people out of the water when it's obviously dangerous.

    Yes indeed, very sad,......RIP

    (It's re-assuring and good to know that you're around and constantly reminding the lifeguards on how to do their job...)coffee1.gif

  19. Though I am not a smoker, it seems if you do not have 100k baht to pay as a "fine", probably better to refrain from smoking here. Like most laws here, it depends on how much cash you have, whether or not you will walk Scot free.

    Had a mouthy lad that was annoying me last week who was well coke'd out of his head I mentioned he should pull his neck in a bit and the laws in Thailand and his reply was "Xxxx'em, they try to do me I'll toss em Bt5000 and they will leave me alone"........... I suggested he was not too far off a jail term with an attitude like that.

    He got all pissy and wanted to sort it with fists.................. anyone guess the nationality !!

    Pom chav?

    Nah...probably an Aussie....

  20. A hefty fine and deportation.

    The fine could be any amount and not able to pay or buy himself out, will result in a long stay at a Thai stink hole prison, where even the rats and flies avoid due to the extreme foul hygiene conditions.

    Whatever, the OP`s days are numbered in Thailand or maybe turned into a living hell.

    Hope he has a bottomless pit of cash at hand and a darned good lawyer who won`t be cheap?

    well this isn't the first time like this with weed and getting busted, we were in the same situation in BKK and then we were all in a mess but we didn't worry too much 'cause the guy with the stash, I forget his name, 'cause we'd just met him earlier in the bar and he said he knew someone that would sort everything out but he couldn't remember his name but it was something like Rob, it rhymed with job or gob, I can't remember but we laughed about it at the time...,we laughed a lot that day actually cause it was a really good day but I'm going off topic here, so anyway, after the girl said she'd pay the man to sort out the whole thing we said, Yeah, that'll work and she sorted everything out and we didn't get deported or stuff and we are still here now...so's no worries really, it'll all come out okay in the end...blink.png

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