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zombie nights

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  1. Question: the average person in the UK is poor compared to the average person in the USA. Why?
  2. Why on earth would you ever consider paying to eat at a restaurant in Thailand?
  3. Bars not allowed to sell alcohol today and different sources tell me bars closed in Pattaya. But a well known newspapaer says: "Bangkok and the Pattaya city area are exempt from the ban due to their status as special administrative zones with their own elections. However, areas in Bang Lamung adjacent to Pattaya will be subject to the alcohol ban, as they are part of Chon Buri province." Please credit and share this article with others using this link: https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/politics/2951551/24-hour-booze-ban-in-76-provinces-including-phuket-and-chiang-mai-begins-6pm-friday. View our policies at http://goo.gl/9HgTd and http://goo.gl/ou6Ip. © Bangkok Post PCL. All rights reserved. - can someone interpret what this means?
  4. Thank you Mr. Hart for exposing the scam artists trying unnecessarily to scare and frighten especially the retired community living peacefully in Thailand.
  5. This case and video of his arrest gone out all around the world. His name and face etc clearly visible When charged read to him he seemed surprised. It's a dreadful and serious charge.... what if he is innocent??/
  6. I am considering going to the tax office in Pattaya to get a tax number/card. Year back I went to an office in Pattaya (Jomtien) with an interpreter Thai friend. I was given a tax card I assume this is out of date (issued around 2001 or around that date or a few years after) and I need a new one. It was used once or twice only to claim back tax on my deposit for immigration of 800k. i have not bothered to claim any more refund for years. Can someone kindly advise me: 1 What is the address of the tax office in Pattaya and opening hours etc? 2 what documents do I need to show to register? 3 what questions will they likely ask me? 4 anything else I should know? Thx for any help.
  7. For years i have had this condition and was being monitored in BKK. I have recently moved to Pattaya so rather than spend hours going to BKK can anyone recommend a specialist doctor(Urologist) in Pattaya?
  8. Trump winning easily
  9. My friend is new to living long term Thailand but is considering leasing an apartment in a View Talay apartment in Pattaya. He is single but says he likes to have a lot of short time guests. He asks me do any leases put restrictions on guests visiting him at his condo? I said it depends on the lease, but most places allow guests...am I correct?
  10. This fire started at after 2.00am in the morning. No cause of the fire has been discovered but in one news report it is being said as follows: "glass window exploded from the heat" To me this sounds ludicrous. Remember the time the fire broke out. And how often do fires occur by windows exploding from heat? Especially in the middle of the night, https://www.msn.com/en-sg/news/other/british-father-and-son-injured-as-fire-rips-through-thailand-apartment/vi-AA1tkigF
  11. What does it say about the IQ of Yanks if Trump is re-elected? It says a lot. On a par with the Brits who voted for Brexit.
  12. Currently what is the full pension received unfrozen in the UK? Those living in Thailand with frozen pensions get how much?
  13. Question : If a mobile phone has a lithium battery or similar, is it possible for someone who knows the mobile number to somehow detonate the phone without even previously getting access to the phone to put explosives in it?
  14. I have just seen this thread and I have not read any of the replies. The answer is obvious: Thailand is not so weak and stupid like the UK to allow scum on boats to land on their shores and be given hotel rooms, free money, health care and food plus education and all sorts of other benefits to the detriment of those locals who have spent their lives paying into a system only to see these Aliens getting everything ahead of them. And to make it worse this rabble hate the real UK people especially women and gays. No wonder the UK is rioting.
  15. Mike: there may be a legal requirement to file a tax return but currently there is a practice that for certain people(retirees) the RD do not require them to file tax returns. What you keep doing is trying to persuade the tax dept to stop their practice and go after people who until now have not been expected to file tax returns. I understand u are neither a lawyer or tax expert and are self-taught. And u seem unable to grasp the differences mentioned above.
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