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Eddy B

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Posts posted by Eddy B

  1. I took my new computer to a computer shop yesterday to have windows 7 installed. 4 hours later I went back to pick up but the guy said that he could not install it as there were problems getting the drivers to work. MY computer is a new Acer aspire TC-710, i7 Intel 6700 3.4MHz with 4 GB of ram. I am not sure if he is either telling the truth or just that he is not competent. Any ideas??

  2. These guys and gals at the TAT are F*&king muppets and need herding up and shot on sight! The visa fees are already enough, plus the over pricing to enter supposed tourist attractions. Maybe if they actually did their job and kept the upkeep of their attractions they would not be in such dis-repair. This is a 100% brown envelope job and someone plans to make a killing while killings continue to happen here in the LOS. <deleted>!!

  3. There was a case a couple of years ago where a man married a woman who, unknown to him, had had extensive facial plastic surgery done. They had 2 kids, who both turned out to be ugly as hell, and he couldn't figure it out. When she finally revealed the secret of her surgery, he took her to court and filed for divorce, along with suing her, and he won.

    So, look at the before & after photos of this woman, and tell me that her children, if she has any, have ANY chance of looking like her as she looks now, instead of what she looked like before.

    I remember that story, I think it was in China or Hong Kong. I must admit the kids did look special..........poor little buggers!

  4. I remember when I worked at one boys high school, during the October school break we had to still sign-in even though it was holiday time. If we did not sign-in by 8:50am the signing-in folder was taken into the office and they drew a red line to show that you were late. So much for a holiday. We even took it in turns to sign for each other on a week basis but they soon realised what we were doing and got pissy about it.

  5. I once took a Filipino friend to Doi Suthep. I told them to not say a word and just follow the non-paying Thai's. I showed my Thai drivers license and was also allowed in for free. I guess depending on the place, they will not check to see if an Asian looking person is Thai or not. To be honest though, Chinese tourists do stand out like saw thumbs as they are usually in large crowds leaving a tour bus plus the large cameras around their necks.

  6. Supposedly they can appeal. I am expecting this to get shot down. Then the last chance they have will be a royal pardon, which I feel they will receive. By doing this Thailand saves "face" again. So sad that they can not just admit that they <deleted> up and did not arrest the real criminals in the first place because of saving some high ranking scumbags "face". I do hope the boys get the royal pardon at least!

  7. I am teaching in a college at the moment and the class sizes very depending what subject I am teaching. One class only has 9 students and it is bliss as you get to know them and their individual personalities more and this helps when teaching. My largest class is about 35 students and again it is manageable. Anything 40+ is a bit of a nightmare. It also depends on the age of the students as well. The younger the students the smaller the class should be, so that you can focus more on the individual student. As the students get older the class size is fine to increase but not at an impossible number like 40+. Another thing which I have noticed is that the actual facilities available in the class, such as projectors, overheads and internet access helps when teaching classes.

  8. I just got back from there. I got the 1 year multiple entry visa. They DID ask to see the original marriage certificate for a minute for a quick glance. Also the processing times was 2 days not 1.

    The visa is issued the next day isn't it?

    You pickup your passport the next afternoon after the day you apply.

    I was there first time - without any problem -and i was shoked becuase they gave me visa with passport same day smile.png

    i came morning about 8-9 am - and get the passpor (same day) about 4 pm, so i was shoked and every one there too

    but i dont know it was one time only or now it is there all the time like this smile.png

    When I went this April it was a 2 day process. I have not heard of that changing and I am sure Ubonjoe would be the first to let everyone know if this was now the norm. Maybe when you went it fell on a certain day before a holiday or there were few applications but a 1 day process would be great if it was re-instated.

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  9. I feel sorry for the small ma & pa shops that have been operating for years just to be told now that with this new law they are basically going to lose their livelihood. Absolutely no use of brains from the people in BKK. Just as Jaywalker mentioned, a simple use of the existing ID checking law and there would be no need for this complete retarded action from the powers that be.

  10. I do not have a degree but I do have a TEFL and 10 years of teaching experience. Still not good enough for Immigration and the labour office.

    Khurusapha actually have a letter for volunteer teachers to get around the problem. If you still want to do it ask the school to enquire! You should find a copy on here somewhere. I posted it a few months ago.

    I would be grateful if you could send me the link to that post that you mention.

  11. I did one year of volunteer teaching but when it came to the following year to renew my visa, immigration wanted degree documents and a letter from Krusapa. I explained that I am doing this for free and applying for a work permit to teach less than 50 students a week. They were not interested and so I quit the teaching at that school and changed my visa extension to Non O for marriage. To this day it still pisses me off that immigration took away the chance for these kids to learn English!

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