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  1. Really? Would it make you feel better if I would list some good things which they did? The war which Putin started in Ukraine puts him in the bad category for me. And Trump, just his latest stupid Gaza Rivera comments are enough to blow up that whole region. I think that is pretty bad. And obviously there are many many other items to add to that bad list. Bost of them can't be trusted and should not be trusted. It's good to stay away from both of them.
  2. As far as I know in general if you have a work permit, banks ask for the salary statements for the last three months and other documents like the passport and then you get a credit card. I never tried it without work permit.
  3. I know Muslims from business partners. I see Muslim girls working in 7-11 and at the counter in my building. And there are several Muslim families in my building. The all seem the be alright, no problems. Obviously, there are some radicals. But there are also radicals in other religions. Pretending they are all radicals and all the same is just incorrect. Look how many Americans started mass killings. Does that mean all Americans are like that? No.
  4. In case nobody told you until now, there are only a few hard left crazy LBGTQ*/- activists out there. Most people on the left don't like those activists. Unfortunately, those activists are very loud. And unfortunately, too many people on the left did not early enough speak up against those hard left idiots. I am sure that will change now. It seems many of the people on the right side of center pretend everybody left of center is a LBGTQ activist. That is incorrect. Is that really so difficult to understand?
  5. Just in case someone asks you, German and other European countries imported gas from Russia to strengthen the connection with business. In principle that was a good idea, countries which work together, and especially countries which work a lot together, normally don't fight each other. Obviously, things didn't work out. But that doesn't mean the original idea was bad. Over time relationships change, that's normal. "The west" is since a long time not "the west" anymore. There are huge differences between Europe and the USA. Until now people saw the differences and still decided to work peacefully together. And now? Now Trump takes a sledgehammer to those relations. Is that a good idea? Certainly no! Trump could have explained to Europe and especially Ukraine that they don't want to continue like until now. Ok, accepted. Then let's work on a new relationship. And not destroy the existing one with a sledgehammer and look what happens.
  6. How many Muslims do you know? It can't be many. Because if you would know some of them then you would know that most of them are peaceful people. Like many Christians are peaceful people, but some of them are radical nutters. Again, you seem to see only black and white. The good guys and the bad guys. Life is not that easy.
  7. Luckily most Europeans don't have such a limited black and white view like you. Putin is bad. Trump is bad. There is no question about that. Now it's time for the Europeans to find their own way. That will obviously be difficult. Appeasing Putin and/or Trump is certainly not a good idea.
  8. I guess that is the problem with super rich people who can do whatever they want. Normal behavior is boring. So let's try something extreme. And if that wasn't extreme enough, do it more extreme. I really wander how Musk will be in a year or 5 years. I am not looking forward to that one.
  9. I think NATO like it existed for many years doesn't make much sense anymore. Leaders should sit together and talk about ways into the future. One NATO member changing the rules overnight is a bad idea - for everybody.
  10. From here: https://www.perplexity.ai/search/how-much-money-does-the-usa-sp-oLxYVt66TkSSJISG1dxphw#0 "In 2023, the United States spent approximately $820.3 billion on its military, which accounted for about 13.3% of the entire federal budget for that fiscal year1. However, other sources state the US military spending was around $916 billion in 2023358. The US military spending constituted over 40% of the total military spending worldwide that year8." It would be easy for the USA to save billions of dollars every year - if they wanted to do that. Imagine they would use some of that military budget for education, medical care, infrastructure, etc.
  11. I am confused. What did I miss?
  12. What do you mean with "need to go for Thai chicks"? Since I know they exist I prefer Thai girls. Most farang "girls" are fat. And if you are lucky to find one pretty girl you can be almost sure she has an attitude problem. Most western guys in Thailand are not interested in farang females for a good reason.
  13. And it seems not enough from the incoming money is used for waste removal, street maintenance, etc. It's only getting worse all the time. Sad.
  14. And who did those Bangkok people buy the land from? Maybe from the locals? And maybe the locals were happy to collect that money? Did anybody force them to sell?

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