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Posts posted by Junkyarddog

  1. I live in the part of town where the Kuwaitis do. I was surprised to see this article today. Yesterday while walking some of them roared past me and for two seconds I thought of complaining

    to the police. Then I thought that would be a waste of time. Also these kids are just having fun. They are not doing anything mean or illegal other than driving to fast. There are quite a few of them. When your driving if they are in the way a small beep on the horn and they quickly and politely get out of your way. Just young guys having some fun. And as we all know if you give a young man a motorcycle he is going to drive to fast. Just like me and you when we were that age

  2. Now as in today load them in military transport planes and fly them all back to where they came from. Not difficult to do. About four or five trips using a C5 Galaxy. Its not even a long flight.

    Get this in the media. Every one that arrived will be back home within twelve hours after being pick up.

  3. This and that and that and this. Whatever. Its time We Americans rounded up our horses and put them back in our own barn. We don't want to pay for Europe's defense anymore and we don't want to send our children to die. Its time every country took care of their own affairs and leave America to try and figure out how to pay back twenty trillion dollars. Besides that is the best defense and best thing for Europe. If America goes under we are looking at mucho problemo. I don't know we are there for anyway. Does anyone believe Russia would really attack Europe?

  4. This and that and that and this. Whatever. Its time We Americans rounded up our horses and put them back in our own barn. We don't want to pay for Europe's defense anymore and we don't want to send our children to die. Its time every country took care of their own affairs and leave America to try and figure out how to pay back twenty trillion dollars. Besides that is the best defense and best thing for Europe. If America goes under we are looking at mucho problemo. I don't know we are there for anyway. Does anyone believe Russia would really attack Europe?

  5. This and that and that and this. Whatever. Its time We Americans rounded up our horses and put them back in our own barn. We don't want to pay for Europe's defense anymore and we don't want to send our children to die. Its time every country took care of their own affairs and leave America to try and figure out how to pay back twenty trillion dollars. Besides that is the best defense and best thing for Europe. If America goes under we are looking at mucho problemo.

  6. Wow what problems. When I moved I was so lucky. We moved an entire restaurant complete with a million baht stainless kitchen which included very large refridgerators and very big frezzers. All this being on the second floor. Pots pans dishes tables and chairs etc. Basically like moving contents of four or five houses.

    I don't remember where we came by the trucks. Seems like it was a freight company that decided to pick up some money on the side. Anyway they showed up on time. About ten guys and two very large trucks which ended up being full. They went right to work. Forgot to mention we had a big office as well. Two big desk filing cabinets shelves. Lots and lots of stuff. Two and half hours everything nearly loaded on the trucks. I could not believe it. Off they go. My wife goes with them. I stay behind to tie up a few loose ends. They have a three hour trip ahead of them. By the time I arrived at the new location where we are again setting up a restaurant everything was off the trucks and moved inside at the proper location.All that was left for me to do was reassemble the dining tables. That's it all done. They accepted the agreed price with appreciation and again were already gone by the time I arrived.

  7. I have been saying for years that Thais are the worlds best designers. Not just clothes but jewelry and many other products. They just seem to be naturally talented at this and I have always wondered ehen the govetnment or others would wake up and figure out there is huge industry here.

    I am very excited to see this finally happen.

    Friend of mine use to say that when we are born God touches us on the shoulder and gives us a special talent. Its up to you to figure out what it is.

    I predict Bangkok to be a fashion hub and design center in the future with many designers making a very good living.

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