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Posts posted by pokerspiv

  1. the whole debate is moot anyway, as much as people whinge and stamp their little feet and throw their toys out the cot, and say its just not fair, Digital nomads, on liners, independently wealthy, free lancers or what ever title they give themselves will not be getting a "special" visa to live and work in Thailand long term, so suck it up ladies

    You seem pretty convinced that you are a special snowflake who the military government will make an exception for. All farangs are in the firing line, good sir, including you. So I wouldn't get too smug.

  2. Those very rich Digital Nomads that makes a few hundred thoused baht every month. They always stay in a small cheap room, often without aircon. And eat noodle soup 3 times a day in the street corner........

    Good point, the ones who say they bring a lot to the country, but don't want to pay tax, get a proper visa or anything else.

    Wow excellent point!

    The entire point of this thread is that there is no proper visa that digital workers can apply for, genius.

    yes there is, its called a Non-imm B and a work permit....thumbsup.gif

    therefore there is a proper visa and process for people who wish to work in Thailand


    A non-immm B requires you to be working for a company that is registered in Thailand. Working online digitally does not meet that criteria.

    You literally have no idea what you are talking about.

    • Like 1
  3. . Jesus are we really splitting hairs? I came in on a single entry 3 month. I then went to immigration who put a years date stamp on it. Would you like picture proof? Also when I go every 90 days I simple get a new slip of paper that says this is not an extension of stay but a notification of address. Either way it doesn't flipping matter. Why nit pick when we are looking for the same answer!!

    No it is not splitting hairs. You have been lucky that your school unlike most others is able to obtain 1 year extension and you just do 90 days reporting.

    All the other do extensions and pay Bt. 1,900 every 90 days.

    yes it is splitting hairs and that's bs about spending 1,900 every 90 days.

    Err, no it isn't. I have been on an Ed Visa for 2 years and I pay 1900 baht every 90 days, as per the law which is quite clear. If you are getting longer its because your school is paying backhanders to immigration. Used to be quite common but for the last 1-1.5 years most people are only getting 3 month extensions on their Ed Visa and pay 1900 baht for each one.

    • Like 1
  4. Those very rich Digital Nomads that makes a few hundred thoused baht every month. They always stay in a small cheap room, often without aircon. And eat noodle soup 3 times a day in the street corner........

    Good point, the ones who say they bring a lot to the country, but don't want to pay tax, get a proper visa or anything else.

    Wow excellent point!

    The entire point of this thread is that there is no proper visa that digital workers can apply for, genius.

  5. Yeah and one could easily deduce that you have a hard on for me since you traipse around the forum after me every chance you get. Well, I'm sorry, mate . . . I ain't a pillow-biter

    I'm no digital nomad either but even if I was, do you really think I'd admit it to the likes of you? Pfft . . .

    You roll out the math behind the TE card like a tired old parrot but fail to take the fact that one has to make a 5 year commitment to country that, politically, can't even see 5 DAYS ahead into consideration.

    Tell me, when Hua Hin immigration said all foreigners MUST carry original passports, were you one of those who said "No Way"?

    lets face facts shall we, these self professed "independently wealthy" digital nomads I keep reading about on TV cant be that independently wealthy if they cant spring for a 5 year, 500k visa, they keep bleating on how they want to contribute to Thailand, build a life, they pay their taxes (VAT) and increase the wealth in the country, but yet will not commit to 5 years here ?

    Why would I pay 500k for a 5 year visa when I can pay 20k a year for an Ed Visa? 1/5th of the price and I don't have to commit to 5 years in a politically unstable country.

    fair point....but the discussion is about digital nomads, so unless your on an ed visa and working on line illegally, your little off topic wink.png

    Thai Elite visa doesn't give you the right to work either. You would have to apply for a separate work permit.

  6. Hey all so I contacted the school I am at and this is the reply I copied for you all to see. Hope it clears it up as it has for me. Regards!

    `Regarding to your question about 90 days report, today two of our

    students have just been to the immigration office for their report,

    everything is going well as it used to be. There is no requirement to

    leave the country to apply for a new visa outside Thailand. So the

    information you heard must be wrong. (for now everything is still the


    The changes on rules and regulations for ED visa is applied when it is

    renewed. As school needs to present student attandance record and the

    test paper. The officers also will interview the students in Thai to

    check if they really come to school and learn something before they

    get the visa renew for another year.

    Right now to apply for the ED visa aboard, students must participate

    in the class for 5 days per week and 5 hours everyday (means full time

    students), my school will have to obey this rules too from the next

    course as it is the new regulation, but this is not for our old


    There are so many changes now and noone knows what is coming up.'

    5 days a week, 5 hours a day?



    hey don't shot the messaging. I copied and pasted this direct from the email I received from the schools director.

    I mean it would be a nonsense rule. 25 hours a week of contact classes is more than TRIPLE required of me during University in Australia. I don't think anyone wants 25 hours of classes a week, even legit and eager students.

    Thailand has plenty of nonsense rules. Making more of them wouldn't be too surprising.

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  7. O

    Well that seems ridiculous. If you have paid for a years visa then surely you get a year. Of people have to leave every three months essentially to do this no one will enrol in school as it will end up being very expensive.this will put schools out of business I think. Still confused but I think I will go with what ubon Joe said as it makes far more sense that after the year you would have to leave which I though was the case any way.

    The Ed Visa is not a 1 year visa though. It's a standard 3-month visa with the ability be extended - previously indefinitely.

    . Jesus are we really splitting hairs? I came in on a single entry 3 month. I then went to immigration who put a years date stamp on it. Would you like picture proof? Also when I go every 90 days I simple get a new slip of paper that says this is not an extension of stay but a notification of address. Either way it doesn't flipping matter. Why nit pick when we are looking for the same answer!!

    It's not splitting hairs. You haven't "paid for a years visa" at all. You have paid for a 3 month visa which can be extended subject to approval. They are 2 quite different things.

    • Like 1
  8. Yeah and one could easily deduce that you have a hard on for me since you traipse around the forum after me every chance you get. Well, I'm sorry, mate . . . I ain't a pillow-biter

    I'm no digital nomad either but even if I was, do you really think I'd admit it to the likes of you? Pfft . . .

    You roll out the math behind the TE card like a tired old parrot but fail to take the fact that one has to make a 5 year commitment to country that, politically, can't even see 5 DAYS ahead into consideration.

    Tell me, when Hua Hin immigration said all foreigners MUST carry original passports, were you one of those who said "No Way"?

    lets face facts shall we, these self professed "independently wealthy" digital nomads I keep reading about on TV cant be that independently wealthy if they cant spring for a 5 year, 500k visa, they keep bleating on how they want to contribute to Thailand, build a life, they pay their taxes (VAT) and increase the wealth in the country, but yet will not commit to 5 years here ?

    Why would I pay 500k for a 5 year visa when I can pay 20k a year for an Ed Visa? 1/5th of the price and I don't have to commit to 5 years in a politically unstable country.

  9. Well that seems ridiculous. If you have paid for a years visa then surely you get a year. Of people have to leave every three months essentially to do this no one will enrol in school as it will end up being very expensive.this will put schools out of business I think. Still confused but I think I will go with what ubon Joe said as it makes far more sense that after the year you would have to leave which I though was the case any way.

    The Ed Visa is not a 1 year visa though. It's a standard 3-month visa with the ability be extended - previously indefinitely.

  10. It's not the naming convention that is the problem in this case.

    It is the fact that the restaurant customer is being charged for a (more expensive) red snapper, but receiving a more inferior, cheaper product in its place. (Less flesh per kilo and a different texture and taste.)

    This also happens all over the world. Fish shops calling everything Cod/Snapper etc when most of what is sold is Pollock or Hake.


    Thanks for your unsolicited opinion. So much hate for Ed Visa holders, jealous?


    It appears the hate is directed toward not being able to speak better Thai--and really, don't you think having to pass a test speaking in a language, is the best way to determine if you are indeed studying that language? I think the simple test would be to have to apply for the ED extension in Thai only--and, that is after one year of study.



    The simple test would be to ask me to provide documents that prove I am enrolled and studying. That's what every other country in the world does.


    Hardly anybody would be good enough at reading and writing Thai after 1 year of study to fill out an application form written only in Thai. You are being completely ridiculous.

    • Like 1



    Probably a daft question, but why Thailand, never mind Pattaya, in order to learn English?


    Exactly the point I made earlier (and which seems to have been vaporised)! To me it makes perfect sense that an immigration officer would question someone's motives for learning English in a non-English speaking country. I think we'd all be on the same side on this if we read about a Norwegian (for example) going to China (for example) to learn English. Obviously, you make better progress in your learning if you go somewhere where you can be immersed in the language. We call such places 'English-speaking countries'...



    For most people who study abroad, the motive is doing what they were going to be doing anyway, except in a more fun location. And nobody has a problem with that, apparently apart from bitter Thaivisa residents who think Ed Visas shouldn't exist.



    When a 'student' chooses a 'fun location' not conducive to learning (in their chosen field of study) and not known for its quality of education (in their chose field of study), then one can only infer that fun is taking a priority over learning and perhaps is the only motive at play. To recognise this does not require 'bitterness'. 



    It does when you furthermore use that to argue that Ed Visas should not exist. People study abroad in every country in the world, because it's a fun change of pace from studying in your own country. In no other country do bitter old retirees complain about it.

    • Like 1



    Thanks for your unsolicited opinion. So much hate for Ed Visa holders, jealous?

    Just pointing out the same fact that any good language teacher would tell you especially in a tonal language like Thai where it's not possible to properly represent the tones in the English alphabet.


    Go ahead and make it personal. That wasn't my intention. Why would  I 'hate' a stranger? 



    Very few Thai language schools start their beginner students with learning the alphabet. Most of us aren't learning Thai to write novels, we are learning it to go about daily business in Thailand. Learning to read is certainly a long-term goal, but short term I would consider basic conversation more important.


    I'm not sure why you would hate a stranger, but plenty of people seem to hate Ed Visa holders here for some reason. 


    What is your daily business in Thailand???? online poker ????



    I own property in Australia that I rent out. I am semi-retired, but not old enough to get a retirement visa. Although I could easily satisfy all the requirements of that visa except for being over 50.



    Are you serious?  You have been studying Thai for 2 years and still cannot understand when someone speaks to you in Thai?  And you cannot write anything using the Thai alphabet?


    Either your teacher sucks, or your learning skills suck, or both


    I'm sure you are fluent buddy.


    I'm the wrong side of 35 and learning a language at this age is not easy. I can hold a basic conversation in Thai, but only if the person I am speaking to speaks slowly and clearly. I can speak to someone else in Thai and they can understand me fine, but it's much harder for me to understand them. Most people don't realise how much of a difference it makes.


    The woman at immigration was quite busy and didn't have time to quiz me like that, which is why she got me to write it down.


    And yes, learning a new alphabet is actually a pretty advanced topic and something you wouldn't necessarily attempt before learning basic conversation, since conversation is a more important skill.


    But hey feel free to continue your crusade against people on Ed Visas.



    sorry but the other guy is correct. i haven't even taken a single thai course and I am certain I speak better Thai than you after 2 years of study.



    Can you sign my tits?


    You don't have to be a full time student to get an Ed Visa folks. Only 100 hours of study per year. Get over it.

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    Probably a daft question, but why Thailand, never mind Pattaya, in order to learn English?


    Exactly the point I made earlier (and which seems to have been vaporised)! To me it makes perfect sense that an immigration officer would question someone's motives for learning English in a non-English speaking country. I think we'd all be on the same side on this if we read about a Norwegian (for example) going to China (for example) to learn English. Obviously, you make better progress in your learning if you go somewhere where you can be immersed in the language. We call such places 'English-speaking countries'...



    For most people who study abroad, the motive is doing what they were going to be doing anyway, except in a more fun location. And nobody has a problem with that, apparently apart from bitter Thaivisa residents who think Ed Visas shouldn't exist.

    • Like 2

    Let's say you have a valid tourist visa issued in another country and plan to exit Thailand via train to Malaysia. For whatever reason Thai immigration won't let you in and airline has to ship you out again. Airline checked for visa, did as required per rules, but ball was dropped by immigration. Do the airlines have any recourse against Thai government, or do they just have to shut up and eat it?

    "but ball was dropped by immigration"


    What the heck? Immigration can do whatever they want with you... Just because an airline has done a brief review of your documents doesn't mean you've been vetted by immigration.


    Most airline will probably follow Eva Air's example and make you sign a waiver that if you are not allowed entry you are on your own.



    I'm not sure they can legally do that. Most countries will force the airline to fly you back if it comes to that. That's the whole reason airlines check your documents to begin with. If they could just leave you at the airport if you got turned away they certainly wouldn't waste all that time making sure you have a valid visa.



    Not a very convincing argument  given the quality of the language schools here and, of course, it is absurd to claim that you or anyone else would  know what "very few language schools" are doing ... unless you're some experienced  country-wide language school inspector.




    It's really not that difficult mate. Schools advertise what their curriculum contains. I checked out 4-5 different schools in Samui before I got my visa. Walen was the only one that taught alphabet in the first year. I didn't go with them because they were a lot more expensive than the others.


  18. If that is all it takes to pass a test at immigration, I think I am going to apply for a job as head of the office there.

    Suppose you're Thai and you go to Europe to study English.
    Suppose you've been studying for 2 years.
    Suppose the European immigration officer suspects fraud and asks you a few questions in English and you can answer none of them.
    Suppose that the European officer ask you to write 1 sentence in English - and you write it down in Thai karaoke.
    Do you think the European immigration officer would extend your visa?


    You see, this would never happen. The only thing you need to prove to maintain a student visa in most countries is proof of continued enrolment at your school. Immigration don't give you a quiz on how much you have learned.



    I'm sorry you find that difficult to understand, but there is nothing wrong with actually taking time to learn the thing you are studying.


    If you want to learn a new language properly the alphabet is the first thing you ought to learn.

    From my year of experience on the ED visa, the Thai alphabet and writing was the main focus for the first 6 months. I wasn't fun. But you're right, they stated in order to learn the language we had to do the alphabet first. That was Walen BTW 



    Yeah, as far as I know Walen is the only school that forces you to learn the alphabet first.


    Thanks for your unsolicited opinion. So much hate for Ed Visa holders, jealous?

    Just pointing out the same fact that any good language teacher would tell you especially in a tonal language like Thai where it's not possible to properly represent the tones in the English alphabet.


    Go ahead and make it personal. That wasn't my intention. Why would  I 'hate' a stranger? 



    Very few Thai language schools start their beginner students with learning the alphabet. Most of us aren't learning Thai to write novels, we are learning it to go about daily business in Thailand. Learning to read is certainly a long-term goal, but short term I would consider basic conversation more important.


    I'm not sure why you would hate a stranger, but plenty of people seem to hate Ed Visa holders here for some reason. 

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