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Posts posted by peterbkk9

  1. "Back in 1995, during the early day of Asia Europe Meeting (ASEM), Thailand and France collaborated to ensure the ASEM took off. "

    Nice, but as far as French-Thai relations are concerned, you can't talk about what happened in the 90s without mentioning that anti-French demonstrations took place in Bangkok in 1999 when France (with some other 60+ countries) supported NZ candidate Mike Moore to the position of WTO director vs Thai candidate Supachai.

    Thai officials were “outraged” of the “conspiracy" against them...

    People were out in the streets of Bangkok shouting anti French slogans and called for a boycott of all French products.

    Typical Thai reaction when you don’t go their way.

    And now this articles describe Thailand as the savior of French jobs...

  2. "DiCaprio calls on Yingluck to ban ivory trade" => that was in the newspapers in February 2013

    I remember Yingluck saying something like "Oh don't worry, no country in the world loves elephants as much as Thailand !!! "

    What actions have been undertaken since then by the country that loves elephants so much? => nothing. nada. zero, of course. What would you expect from these inept politicians.

    The only people who had the balls and the will to really address issues are the military.


    To compare BKK to Venice is an obscenity.

    Only a person who does not know the difference between

    a sea and a swamp

    a palace and a dump

    a cake and noodles

    a Renaissance and Illiteracy

    a gondola and a tuk-tuk

    a Saint Marco and a VAT Crematorium

    could make such a sacrilegious comparison.

    I have seen and heard many things in many years of living in Thailand.

    Some were beautiful, many were ugly, altogether it is a life, - especially when one keeps a healthy sense of humour.

    This time I am really angry.

    Before BKK 'degenerates' like Venice it has to generate something.

    Sorry, but it really was too much...

    Fire away!

    "To compare BKK to Venice is an obscenity."


    • Like 2
  4. I expect the moronic justification from the powers that be will be more shocking than the actual mural itself. (which I think is in bad taste btw)

    Just watch, the blame game and denial will be in full swing soon. I can state with almost certainty, no one will apologize or take any responsibility for it or the repercussions. Watch and see it unfold. Think of it as an exercise in understanding Thailand.

    Doubt local media will even touch on this as a story, since it might make someone look bad...

    Absolutely spot on.

  5. It would probably be considered unreasonable by the authorities and other residents for one house to have to be burdened with the rubbish from every house when each house could keep their own and the dustman collect from them. In fact I suspect that this is what should happen. We used to have a dustbin outside our gate, some houses didn't, the dustcart would stop at the mouth of our sub-soi and the dustmen would come down with baskets to collect, I didn't realise that the baskets weren't kept on the cart. The system was abandoned when a tramp started making a mess rummaging through our individual dustbins. Now we take our rubbish to the mouth of the soi where it is deposited in, or in the vicinity of! a large yellow wheely-bin, there no baskets and because it is beside the blank wall of the first house they can't see it.

    I presume that you have a Thai whom you can brief to get a discussion going with your neighbours which is a first step.

    Edit: I have just re read your post and think that perhaps if the baskets don't belong on the dustcart then they belong to individual houses and belong there and you are being inconvenienced for the sake of neighbours or the dustmen, both unacceptable situations, the task is to get the municipal authorities to agree. If you get agreement a New Year bottle would be appropriate. Good luck.

    Thank you for your comments tgeezer with a lot of good advice.

    The dustcart never comes inside my soi. It waits at the mouth of the soi. The garbage collectors walk into the soi, put the waste baskets in a trolley and walk to the dustcart. The baskets belong to the dustmen who use them to collect the plastic bags (no dustbins in my soi)

    Two of my neighbors are also inconvenienced by this situation. I will talk to them and to the municipal authorities.

  6. I live in a quiet residential soi in Bangkok.

    The garbage collectors have decided to keep their waste baskets (about 10-15 in total) stacked right in front of my house.

    At night they use these empty waste baskets to collect the garbage in those plastic bags up and down the soi.

    So this area has become the garbage hub of the soi. Whenever someone needs to dump a big size object (mattress, old rotten furniture, washbasins, toilets, and so on...) they will just dump it there, right in front of my house.

    And of course, the garbage collectors won't take these large size objects, so they stay there forever.

    Imagine you open your door and see this pile of garbage. Not to mention the putrid smell.

    Once I spoke to the garbage collectors, asking them if they could keep their waste baskets somewhere else.

    They said "no sir, because it has been there a long time"

    How to get rid of these waste baskets? Should I try with the BMA?

    Any real advice is appreciated.

  7. yeah, Jean-Mari Le Pen is a more authentic French name, I'm sure you're not ashamed of him...

    While he was convicted several times for xenophobia, there was a lot of demonization of Jean Marie Le Pen.

    French people are not racist. But as soon as you say something against immigrants, against islam, you are labeled as racist.

    I think it is this political correctness, this weakness and hypocrisy that may be a greater danger for France.

    • Like 1
  8. I don't think Thais would take the train anyway.

    They would rather drive their own car or fly.

    Even more so after the first accident of the high speed train which I believe would probably happen soon after they put it in service.

    There are so many more urgent priorities. For example why don't they replace their ageing city bus fleet by electric buses first? This would improve air quality in Bangkok

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