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Eddy B

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Posts posted by Eddy B

  1. I am the same as David48. I help when I can and sometimes I might need help. The problem seems that in the past it was always myself and the wife helping others out but when we needed it there was no-one who had the time of day for us. To be honest, the most problems I have had since being here in Thailand has come from the foreigner side rather than Thai people. I am now quite restrained from coming into much contact with the farang in the area that I live now. It's a sad fact but true, I have people I trust and alot I do not.

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  2. If I was you I would stay away from any agencies as they will take a % of your wages. Have a few CV's and resume letter ready and hit the schools in person. Lampang is a nice city with an airport, mountains, volcanic hot spa's, national parks and has an ex-pat community so western food is not to far away if you have a craving for it.

  3. Big black scorpions will hurt like a bee sting. The big red ants attack in groups and hurt, they are normally found around mango trees but can be in any kind of fruit tree. There is a similar ant here to the fire ant and that really does sting alot. They are red with a dark abdomen. The worst are the centipedes, do not let these suckers ( I mean it ) near you. They are the worst!

  4. Why a ban on alcohol sales when it is not linked to a religious holiday? I am sure fathers are really happy to here this, plus it's going to be a long weekend. How many businesses will be affected if they do ban alcohol. I know the small ma & pa shops get around this but what about restaurants and bars that are not so easy to hide. Talk about complete control of peoples lives and taking away peoples choice and in a way their freedom.

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  5. I teach quite a few pratom students privately at the weekends. So when I know I test is upcoming I will go over the same chapters again from the same text books they use at their school. I will give them the handouts from the workbook and let them go for it. I will correct them where they went wrong. The following weekend I will hit them with a test that is almost similar to the tests they will be given by the school. I mark it, correct it where errors are and let their parents know my results. Usually the parents will make their kids look at what I corrected and 85% of the time the students school scores are higher than what they got in my test as they learnt and remembered. To be honest it is mostly down to the students wanting to learn and parents helping to encourage their kids to do better. Teachers can only do so much!

  6. I wasn't aware it took 30 days. When would I need to apply if my current visa expires on day Feb 15 then? Before Jan 15?

    What Issangeorge means is, if you apply for a retirement visa and have all the correct information for immigration, you will be in and out with a one year extension. If you decide to use a marriage visa you have to show alot more paper work and will have to come back 30 days later to get the full extension for the other 11 months. If I was you I would stick with the retirement extension, less hassle and less headaches.


  7. To me it sounds like cheating, fullstop! Thai teachers giving the students the answer for a test a week before they sit it and telling them to remember the answers for that test.............its a farce! Saying that I agree with lostinissan. Many of the test they give are just completely incorrect. Many of the questions are open to interpretation, so a possible 2 answers of the 4 could be used. Sometimes none of the answers are correct to answer the question on the paper. Most of the Thai English teachers would fail the test as most, not all, are completely useless at English and just plump-up their feathers with a useless BA or MA in English. I am not sure who OBEC use to make these tests but they should look elsewhere or at least have them proof-read before print and distribution. It's the same for the tests they give to the students in pratom schools. Completely full of errors. So sad!

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  8. Again. I would like to thank you all for the comments and I feel I will knock the school off my CV as they still hold a grudge. I will just use the school that I used to teach at voluntary because I wanted to keep teaching. Now I have a family it would be just nice to find a nice mon-fri job plus teach my privates. @gunnerterry I am not the greatest teacher but even my students that I taught from P3 in 2005 still come back as they want ME to teach them.thumbsup.gif If a moderator wants to close this topic down I will leave it upto them. Again, thank you to all the guys who understand. P.s. My interview was not done in a school but a Tessabarn government building and my wife was outside of the interview room, waiting in the main office in the A/C.

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  9. Thank you to all that have added comments, even the slightly negative ones. Like I said, this happened about 3 weeks to a month ago. @stubuzz, What I did was question sometimes why the school kept using techniques of teaching that were dated/failures and also why some gifted students from non-bilingual classes could not get a scholarship into the MEP program. We all know an MEP program is just a money making machine and the school wants top dollar, regardless of the students abilities. To the guys who commented about the lesson plan, how can you write one when you are given no information about the class you would teach??? Sure, I had a lesson plan but it was in my head, like many others I could have done. I would like you to put into a room blind and pull a lesson off..........seriously! A written lesson plan is just a piece of paper, it's what you can do in the classroom that matters the most.

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  10. A few months ago I went for a job interview for a teaching job. I felt the interview went well, considering I had been given no information as to who I needed to show a demo class too. It was actually to the teachers, all eight of them. I had no white board to use so I just used a simple introductions lesson. Everyone seemed happy and I thought I was 80% certain to get the job. Well, I didn't. I was alittle confused as to why. I heard one story was because I had not given a written lesson plan. Like I said, they just told me to be ready to give a demo and I had no idea what age group or who I was going to teach, so I had to kind of rely on nine years of teaching experience to back me up. Just recently my wife who came with me for the interview and had to wait outside, met a woman from the office I had the interview. She heard I did not get the job was because they had called a previous school I had worked at 4 yrs ago had spoken bad about me. Now, I kind of know who this individual at the school would be but I can not prove it 100% at the moment.

    Now back home, if you have had a problem with a previous employer or just left after finishing your contract, they can either decide not to give any information about you, but also they can not slander your name either so that you can not get another job. How does this happen in Thailand? Can I sue them for defamation of character? I have left that school now for over 4 yrs and yes it is in my CV as I did put 5 yrs of work into that school. Anyone have some advice as this has annoyed me alot that after 4 yrs this school can still basically block any jobs I go for regardless of where I wish to work in Thailand.

    I would like only constructive comments, please!thumbsup.gif

  11. Well I have to take my hat off to the people at Trendy and the HMPO. I went to re-new my passport on the 23rd of October and today the 13th of November I have recieved the e-mail and phone call to say my new passport is ready to pick-up. All together it is 3 weeks to the day that I was there. Well done! I think maybe it was quicker now because the summer holidays are over and they must have cleared the back log of applications. Anyway cheers to the HMPO!

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