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Posts posted by Bkungbank

  1. The general try to end circle of corruption. Politician needs money for election after election some pocket back with projects which hurt the nation as the children and grand children need to pay back.

    Example some tollway increase yearly basis due to corrupted contract after more then 20-30 years fare from 45 Baht now 60 Baht where it should stop collected already when cost and profits already back to company.

    Politician didn't sincerely help to solved the people's problems but the army did with great result.

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  2. Culture already exist here for long time Chinese immigrant already all around the world and many of them a very sucess business on local community as you can see in China town .

    In American Chinese food are very popular and Chinese didn't colonise by force like Japan,Britain and America .

    In Afgan and Pakistan the local more like Chinese as they don't tell them which president to choose like America does in the past.

    Nowdays it's not wise to use bullet but money, biggest bonds

    buyer in States is China.

  3. It has making plenty of money since it started , the land was not taken over as it built on government road not like MRt which costing due to drilling under tunnel.

    Buy more machine please since many tourist que buying ticket in station like Chatuchak and Siam. Machine still not enough to serve the people demand.

  4. In 1997 only Asia and overseas market still strong but today due to lower fuel price main oil export countries like Russia and Malaysia the value of thier money are drop nearly 50%, China GDP only 7% where few years back 9%.

    They are few reasons behind fuel price drop saction against Russia due to Ukaraine issue and stop IS funding which main income is from oil, the effect now feel the pitch of it around the world.

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