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  1. I bought 10 of these one for each room and gave some to the neighbours. they measure the pm2.5 also https://www.lazada.co.th/products/xpx-32-air-purifier-pm25-i312078324-s19850584843.html?dsource=share&laz_share_info=820485030_2_100_100042542222_820485030_null&laz_token=bde4863d74dae3558d9c1d41e07638be&exlaz=e_iqeJxmuQOjPGip8qo24MCSTeQCjDld4siVQ4kY1ODqrCXvTKdNAtBb55%2BgIiSkmNnXkPoNuoMIIpR8IEI%2FLi1U0sC6tUOx2TD3WnASIas1Y%3D&sub_aff_id=social_share&sub_id2=820485030&sub_id3=100042542222&sub_id6=CPI_EXLAZ
  2. I did the same thing with a video camera many years ago, The police found out through the Hotel where I caught the taxi and went to the Taxi drivers house and retrived the camera, there not all bad
  3. Money can buy beauty I'd say about $50,000 spent
  4. I forgot you don't take it you soak your feet or hands in warm water with a quarter teaspoon of powder It is the same product some Thais use to clean vegetables from chemicals l0
  5. I used it for years takes about a month but be ware your nails and feet will go black until the fungus and dead skin is gone
  6. Treatment is over the same area because not all hair roots are destroyed at each treatment it may take a month for the hair to grow thoes not properly destroyed
  7. You need a minimum 6 treatments 1 month apart price is OK laser hair removal is cheap now with so much competition. Beauty shops use it to get clients into their shop to sell them something else
  8. Do you have dark hair
  9. Someone who knows what they are talking about. Thais are now going for a German filler. Starts with X. Botox is a brand name not to be confused with the procedure fillers are mostly based with Hyaluronic Acic which relaxes the muscle you can by HA serum and rub it to the wrinkles to see if it helps before going for injections
  10. The guy wants to be involved find some work on the land that he can do and pay him, he could help you build a fence or plant trees something like that
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