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  1. Thank you all for your feedback. It was worth more than 3K Baht. Just one TSLA option paid it off in a min. Yes, I am too naive and I did learn a lesson. Have a good day.
  2. First of all, if this post shouldn't be here, admin, please delete.. but I wanted to share this to see if others have been scammed too and I also wanted to alert everyone. When I was visiting Bangkok recently, I video chatted with a woman from a dating website (not sure if it is a good idea to release the name website name). We agreed to meet at a western type restaurant whose main attraction was wine. She said she was a single mom (and I am a single dad). She was indeed beautiful. Agreement was that we meet for wine/snacks. She wanted to get drunk ( red flag?) and then spend the night with me at a nice hotel I was staying at. So we met, ordered wine and some snacks. We enjoyed the company for about an hour. Then she told me she wanted to take me to a restaurant that has Thai cultural shows in Bangkok but that restaurant needed a deposit of 3000 Baht. I was little suspicious about this already, but hey, we are having good time and already "feeling" romantic, I said why not. So I gave that money , she went and "deposited" at a nearby ATM and said something about 50 baht was a surcharge for depositing to that restaurant. After she deposited, she told me it might cost us another 5000 baht or so at the restaurant. So I am thinking 3000 plus 5000 is 8000 Baht, which is kind of expensive for two people for a cultural show plus dinner. I said I didn't have enough Baht, but I should be able to use a western issued credit card. She said since it was an Isaan type restaurant, they didn't take credit cards. So her suggestion was that I change $ to Baht for at least 5K baht. Sometime during the conversation she mentioned it is for 4 people ( but we were only 2). She said a table's minimum was 4 people. I was really suspicious by now. So, I said I would go to a nearby money exchange to get some Baht. I did walk and did exchange some ( I needed it for other reasons anyway). I almost thought of not coming back to the restaurant but I wanted to pay the bill as a gentleman should for what we ate. I came back and told her that I did exchange to Baht, but told her I do not feel comfortable about going to that Isaan restaurant as it was not in our plan and didn't like the idea of having 4 people there. When I came back, she was video chatting with another women whom she introduced to me as her friend. I told her I wasn't going to the next restaurant. She asked if I didn't want her to go to the hotel after the Isaan resturant. I said, "no". She said she was going to the restroom and never came back. I thought of calling police and reporting... but I didn't because, I had an early flight next morning and I felt it was not worth fighting for 3K Baht. I do have per picture from the "date", dating website and her phone and line ID. Had I gone to that Isaan restaurant.....( I have the name with me as we googled to find the location), I could have been scammed more or may have been taken to unknown place.....killed, mugged...who knows. I learned a lesson I guess.... and lost 3K Baht, but could have been worse if I wasn't not careful. Just sharing...................
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