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Posts posted by peterbkk9

  1. This happens in other countries too. Although situations and motives are not necessarily the same.

    If you happen to be black or Asian in the streets of Moscow, chances are sooner or later you will get attacked by groups of russian neo-nazis, and sometimes beaten to death. 6-7 to 1.

    Hopefully, attacks (for whatever reason) on foreigners in Thailand are a rare occurence. I was actually surprised to read this news.

    Of course, this does not make this beating in Bangkok any less serious.

  2. 10 years, 20 years from now it will be the same. I dont see this problem being solved anytime soon.

    Speaking of Bangkok where I live, air pollution (not from fires but from vehicles) is really a huge health problem, with documented long term health effects.

    But again, Thais do not seem to be bothered about it. If you do not "see" it, it does not exist.

    i read a poll some weeks ago on the ranking of problems people face in Bangkok. Traffic jams was among the top of the list, and air pollution, lack of green areas far far behind.

    Environment concerns each and everyone of us on this planet. There are no frontiers.

    • Like 1
  3. (in the 'IKEA store opening thread) didn't a couple of members say they had tried the meatballs? IIRC they said they weren't very good anyway. Maybe we have our answer as to why!

    Quite enjoyed mine when I visited the store - in fact horsemeat is usually very good, a lot better than the so called beef one gets in Thialnd.

    Yes I enjoyed mine also, thinking it was beef.

    When I was young I ate horse meat on a few occasions. This is not uncommon in France

  4. Here in Europe it is called "Islamic Progression to Sharia."

    There is no territorial limit.

    All of any faith other than Islam are considered less than 2nd Grade.

    Perhaps the only way in the South is to herd all the muslims into one area, and heavily cordon it off.

    There must then be a military cordon along the length of the Malay border.

    All money moving in or out must be "sanitised" to limit the blood money from the Saudis and Iranians which is funding this aggression.

    Yes it will mean moving non-muslims in the area to other areas - but that is a small penalty for current affairs being contained.

    At the end of the day, the Thai people have to decide if they want this cancerous menace in their society - or not.

    "Perhaps the only way in the South is to herd all the muslims into one area, and heavily cordon it off."

    Good idea

    • Like 2
  5. The problem is that the average Thai driver does not "perceive" his driving habits as dangerous.

    For example tailgating a car (or even worse, a motorbike) at 20cm at 80km/h is something I see literally everyday.

    And everyday, even after all these years, I shake my head in disbelief and horror and think "THIS IS INSANE!!!"

    Always driving with zero margin for safety means you cannot react properly if anything goes wrong. But Thai drivers seems to ignore the probability, the risk of anything going wrong, and ignore the most basic laws of physics.

    This is part of the reality of living in Thailand.

  6. Excuse my language, but it is appropriate considering these scum who drive minivans.

    I drive on the 7 and 36 a lot. The majority of minivans I see on these freeways are operated by a pack of idiotic, bullying, rude .... They speed in excess of 140 KPH and get right up on your rear bumper so you cannot see their headlights. Or they drive slow in the fast lane and will not move out of the way. They will cut in front of you suddenly without any directional indicators or safe space. It seems all the other Thai drivers in vehicles smaller than them avoid them like the plague. I see this behavior acted out against many innocent drivers time and time again.

    I had a road run-in about three months ago where a van came up on me so fast I thought he would rear-end me. I was boxed in and could not pull over. He persisted and honked and flashed his hi-beams. The surrounding vehicles cleared out. I still could not safely get out of the way as he was so close on my rear, heavy-duty, stainless steel bumper. Needless to say, I dealt with it and he lost. I turned on my hazard lights and he stayed on my bumper. I slowed down gently and he stayed on my bumper. I sped up and he sped up. I said .... it; braced myself and slammed on the brakes. He slammed on his brakes and two for his tires blew out at about 130 KPH - bam bam. No contact. He barely made it to the side of the road and nearly got hit in doing so, as he swerved across three lanes suddenly and forced several vehicles to slam on their brakes. I kept on going with a shit eating grin and years of experience driving in these types of conditions.

    I hate these ...... beyond belief and am prepared to retaliate with my 4000+ pounds of angry steel if they threaten my safety and do not allow me the courtesy of getting out of their way safely. I am aware of the fact that they are crazy and they are capable of doing anything, but if I am alone in my truck and this happens, then this happens and they'll go with me or they'll simply go. I am not ashamed of telling it, and I suspect there will be a few who do not condone what I did, but I give a shit. Put my back against the wall and I'll unleash whatever Hell I've got to give. The little ..... can die for all I care. I have no use for them. They shouldn't be allowed to drive anything. 16 year old princesses and minivan drivers: enough said! Every time I read a story like this I shake my head in disbelief at how stupid, selfish and disrespectful Thai people are towards others with the technology they have been blessed with. Flame off.

    It's people like you that are equally responsible for the deaths of innocent people in minivans and other road crash fatalities

    Read the bold piece and apply it to yourself

    I think I would have done the same thing, given the conditions (no passengers in either vehicles). I dont consider myself as disrespectful for the safety of others.

  7. Excuse my language, but it is appropriate considering these scum who drive minivans.

    I drive on the 7 and 36 a lot. The majority of minivans I see on these freeways are operated by a pack of idiotic, bullying, rude .... They speed in excess of 140 KPH and get right up on your rear bumper so you cannot see their headlights. Or they drive slow in the fast lane and will not move out of the way. They will cut in front of you suddenly without any directional indicators or safe space. It seems all the other Thai drivers in vehicles smaller than them avoid them like the plague. I see this behavior acted out against many innocent drivers time and time again.

    I had a road run-in about three months ago where a van came up on me so fast I thought he would rear-end me. I was boxed in and could not pull over. He persisted and honked and flashed his hi-beams. The surrounding vehicles cleared out. I still could not safely get out of the way as he was so close on my rear, heavy-duty, stainless steel bumper. Needless to say, I dealt with it and he lost. I turned on my hazard lights and he stayed on my bumper. I slowed down gently and he stayed on my bumper. I sped up and he sped up. I said .... it; braced myself and slammed on the brakes. He slammed on his brakes and two for his tires blew out at about 130 KPH - bam bam. No contact. He barely made it to the side of the road and nearly got hit in doing so, as he swerved across three lanes suddenly and forced several vehicles to slam on their brakes. I kept on going with a shit eating grin and years of experience driving in these types of conditions.

    I hate these ...... beyond belief and am prepared to retaliate with my 4000+ pounds of angry steel if they threaten my safety and do not allow me the courtesy of getting out of their way safely. I am aware of the fact that they are crazy and they are capable of doing anything, but if I am alone in my truck and this happens, then this happens and they'll go with me or they'll simply go. I am not ashamed of telling it, and I suspect there will be a few who do not condone what I did, but I give a shit. Put my back against the wall and I'll unleash whatever Hell I've got to give. The little ..... can die for all I care. I have no use for them. They shouldn't be allowed to drive anything. 16 year old princesses and minivan drivers: enough said! Every time I read a story like this I shake my head in disbelief at how stupid, selfish and disrespectful Thai people are towards others with the technology they have been blessed with. Flame off.

    I have been driving in Thailand for 15 years and had many similar situations. Not only on the 7 and 36 (Motorway / Rayong) and not only with van drivers.

    I see crazy driving behaviour on a daily basis. Sometimes i get upset. This has happened this morning. Chased down the bastard, went off my car and confronted him. The police was there but did not intervene. The driver just said "If you fight me you will go to prison"

    What is beyond me is that these van drivers have no consideration for the passengers's safety. The Russian tourists should have left the van immediately.

    The good news is that none of them was seriously injured. But these experiences leave emotional scars.

    What would have happened if there were injuries? => "......and the driver fled the scene"

    • Like 1
  8. It is the parent's responsibility.

    But parents themselves have not a clue on what a healthy diet / healthy lifestyle is.

    Anyway all the fruits and vegetables are full of pesticides. Sometimes i dont know if it isnt best to not eat them

    And anyway the air is polluted. Have you seen the "Bangkok Air quality index" in the Bangok Post lately? I dont know why but it is getting well over 100 micrograms / m3. Which is an outrage. And the best part is: Thais dont care.

    So sometimes i dont know if it isnt best not to exercise.

    What a sad, pathetic country.

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