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Posts posted by Bkungbank

  1. It's money matter as each patient taken into hospital will give 300-500 Baht depend if private will give higher, as you see the are moving into wrong direction for not helping and making extra that cause problems.

    The tips is for petrol money and token of appreciation became life and death situation.To stop this madness the hospital should stop giving and donate this money direct to the foundation

  2. My last visit to Thai Embassy in Laos met many Philipinos where using ED visa for working and this causing real students in trouble.

    According to immigration laws they cannot barred you from entering in Thailand if you have no criminal record since the ED visa was under Education of ministry, test was not fall under Immigration power to expel you as you are not in computer blacklist. I will talk to lawyer and see what he says.

  3. A little girl will learn life way of living and nature loving not religion as she has right to choose when she grow up later, everything that's good should be accepted, Christain also teaching to respect others and love the world.

    Don't be too serious about what she believe but more what she is a good person or not? School nowdays are failed to educate way of life some students get low grade commit suicide Japan, Korea etc which no goal of life. It's good to learn many aspect of religion then decide what she really wants.

  4. Many airliner now days lack for safety due to cost cutting and competitions from other airlines, some just landed and didn't check the plane properly already new passangers inside the plane ready to fly again.

    It's time to stop to put human life on risk , in one day a plane makes 4-6 destinations to make more profit but lack of maintainace .

  5. Cost of labour only small portion of the car industry , they thinking Phillipines better let them try and I am sure 3-5 years they will back.

    CAr industry not only labour but SME of small car componen which import into Phillipines make the costing much higher then in Thailand, the quality of work manship cannot compare in others countries.

    He will know Thailand much safer compare with other Asean countries.

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  6. We don't see any problems with his speech, I think we are bored already with sweet talking politician with act on other ways and many lies. PM is straight forward person he applogised sometimes which many politician cannot do with strong ego.

    Changes meaning some thing new for the people and many people like the way he talk with honest and solved the country problems with sincere from his speech.

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