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Rocking Robert

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Everything posted by Rocking Robert

  1. So far I believe the mortality rate for COVID-19 is something like 2.2% how do you get milder than that from a new variant
  2. I came on May 6 it was supposed to be three days quarantine four days in the motel and released,With only one days notice they changed it to 14 day quarantine
  3. I’ve been jabbed three times and I have friends who refused to get vaccinated I have no problem with that whatever you do please never give up your freedom
  4. Am I considered a racist since I reserve the right to choose who I like or dislike.
  5. USA number one all right let’s hear it for the yanks????????
  6. It’s a very simple fix enforce the law if you know you’re going to get 1000 bath fine every time you don’t wear a helmet trust me you will start wearing a helmet. All the laws
  7. And why not get married and have your wife and your children as British citizenship
  8. I did the COE back in May I scheduled my Covid test one day and picked it up the next day I believe they said they could not fax it but I knew this is very important that’s why I did it like that 205 USA dollars
  9. millions of them go to football stadiums every weekend for the last 13 weeks no masks shoulder to shoulder Screaming her lungs out they must be the ones not hiding under the bed
  10. This letter is obviously a joke someone trying to put down American anyone who believes this guy is for real they are the ones with the problem
  11. WYN,Caesar’s,MGM. Would not build a casino if it restricts certain people from using it such as the locals it’s called discrimination and they will get too much heat from that
  12. They’re trying to keep the bars closed as long as they can and when they cannot keep them closed being a bar Owner will not be the same. They think of you as nothing more than pips
  13. I played a round of golf at Black Mountain back in June. My caddie told me I was the only one on the course and I rode by Springfield country club I believe they were totally shut down what a shame
  14. And by the way if you have an international drivers license you have to have a motorcycle endorsement on it
  15. I was there in May June and July I got three traffic tickets for not wearing a helmet I was really <deleted> off at myself
  16. God what did you forget your meds this morning sure the hell glad you are there and not in the USA the greatest country in the world
  17. One major health issue and the 25,000 is gone in a flash
  18. Friday night went to my sons football game high school 19,000 people Saturday went to Texas A&M football game 110 thousand people did my COVID-19 test that night Sunday when did Dallas game 82,000 people money jumped on a plane I guess I’ll be OK
  19. And on U Tube. They show you how to retire in Thailand on 1000 usd A month
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