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Posts posted by Junkyarddog

  1. There are many replies here on how to do this but Im not sure how valid they are. I have had PR for many years. I was told back then if I changed jobs I would have to start over again. This was of intetest to me because I wanted to change jobs. However, I decided not to because getting P R was more important to me than the new job was, so I stayed with my old company. One thing I do not see mentioned here is while your application is being processed which can take up to a couple years, you must be able to continue with the same employer. If you lose your job, your application dies.

    Things could have changed since I went through the process. So the best advice I see here is to go to immigration in person and find the answer to your question from the only people that would truly know.

  2. There were police problems in Pai many years ago. That info gets posted on the net and never gets taken down. Too bad really.

    Since then the guy that was the loose canon in the articles actually beat his 18 year old preganant wife to death. He has not been seen since. Pai has had several police chiefs since then. I new one of them, liked him very much and was proud to call him a friend. 

    I have owned a shophouse in downtown Pai for seven years and know the police there quite well. Even the tourist police are a great bunch of guys. The Chief Inspector at the Pai Police is a very good friend of mine. He is one of the nicest people I know. We go to dinner often and then usually hit the bars. I luncheon sometimes with police and members of the proscuters office. All of them are very nice people and a joy to hang out with, unless you are a drug addict or drug pusher. Then your probably not going to like any of these people.

    That area is a transient area for drugs coming into the country from Burma. The Pai police are very good at their jobs.

    If your just a tourist, you will have a nice time in Pai. If you need police assistance while there, they will be only too happy to help. 

  3. On 12/15/2016 at 6:23 PM, thetruth revealer said:

    Depending on every Branch there are different rules applied, Kasikorn seem to be Farang Friendly , which i cant say for Bangkok Bank per example.Often its depends on the clerk as well what kind of Documents are required. Some branches would even allow TR Visa for opening  accounts where others require what you described. Its not consistent .

    100 per cent accurate.

    Just go to another bank and try again.

  4. 1 hour ago, ratcatcher said:

    How difficult is it for the Thai authorities to establish whether Sunlong has a Malaysian assembly plant that actually builds these buses.

    Surely this is not yet a job for the DSI (Department of Special Investigation) to take on? A phone call from Thai to Malaysia ought to clarify who did what and where? There must be a factory or plant that can be checked.

    Why you talk too much? Farang no good.

  5. This is a very good idea and will go along ways in helping to keep our tourist safe. 

    They do however need to get some real horses and lose the ponys.

    If any of you have ever been to Mardi Gras in New Orleans you know the cops there keep law and order from horseback. We are talking thousands of really very drunk people. The cops there have these really big majestic beautiful horses. I have no idea where they get them.

    A cop on a big mount like that commands alot of authority and respect.

    Doesnt matter though, this will all be forgot in a few days, but if it had been done right, it was a good idea.

  6. The Army does not want to help with these matters.

    The last time the mexican army was in a battle was at San Jacinto when Sam Houston took just seven minutes to win and capture General Santa Ana who had put on a privates uniform and was trying to run off through the bushes. And so Texas won her independence and became the Republic of Texas. That was some time ago. So if the Mexican military does not want to help with the drug problem was is it they want to do? Sit on their butts and drink tequila. Siesta?

  7. 24 minutes ago, aussiandrew said:

    I was so looking forward to this particular service never mind one day maybe can do.

    Me too. I cant wait for this service to start. I live five minutes from the pier and plan to use this service on a regular basis. Was talking to a few Thais at the boat show at Ocean Marina and they were excited as well.

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