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Posts posted by Artfullmover

  1. My first thoughts about some people reporting this guy to immigration were mixed ( live and let live, afterall what has it got to do with us if this guy wants to take the low road in life).

    After reading about the Mafia and there ways it probally wouldn't be long before they catch up with him.

    If I see this guy I would throw a few baht his way and tell him he a brave boy and not to spend it all on beer as soon he may need a complete new clothing range (Chop chop).

    Reporting him to immigration may be in his best interest, and all of you who do maybe hold a lot of compasion to your fellow mankind without even knowing it

  2. What utter rubbish. Generally, poor people deserve to be just that.... And your silly liberal conscience won't help them either.

    Would you mind clarifying this, please?

    I wonder though how many of the poor in Thailand deserve to be paid a pittance for their labor. How union leaders who try to improve the situation in Thailand deserve to be shot, so that only about 3% of the labors in Thailand are members in unions.

    How do rural poor deserve to be evicted from their ancestral land because somebody decides to declare areas natural reserves that haven't seen forest cover since decades, while at the same time the rich and powerful can destroy primary forests with impunity?

    How do the poor deserve government schools that are miserable, while they cannot afford even half decent schooling for their children?

    The poverty in Thailand, given Thailand's natural wealth, is a pure creation of a unequal system for the benefit of the rich.

    "Everyone gets the government they deserve". Famous quote. They are poor simply because they have never learned to stop licking the boot thats kicking them. That the rural poor allow the venal corrupt arm of Bangkok to interfere with every aspect of their lives is a reflection on them, rather than Bangkok. The government do it simply because they can.

    In this respect, I have a lot of respect for people in the South, who are sick of being brutalised, marginalised and ripped-off by Bangkok. And not happy being compensated with nationalistic brainwashing and cheap alcohol as a tranquiliser / pacifier.

    Dont quite Know were you got you famous quote from (you sick Nazi F@#$) but I really hope you dont mean that stuff about the boot getting licked.

    I can accept most things that offend - But your statement is well beyond me. I prey you dont know Shit from clay because if you do, we may all be in big trouble if people in power are like you.

    I'm glad you made this statement here because if I had a few drinks with someone and they came out with something like that .............. well you work it out.

    Welcome to the big, wide world, sparky. Sorry, but I don't drink down Khao San Rd way. But have a banana fritter and a SangSom coke on me, eh.....? :D

    Your forefathers and my ancestors endured terrible hardships in standing up to despots and tyranny. In the last century alone, how many millions died fighting against the Nazi's, Commies; criminals; corrupt landowners; religious fundamentalists; etc., etc? They fought and died for the right, in your case; to send puerile drivel into cyberspace, and idly surf the Interweb to view Japanese girls shoot live squid from their doodahs, but that is not the point. :D

    They in other words, stopped licking the boot of tyranny and fascism that was kicking them. They had the will and made the sacrifices to do that. Capice'????

    Btw, you calling me a "Nazi" in a bar would be entertaining for the locals, Suzie. :o

    Loved the crack about Kha San Rd and the Bannana fritter. Great stuff.

    In all fairness I do believe I had that coming and I admit I was a out of place and layed it on a bit to strong.

    On a positive side a least you dont know SH@T from clay.

    Also thanks for the welcome to the big, wide world I feel overwhemed Im sure its going to just divine. Not all that sure Im going to fit in that well though, see I got this thing about women in army boots.

  3. What utter rubbish. Generally, poor people deserve to be just that.... And your silly liberal conscience won't help them either.

    Would you mind clarifying this, please?

    I wonder though how many of the poor in Thailand deserve to be paid a pittance for their labor. How union leaders who try to improve the situation in Thailand deserve to be shot, so that only about 3% of the labors in Thailand are members in unions.

    How do rural poor deserve to be evicted from their ancestral land because somebody decides to declare areas natural reserves that haven't seen forest cover since decades, while at the same time the rich and powerful can destroy primary forests with impunity?

    How do the poor deserve government schools that are miserable, while they cannot afford even half decent schooling for their children?

    The poverty in Thailand, given Thailand's natural wealth, is a pure creation of a unequal system for the benefit of the rich.

    "Everyone gets the government they deserve". Famous quote. They are poor simply because they have never learned to stop licking the boot thats kicking them. That the rural poor allow the venal corrupt arm of Bangkok to interfere with every aspect of their lives is a reflection on them, rather than Bangkok. The government do it simply because they can.

    In this respect, I have a lot of respect for people in the South, who are sick of being brutalised, marginalised and ripped-off by Bangkok. And not happy being compensated with nationalistic brainwashing and cheap alcohol as a tranquiliser / pacifier.

    Dont quite Know were you got you famous quote from (you sick Nazi F@#$) but I really hope you dont mean that stuff about the boot getting licked.

    I can accept most things that offend - But your statement is well beyond me. I prey you dont know Shit from clay because if you do, we may all be in big trouble if people in power are like you.

    I'm glad you made this statement here because if I had a few drinks with someone and they came out with something like that .............. well you work it out.

  4. WELL gentlemen. There is only one thing to say.

    The time has come to welcome these people of yesterdays "Third World" into our modern day world.

    Where will most of us run to now. It looks "our" societies values have finaly caught onto the Thai's and influenced there culture.

    Cant blame it on anyone as it is a step to "PROGRESSION" into the modern world.

    Shame thought, I always wondered if we had adapted to some of the "THAI CULTURE' before we lost our values back here in the land of OZ how well our lives could be. ( The American Democracy policies system has sure has ripped our society apart). LONG LIVE THE GOOD OLD USA. (you guy have an OUTSTANDING foriegn policy, well for the rich and influencial anyway.

    Oh well no use crying in spilt milk.

    What are you trying to say? That it is America's fault that Thailand is not as happy as a year ago?

    If you think that poverty breeds contentment, there is an entire continent that should provide you with enough happiness for several lifetimes. Most Thais would not want to abandon their material possessions any more than most Australians would- and it's not because the Americans taught them that. They are simply--- human. As people develop the means to provide themselves with more creature comforts they come to value those comforts. Nothing what soever to do with America. This abusrd notion that Thailand was poor but happy by choice - that people have to be seduced into preferring to drive a car over walking in the rain- gimme a break. They were poor because they had no choice. And for many, it hasn't changed a lot.

    Well I guess you can read into what I said and get what have come up with.

    The point I was trying to make is somewhat more complex than just poor versus material possessions.

  5. WELL gentlemen. There is only one thing to say.

    The time has come to welcome these people of yesterdays "Third World" into our modern day world.

    Where will most of us run to now. It looks "our" societies values have finaly caught onto the Thai's and influenced there culture.

    Cant blame it on anyone as it is a step to "PROGRESSION" into the modern world.

    Shame thought, I always wondered if we had adapted to some of the "THAI CULTURE' before we lost our values back here in the land of OZ how well our lives could be. ( The American Democracy policies system has sure has ripped our society apart). LONG LIVE THE GOOD OLD USA. (you guy have an OUTSTANDING foriegn policy, well for the rich and influencial anyway.

    Oh well no use crying in spilt milk.

  6. And the scary part of this story is what would have happened had they made it back to shore. Would those fish have been sold?

    I would think so. May be even at a higher price given they would be probally marketed as "Pre made fermented fish" or " Instant fish sauce" ( just blend and serve).

  7. [H2S is not that dangerous. In my education I worked with it a lot freely blowing arround. Smells that you want to cut of your nose, definitly dangerous, but it smells so terrible that you wouldn't stay in a dangerous concentration for long.

    You should check out your family tree as you may find you could be related to "superman". The safe working limit to have around is 10 part per million. Whilst you can smell it you are Ok ( apart from the "rotten egg smell"). One of the first things this gas does in concetration is takes a way is your sense of smell.

    In my work enviroment it has been known to "KILL' people real quick.

    And as in the case of the fishing boat it also takes out the resucer as they see the victim down and rush to give help not thinking about the concequences.

  8. Democracy?

    Thailand only seems to have a "Demcracy" system when all goes well, when it suits the players in power, and mainly to appease the western forieng governments. Most Thais dont care, along as the king has control. (which he has and also is a TRUE representative of his people).

    Thailand is a "Shadow" monachy infuenced by groups of wanna be dictators and only goes with Democray when it it serves a purpose as it does.

    Guess the same can be said about western governments too. Quite a few have a royals as a head of state with capitalist /facists choosing the party leaders.

    Democracies first agenda is to keep the "sheep" in the dark confused , with a liitle bit of happiness with a promise of more. ( most of us are looking forward to the "promises or at least live toward hope)

    Brian burke will back me up Im sure, Im sure he will soon retire in thailand, would fit right and become a leading deligate of a place like "Sin City" (Pattaya)

  9. What type of toxic gasses can be produced that would do this?

    Dosen't sound like a fun way to go.


    Probally Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S). Very deadly, one of the most toxic. Comes from rotting organic matter, denser than air therefore sits low.

    Another possibility is Methane, the first thing it does is eat up all the oxygen in a confined space.

    Ill go with the first guess, if in a concetration of around 1000 parts per million can take an average person down in a few breaths.

  10. Telephone operators - could it be possible one could obtain information with value enought to give someone some concerns.


    MATE I'd bet your a real foul mouth bigot in real life - The pride and Joy of 'Sin City". ( More than likely only an apprentice you do seem to have some of your mables left)

    How could you possibly confuse an Aussie with a kiwi - Who do you think taught them that anyway.

  11. Looks as if the "Theories have stopped". I sat back and review all the info and opinions all had to offer and have now come up with one that differs a little. I will face up to the fact up front and say I am probally way of track with the following.

    The girls may have gone to the beach for a few drinks in the early morning like the had before. Why not they are on holidays and probally didnt want to waste time hanging about the room afterall they are in a beach front paridise ( No travel brouchers going to say stay here close to the beach were its not safe). They may thought the nightlife was great and decided to sleep through the day and party at night. Not a bad idea to have a few drinks by the beach before hitting the sack. There may have been a few of the "thai wanna be Mafia types" on or around that area of the beach on that morning ( and possibly before). They have aproached the girls to give friendly introduction with a view it might be worth there while and end up putting the girls on edge ( Hence the glass, whiskey and coke on the far edge of the table right in front of the girls out of reach of the others.) Placing a phone on the table in full view may give the impression "help" can easly be called. The phone may have been brought out to show just that. Now "Russian" girls being as strong willed as they are ( you must admit were they come from the men would be a lot more intimidating) have told these " Guest" to go away in an offensive degrading manner which they did. The girls may have thought the whole event was just a bit of fun so wouldnt have been to concerned about splitting the scence straight away after all the " Undesirables" have moved on . Now thai bad boys wanting to be bad boys always seem to have on of there numbers wanting to be the "hero" or the Main Man. One steps up to the plate tells the others he's going to show them grabs a weapon and sets off to do his stuff. (I believe one of the group/gang " Thai wanna be mafia" probally had one as a status symble, just like us Falang when we were young with our hotted up cars - someone in the group had one). The " Hero" then runs down to the beach from behind and aproching from right hand side and nails the first girl in the top rigth shoulder of her back. Them as he comes around her nails the other in the lower torso. This would explain the "boot print, it is a heavy impresion that shows a person at pace has stopped quick and backed up and gone no further . The footprints around that area dont show deep impresions nothing close".

    Maybe " danny deckchair" was involed may he was the one who done it to show his "Mafia wanna be mates" he was up to ther preceived leage,who knows.

    What I have seen thought is the attitude, the dress ( yes combat style boots) and the weapons these wanna be's have.

  12. [i know prostitutes that are office workers, secretaries, food vendors, house wives, shop attendants and a host of other occupations. but come night time, it's time for the second job

    so stop being so naive and please realize that because someone has a day job,it doesn't mean they cannot be a hooker

    It's clear as day,  well to some people anyway

    If you meant to say empirical evidence, your post would make more sense,

    Ive read a lot of postings on here. Its good to read some peoples " Conspicy Theory's" as it can add food for thought ( good and bad).

    I am hoping the truth will come out and add closure to this event but I doubt it. After reading many things here and from other sources I dont think I would be "sold" on any outcome.

    Another event I followed closely was the killing of the couple in Kanchanaburi by the cop. The outcome was clear on that one and the leason learned (re-enforced) " Ladys DO NOT flirt with thai men" expecially one thats been drinking and believes hes in with a chance. I am a little suprized that that one wasnt brought up. After seeing the pictures it seemed to me there may have been another or others at that table a one time.

    The only thing I would like to add is PAMPAL YOU ARE A GOOSE!!!.

  13. Yes TV's are hard to get, expecially from the views of many on this site ( no disrespect intended). Personally a know of a lot of people who have no problems at all, even when the odds have been stacked against them.

    I believe ( apart from financals ) the biggest hurdle is to satisfy them of a reason for her to return to thailand when the visa expires. Seems to be a common denominator in the rejections department.

    As she cannot lodge the application in person and there is no face to face possible with the decision makers the visa is a assessed only on the paper work submitted it is best to write a detailed letter explaining your curcumstances and your intensions both for the present and the future. Adding you would do everything within your power to ensure she returned wouldnt hurt either. Playing on the "Tourist" reasons "to see some of Australia and to learn a bit about there culture as well as spending time and to learning more about my partner" may help some. ( An extract from my parnters letter for a tourist visa, which she got with the odds heavily stacked against her)

    Another thing that could help would be "Stat Dec's " from any Aussie's who can support you claim of an ongoing relationship.

    Good Luck.

  14. So he was released on bail. So what does that mean, He more than likely admitted his guilt and is awaiting his turn in hel_l. They probally feel he will not run, regrets his actions and accepts that he will be imprisoned and condemed to a life in hel_l.

    Sure it could be as many of you guys believe that the Thai system is predudist towards forieners but I believe you base you assumption on a limited amount of cases and dont take into account how the justice system really opperates there. Lets face it our world and outlooks are different so it would be hard to get the real perspective on how thing real are. The average Thai regime ( not taking into account corruption are associations) follow their policies and proceedures like machines. The rules get followed or you go thru the system or the sytem will......

    Ive hear 1st hand how hard life is in the prison system for falang and we have got it easy. An average thai without connections and short of cash is in for an experience most of us would relate to hel_l. His life even if he go out would never be the same.

    As they can let him out on bail they do probally out of compasion knowing whats ahead for him.

    One thing that differs from us is the issue of the level of "compasion" they have for us. In most cases probally not a lot. We are and will never be of there Blood. Like it or not.

    I do feel for the victim but believe most of you people have it in for the Thai way of doing thing. I'm sure it is because there society is different is why most of you are there in the first place.

  15. AUSTRALIA has agreed to join other western countries, including the United States, in resettling up to 150 Lao Hmong refugees after Thailand halted their deportation overnight.

    The threatened deportation of the 153 Hmong came after strong representations by US, UN and Australian officials amid scenes of chaos at the Nong Khai immigration detention centre, 500km north of Bangkok.

    A Thai foreign ministry spokesman said that since Thai authorities had received reassurances from the US, Australia, Canada and the Netherlands, the Thai authorities will not send them back to Laos.


  16. Im glad he got a 4th stamp. Says something about the hospitality and kindness of Thai individuals regardless of what they are paid to do.

    Lets face it, if what I just said is the truth and by other stories I have read there are many Thai immigation officers that seem to be careing more about the "farangs" needs than performing the duties of their job.

    I'm sure many people dont like the new rules put in place by the thai government but the unfortunate fact is it is the LAW. Some people are being just plain lucky others hard done by but the facts are fact things have changed. There are new rules.

    Its good to here some people are getting what they want (and crowing like barnyard roosters in the process) but I think everyone should take a serious look at adapting to the new rules, it really doesnt seem that hard. Being lazy or plain broke shouldnt be an excuse. If your broke and have survived in Thailand for so long in the past, face up to the facts - you are on borrowed time, best to get a grip and back up onto your own feet.

    I've met quite a few blokes who are still capable of working back were they come from but choise to stay in thailand for the easy way out (not that I can blame them) but also to drink and go whoring. One thing most have in common is their total lack respect for the average thai and there laws.

    Maybe in the thought train of improving the worlds image of thailand the authouritys have taken steps to make it just that little bit harder for that class of people and get some extra revenue in the process.

    I really dont see the changes as catstophic as some do and once the thais enforce the new rules like they should everyone will know were they stand. You cant allways survive on luck and the goodwill of others.

  17. I am curious. I gather from your post you are visiting Thailand for work related purposes.

    Can this be done with the 30 day visa on arrival?

    When you mark your incoming passenger card do you mark the reason for the visit "Holiday" or "Business"?

    If you mark "Business" do they ask for more detail and from having many vists wonder why you dont have a work permit?

    If you declare you come on a holiday couldnt they do you over if you were found to be working?

    I'm not sure on the rules or definitions but am keen to learn for my future plans

  18. I still dont get it, Ive read many responses some with some great info others... well no comment. If you just say you met at the place were you met were is the lie? You would be stupied state up front "she worked ther as a bargirl" any way you look at it what your saying is your both into crime. On the other hand just because you have met a lady a a bar does not implie she is a prostitute. I just dont get why some peoples advice is to lie.

    When it come down to stating her employment what is wrong with her working in the hospitality industry. After all a very high percentage of thai girls first meet there partners in that industries enviroment. There are other reasons the girls go to these places other then them to be on the game and get a few bucks. The most likely apart from that one would to meet a foriengner.

    I recon to say you met in a bar/restuarant is the best thing to say if its the truth. Why would you say different. How many bullshit storys do you think the embasy staff get along the lines of "I met her in a village while visiting the country side" (RED FLAG I smell bullshit lets dig deeper and catch them out). It happens but how often. These people understand the real world so why drift of from the facts.

    I have met a lot of blokes in OZ and Thailand with thai partners and guess what, very very few met there ladys in bars or entertainment areas. You just know most of "how we met stories" are bullshit and Im not even a trained profesional.

    Just stick to believable facts with the rest being ommited.

    good luck

  19. Why would you mention she worked in a Bar??. Why not say you met at the place were you both were and leave the details out. There is no lie to be caught out on and the chances are they will probally conclude she was probaly working there anyway and not pursue the matter. If they want to dig for more then maybe you could tell more but only if it was required to achieve the "Honesty" part.

  20. Thai's and F'n Lies?

    One thing thats sets the Thai's apart is they can be dead honest or go the complete other way. When threated they have the intendacy to clam up or feed you a banquet of bullshit without too much thought if are you are buying it or not, Most soft C.....s ( Male chickens) dont put up much of a challenge and the rest tend to give to much of the benifit of the doubt.

    In summary the average thai girl, when the heat is on will start to lean toward the teachings of buddha ( take care of number one) and block there thoughts of your feelings out as a thing of yesterday or something best not thought about, best to think if the future. The sad fact is that they will take a fair bit of crap and do some personal suffering from someone who has the finaces and the will to support them. When your in that situation how can you really know who your partner really is and how much can you rely on them to stand by you in difficult times.

    The best thing to do when your in doubt is play it cool gather facts and when they mount up move on. No point in confrontation it more than likely than not end up with you being left with nothing except frustration. Also an understanding of Buddism is a great way to understand the rules of engagement. Once you have an understanding of that it will level the playing field. ( to some degree at least).

    Yes Thai girls are pretty much the same as all others. The only thing that really sets them apart is the circumstances they find them self in and there beliefs in the teaching of buddah.

    I love the Thai girls for who they are and are very much attached to one. When thing are good they are Very good, when things are bad one should always face facts.

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