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Posts posted by sirocco

  1. Errors in my childhood, of course that I have to my credit.
    But it was not the teachers who educated me, but my parents.
    The teachers instructed me.
    Punishments and slaps made me what I am today.

    I do not think this daddy is trying to poison these recurring problems, he's just out of date.
    So advising him to turn against the school is not a good idea.
    Otherwise, the school is not compulsory, but teaching, yes, there is always a possibility of taking a tutor at home.
    As this, there will be no more problems of delay or non-compliant outfits.
    For information, virtually all my family is or was in education, and that makes many people.
    As for me, I taught law for several decades.

    Good night.

  2. Erreurs dans mon enfance, bien sûr que j'ai à mon actif.
    Mais ce ne sont pas les professeurs qui m'ont éduqué, mais mes parents.
    Les professeurs m'ont instruit.
    Les punitions et les gifles ont fait de moi ce que je suis aujourd'hui.

    Je ne pense pas que ce papa cherche à empoisonner ces problèmes récurrents, il est juste dépassé.
    Lui conseiller de se retourner contre l’école n’est donc pas une bonne idée.
    Sinon, l'école n'est pas obligatoire, mais l'enseignement, oui, il est toujours possible de prendre un percepteur des impôts à la maison.
    Ainsi, il n’y aura plus de problèmes de retard ou de tenues non conformes.
    Pour information, pratiquement toute ma famille est ou était dans l'éducation, et cela fait beaucoup de gens.
    Quant à moi, j'ai enseigné le droit pendant plusieurs décennies.

    Bonne nuit.

  3. intEdSource, post 39


    Well, let's see how the teenager can continue to put the bazard in school,
      since dad will file a complaint for abuse of authority.
    Nice pedagogical.
    It reminds me of my country where children and parents beat teachers.
    The children are so kind, so respectful.

  4. Hello,

    In HUA HIN, we have a charity, but we are often in contact with the 'Rotary club' and the Lion's club ', and also with the hospitals, the police, the town hall etc.
    We help with equipment, bedding, money, etc.
    You should contact the administrations or associations of PHUKET.
    Regardless of the charity, are these condos that made the headlines of the press and networks, a few years ago or owners were robbed?

  5. Good evening,
    look at FASCINO. (those of shopping centers)
    For some time now, they have brought in new equipment.
    maybe you will find your happiness.
    Otherwise, you bring them a picture. They will guide you well.
    another solution, mobilize your thumb with splints, like ice stick, and a bang that will take up to the wrist.

  6. Hello,
    It's been four years since the battery was flat, and it's been four years since the computer was running, but still connected to the power cable and with the battery in place. (ASUS)

    • Like 1
  7. As for LEDI, the tastes and expectations of some are not necessarily those of others.
    We can live in a rat hole and be there,
      because we have a hermit's soul,
    or live in a big city, but in a quiet corner with all the comforts nearby.
    It's your feeling and your future.

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