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Everything posted by movsrus

  1. Take them straight to the airport and deport them. Blacklist them and let them sober up on the plane ride home.
  2. 1599 days on overstay. Not bad.
  3. The Russian guy probably thinks he has a better chance of staying alive in a Thai prison than he would in Ukraine being cannon fodder for Putin
  4. Probably not a wise idea to urinate on a cop while riding in a car with a gun and yaba. Might want to rethink that idea.
  5. Seems a contradiction where Srettha says he is going to legalize prostitution ( because we all know the short time women will certainly file taxes), recriminalize ganja, and now will clean up the nasty massage parlours to get rid of the unseemly "happy endings ". Thai politicians operate in a different reality.
  6. Be careful. In this country, the defamation and liability laws can be enforced even if what you say is true.
  7. Do Thai authorities think that making it illegal people will stop smoking? If so, I'd like a couple puffs of whatever they are smoking. Where do they think all the ganja from producers will go? The government isn't going to reimburse investors who built grow labs, developed a distribution networks and invested in shops. What will happen is those who want to get high will buy from the black market. So much for the VAT the government gets from production and sale of ganja. Many folks working in the dispensary side of things will be out of work but I guess the government thinks good jobs are everywhere so they will quickly find something else. Lastly, remember what it was like in Bangkok priot to Prayut and his gang taking over. Many reports of shakedown by cops with fake pee tests and "finding" a yaba pill in a tourists pocket. The BIB will soon be adding to their take with bribes and kickbacks from tourists who still think it is legal in Thailand to smoke pot. Another fine example of Thai politics.
  8. Anytime I buy from a licensed ganja shop, I pay 7% VAT which goes straight to the government. Additionally, shops have to buy permits and license fees which go back to the government. A lot of revenue is being generated by marijuana trade. Go to Khoa San in Bangkok on any evening and look at the people buying an evening high. There is a lot of money changing hands and Srettha is getting his cut. I agree 100% with your last sentence. Thailand is a circus run by clowns.
  9. Perhaps the Pheu Thai party should explain where they will find tax revenue to offset the money they collect from the ganja sales and associated VAT. If not, the financial situation in Thailand will likely get worse and the sanctimonious politicians won't understand what they have done to themselves.
  10. The PLA will soon be infiltrating Thai military to "help". What could possibly go wrong with this plan? I wonder when Chinese "advisors" will be incorporated into Thai government.
  11. China is a cancer on the world and the sooner it gets cut out and eviscerated the better. if you disagree just ask residents of Hong Kong if they are better off under the boot of the CCP.
  12. The US consulate in Chiang Mai is useless. The 200 million dollar building under construction near the Super Highway is just a listening post to ease drop on China. Parking was hard to find at the old consulate and will be even harder at the new one. Getting the consulate staff to help is an exercise in frustration. It's just another example of how our government wastes money. For the few benefits US citizens get it would have been more cost efficient to keep what they have. Case in point with passport renewal. Could they have made a more unworkable process for renewal?
  13. What a sad, sad story. I feel sorry for all concerned.
  14. Perhaps the political talking heads ought to make a stroll around any good sized Thai town and see how the marijuana business has developed. There is no way they can make this controlled once again after the market has grown to what it is now. What will happen is another option for bent cops to put the bite on people for a bribe. The Mercedes Benz dealers in Bangkok are grinning ear to ear thinking of the windfall coming their way from this new shake down. At times I wonder if these fools could find their asses with both hands and a set of directions.
  15. Chiang Mai immigration is closed on 11 and 12 for the holiday.
  16. Go online. All the questions are there plus answers. I flunked the test twice before someone turned me on to the website.
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