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Posts posted by Ringmybells

  1. 53,000 baht a month for 4 people in Chiang Mai.........honestly that's too low! If you were here by yourself that's fine but what you're probably finding is not enough is buying new clothes and shoes school expenses and stuff that you just have to pay for so your looking at ways to cut your quality of living.

    others will say "get a cheaper place to live" or "move away from the city" and "stop buying cheese" geez. Is this why you moved to Thailand so you can eat street food live far away from the city and have no money for the occasional soapy?

    If you want to reduce your monthly expenses and still retain your current standard of living then go buy a house or else I can't see this working. If you can't afford to do that I'm really sorry to hear about your situation and i'm concerned about the well being of your kids not just now but in the future.

    You're purchasing power is only going to get less and less as the years go on. Seriously the other posters were right, you need to increase your monthly wage!

    Please don't be concern about my kids their college funds are all set up as a result of simple living for good saving!

    • Like 1
  2. I agree with most of the posters here...putting them at an international school is about 36k per term and if they are todds and you are comfortable teaching them at home, it's a huge expense you dont have to put up at this young an age.

    Cutting on rent is an option you shoudl look seriously into and I agree you should cook at home more often; the bills shrink, kids eat more healthy and you get the family bonding time.

    Great you dont drink or smoke...that's such a saver. eating cheese as treat is a way of enjoying life. Don't cut back on everything till you dont enjoy living anymore...it become rather sad then.

    $1250 per month with 2 kids is really bare minimum, you should consider seriously improving your cash streams. Take care and best of luck

    We pay much more than 36k per term for each todd but we are fine with that.

    Can't really move because we already signed a one year lease which ends Feb. next year.

    I totally agree with buying less cheese!

  3. You are already living in one of the least expensive cities in the world that offers a high standard of living, good medical care, and low crime. Personally, I'm mystified why anyone would move a young family to Thailand, unless you are making good money. I agree with some of the other posts about feeding your kids street food. I won't even eat street food, because most of the vendors don't have access to clean running water. Start cooking at home and take advantage of the fresh fruit and vegetable markets. Also, get those kids out of here during the smokey season for a little fresh air. sad.png

    We are travelling the world and stopping by Chiang Mai for one year. We like it but we are going back in May next year stopping by Europe for a few months on the way back home.

    I agree I should start cooking my own food even though it is more expensive to cook than to eat at my next door neighbor restaurant.

    • Like 1
  4. My first glance into this thread indicates to me that the OP is not short in fund; rather, she's just a wife and mom (if not trolling) who likes to save than waste while not depriving herself and the family of necessities. People have different perspectives on living standards. She doesn't mind eating street food, doesn't like shopping at Rimping, doesn't want her family living in a shed, doesn;t spend much on entertainments. To me, nothing's wrong with that. Gee, if the OP stops buying cheese, the family don't drink milk like water, and stop switching the air on all the time, she would almost be on par with my wife!

    Asking the TV expats on how to save is like asking the question: can you live comfortably.under 100k a month for a family of 4 (excluding tuition and medicals)!

    Am I glad that my kid was out of the international school, otherwise, tuition alone runs over 40k a month!

    You got it....I am that kind of a wife who likes to save without denying my kids the life style I want them to have. My husband and I don't drink milk like water but the kids do like milk and they drink a lot of it every single day and I am not going to ask them to drink less milk because I want to save. We use two ACs every night and we do like cheese but I can certainly live on less cheese in order to save. Hey I am not a troll, I am a real person, a wife and a mom.

  5. Wait until you have school fees to pay laugh.png

    We do have school fees to pay for two todds in an international school. We are happy we can afford it hehehe.

    But you obviously can't if you're wanting to shave off $600 a month.

    School fees are not included in the $1800/mo and I am happy with their school fees and them in being in school Mon-Fri! I like the school and willing to pay the fees.

  6. Wait until you have school fees to pay laugh.png

    We do have school fees to pay for two todds in an international school. We are happy we can afford it hehehe.

    How do you afford that out of the same budget? (If full international school..) Or is that separate?

    School alone for two kids can eat up 25K a month, if not more.

    School fees, internet, phone and most medical bills are separate. We don't have tv. I did mention on my post that $1800 includes: rent, food, utilities and transportation.

  7. I'm struggling here you have a wife and two kids on 54,000 a month? how did you think you would be able to live well on that? I'm single and need 70/80,000 and I would think that's the average

    I have a husband and two kids. I am a wife who is quite interested in saving for a fatter bank account:-) May be you spend so much more because you go out more often than a family. Our kids are in school Mon-Fri, we usually go out only in the weekends.

  8. TrueVisions can be a major expense and we'll downgrade our service end of month as we simply don't get value for money. Better value via internet down-load and watch at your leisure! Saving ~ 1,000 bt per month!

    Utilities are not a major expense for us despite extensive use of cooking appliances:-

    a./ Mooban fees @ 500 Bt (100 talangwah lot)

    b./ Water @ 120 Bt

    c./ Power @ 800 Bt (was lower but now use a/c ~ 10hrs each night)

    d./ Gas @ 60 Bt

    I often walk to Makro or BigC, (for exercise) and we eat loads of fresh cooked salmon, chicken and pork with salads or quality greens - All groceries incl imported cereals, cheeses, alcohol and cleaning supplies average 15k per month. Shopping at Makro saves approx 25% compared with elsewhere.

    I agree with all others, do not eat street food as a daily staple. Fresh home-cooked rice and meat is cleaner, healthier and cheaper! For greens, buy cheap local greens, wash well and steam or stir-fry - serve with a little oyster sauce for extra flavour!

    Is Macro the best place for salmon? How do you manage to keep your power bill/electricity for 800/mo?

  9. I don't understand your figures.

    From what you've told us you're already living frugally (songtaew, street food) but you're managing to spend roughly (an average) 1,200 baht every day? I think there must be other significant expenses you've omitted (nappies for instance? Formula? Not the cheapest of items. Do you smoke? 2 adults smoking could be $150/mo...). Anyway, I'd start there if I was you - make a note of EVERY cent you spend and figure out where the heck it's all going and where the waste (if any) is.

    In the meantime - MOVE. If you want to live on a budget of only $1200 a month you can't be spending 40% of it on rent&utility.

    We are non-smokers and kids don't use diapers or formula anymore.

  10. We are a family of 4 (two adults two toddlers) We spend about 1800.00 usd/mo on rent, food and transportation. We used public transportation. We eat mostly Thai street food or home cooked meal, we shop our vegetables and fruits at local market, yogurt, milk, coffee, cheese, pasta, etc at super market like Big C and Tesco Lotus. Our rent is TB 12000/mo our utility about TB 4000/mo. Any suggestion how I can decrease my living expenses? We do eat out a lot but that is street food that costs 30 baht per plate. I would like to bring down our living expenses to about 1200 usd/mo if possible. Any advice is appreciated:-)


  11. My across the street neighbor said she was force into Patpong as a teenager and an orphan. I am not from Phillipines I am from India. I have been here for a few months (travelling around the world) and I don't claim to be an expert on anything 'Thai'

    Every bar girl i have met claims to be poor and yet has the latest iphone along with ipad.

    They make good money why not have fancy expensive tools:-)

  12. I am a woman from a third world country. Thank God my parents could support me through school and college. I have a master's degree, fall in love with an old man. I have been married to an American old man for about 11 years. We are right now travelling all over Thailand. I have met many many gorgeous and not so gorgeous Thai ladies married to foreign guys. I met them through an International school where my children are enrolled. I find Thai ladies to be very attractive and some of them very honest about their past. I was speechless when some of them told me flat on my face that they met their farang husband in Patpong where they worked as bar girls. Sorry guys, considering the size of sex industry in Thailand I don't blame tourists for thinking that all expats are married to ex prostitutes...and so what if you did. Prostitutes are human, prostitution is a job, it is not a sin to fall in love with an honest prostitute and be her rescuer! End of story.

    AS you say its a job, so what is there to rescue her from?

    Selling drugs is also a job so is being a hitman.

    There are many ways to make easy money, but with easy money there are consequences.

    Rescue those who were forced to join prostitution by poverty, being orphans, human trafficking etc.

    You must be from Philippines.rolleyes.gif

    Thai females are not forced into anything and there are thousands of jobs out there.

    Poverty? There are million of people worldwide who are poor and do not become prostitutes or drug dealers.

    My across the street neighbor said she was force into Patpong as a teenager and an orphan. I am not from Phillipines I am from India. I have been here for a few months (travelling around the world) and I don't claim to be an expert on anything 'Thai'

  13. I am a woman from a third world country. Thank God my parents could support me through school and college. I have a master's degree, fall in love with an old man. I have been married to an American old man for about 11 years. We are right now travelling all over Thailand. I have met many many gorgeous and not so gorgeous Thai ladies married to foreign guys. I met them through an International school where my children are enrolled. I find Thai ladies to be very attractive and some of them very honest about their past. I was speechless when some of them told me flat on my face that they met their farang husband in Patpong where they worked as bar girls. Sorry guys, considering the size of sex industry in Thailand I don't blame tourists for thinking that all expats are married to ex prostitutes...and so what if you did. Prostitutes are human, prostitution is a job, it is not a sin to fall in love with an honest prostitute and be her rescuer! End of story.

    AS you say its a job, so what is there to rescue her from?

    Selling drugs is also a job so is being a hitman.

    There are many ways to make easy money, but with easy money there are consequences.

    Rescue those who were forced to join prostitution by poverty, being orphans, human trafficking etc.

  14. TM.7 form (suspect two will be needed in Chiang Mai but not sure on that). All extensions of stay use the same form - if you download and print do on both sides of A4 paper. You will find links in the pinned useful information post at top of this forum.

    Hopefully we have enough time for extension. Thank you again. I will give an update after May 7th or will post if I have any more questions which I am pretty sure I do:-)

  15. You are saying all your 90 day non immigrant O visa entries will expire on May 16th? That means extensions can be done anytime up to then so with paperwork for children get them on extensions first and then husband can apply for retirement as soon as he has the Embassy letter (you did make appointment at the Chiang Mai Consulate)? For Chiang Mai immigration suspect you will have to arrive early in morning as not likely to be any appointments available but once seen the retirement extension is immediate and then they can do yours. The actual costs at immigration will be 1,900 baht for each extension of stay. If you believe there will be any need for travel you might want to obtain a re-entry permit once getting the extension at 1,000 baht each but that is not required if you do not travel and in most cases can be obtained later (even in most emergencies). Be sure to have 4x6cm photos for each application (may require two there) and copies of passport data page/visa/entry and departure card as well as some proof of where you live. For children the school documents and for husband the financial paper and for you marriage proof and copy of husbands extension.

    Thank you again! Could you tell me what forms I fill out for each of us?

  16. A visa expert from England asked $500 usd to do our extension. $500 is an ouch to me. He suggested that husband gets retirement visa and I become a follower as a wife. Kids get their education visa with school documents.

    I don't know how this is all going to work out but husband already made an appointment with the US embassy for swearing of income affidavit. Appointment is on May 7 visa expires May 16, I fear time is not on our side.

    I wonder what kind of a form we fill out and submit.

    What are the required documents.

    What kind of a letter the school should write.

    Any suggestion is much appreciated.

    I am about to leave for the school, pay the fees and hopefully have the letter to submit to the immigration office.

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