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Posts posted by BMF1960

  1. I'm not a natural defender of this government however the Rohingya refugee problem should be addressed by the United Nations. We are far too fast to land responsibility on to Thailand. The UN should be operating camps in Thailand dealing with this and putting the Rohingya under protection until the problems in Burma are sorted out.

    The Rohingya are a Burmese problem landed on Thailand. People are also fast to forget that Thailand has taken in millions of Burmese refugees already.

    On the other hand some of the Thai responses have been appalling, all the more reason why they should be placed front and centre at the UN.

    Anyway, the UN should be abolished. It's not fit for purpose and it's causing division.

    The five veto nations wield the veto in their narrow self interest and that poisons the Well. There may be near unanimous condemnation of Israeli action but the US will veto it. The Russians and Chinese love vetoing things just to wind America up, and the Brits and France sit there kicking each other under the table.

    It's time for the UN to go, it's so last century.

    According to Refugees International 140,000 Burmese refugees have been taken in by Thailand. This is a far cry from the "millions" claimed. While there are a lot more living illegally, a much smaller number have been given refugee status.

  2. The large warning label is aimed at distracting young people from smoking - people who are more influenced by their peer group than by the touted "universally known health effects" (which may be known but not processed). These labels are meant to scare them away from what is undoubtedly a life-threatening habit. Most developed countries have had these labels for ages, but then, as we know, Thailand knows best!

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