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Posts posted by ABCer

  1. Funny the words used by farang that are obviously learned from a bar girl. My GF is quite fastidious in what I should and should not learn. Occasionally I use a word I've picked up here on TV and she is usually shocked. we've got an understanding too...whenever she says a word that I don't know and it has an "L" or and "R" sound, I ask "Ror rua or lor ling?" She doesn't want me saying things like "aloi" it has to be "aroi" with a fair amount of rolling the "r".

    Vast majority of Thais say aloi, I suppose it's good practice thought to speak the language properly. Would be nice to see more farang make a greater effort to speak Thai

    The reason why i don't speak much Thai to strangers is because when i do order/ask something in Thai they always give very long answers where just Yes or No also would do. The Thai won't say No as an answer but instead always say Mod Leaw or some long sentences that i don't understand.

    Even when i ask how much something costs (because they refuse to put a pricetag) i get long answers instead of a price. So it's better to ask in english just How much and then they have the language barrier and will tell you the price immediatly.

    I don't work in Thailand, only spend money so they should make it easy for me. If they can't or won't do that then i know plenty other places where i can buy/go to. BKK is not a small village where i don't have other options then going to Somchai with his double-pricing or wasting time tricks.

    I didn't meet many bargirls but the ones i met in touristic places speak far better english then for example house or carsellers here in BKK.

    When learning to speak any language it's not enough to learn grammar, vocabulary, write or read.

    One must actually speak! - in other word use one's mouth.

    Perhaps bar girls you have met do just that? tongue.png

  2. Sorry to break into the harmony of academic discussion.

    Live here for 7 years permanently. Do not plan to leave. And do not ask me to.

    Do not speak Thai. Do not plan or want to learn it.

    Speaking of logic: - Why would anybody want to learn Thai and shut up???

    These discussions spring up on TV quite regularly. To be or not to be. To learn or not to learn.

    It is a free world and people who like to - have the perfect right to learn it.

    And for exactly the same reason people who do not like to - have the perfect right not to learn it.

    Peace! Love! Breakfast!coffee1.gif

    • Like 2
  3. OP, illogical they may be but all your examples point to stupidity and ignorance rather than lack of logic.

    Here is my two bit story.

    About 2 years ago I was bitten by a dog on a public beach. For the first time in my life. I never was before afraid of the dogs and I'm not afraid of them now.

    But this was a special case. It was a pack of 8 dogs, they ran out of one beach property and were running around me in a perfect circle barking until the leader darted in and bit me.

    I got really mad because a young Thai woman came to the edge of the property and was calmly watching the attack.

    I went back to my condo, had a guard take me to a local Police station by his bike and made a statement describing the situation, the dog that bit me, the property etc.

    Police wrote it down, took me in their car to that property we all saw these 8 dogs and the owner. After this they took me to my condo and advised to get injections at a hospital.

    All was peachy nice. I got 5 trips to the hospital, 5 injections and put it out of my mind.

    Now to the point:

    The owners statements to Police in my presence were

    - these are not my dogs;

    - my daughter saw you play with my dogs on the beach;

    - you shouldn't have entered my property;

    - I am a poor man (cannot pay for treatment);

    - OK, I will put this dog down.

    This is a story that proves him to be a liar and an illogical one.

    As to all Thais - I do not know, I have been bitten only once.

    My gut feeling goes with your statement - Thais are ready to lie anytime and those without proper education must be illogical.

    • Like 2
  4. A stupid PR stunt appealing to sentimental ignorance or ignorant sentimentality.

    Also look at this Lottery business... how Thai! The winning numbers!

    I do not know how she gets to and from work. I do not know exactly what decisions PM makes during working hours. But I am sure her ankle ligament is not involved.

    Many people dislike her for being Shin, for being good looking, for being rich, for being corrupt (?) but I dislike her for being a softie, no guts. Shouldn't go for this job.

  5. Some years ago there were many vacancy's for air-tower controllers. If i remember well they needed farang for those functions (Don't ask me why).

    So probably the airspace around Thailand is observed by farang now.

    First I thought the same.

    Than I thought it is observed but not evaluated.

    Now I think the Big Brother isn't really Big, he doesn't see much and what he sees is not registered.

    Really, people are made to believe that sat photo cameras know where they are, mikes can tune in on private mouth to ear conversation and computers register every bank transaction they make.

    But Boeing 777 full of people and fuel can 'disappear' into thin air because

    - some pilot disconnected flight electronic device(s)

    - the jumbo jet altered its course

    - the jumbo jet flew over the military airbase

    - the jumbo jet was registered by various military radars without being identified

    - all of the above has happened 260 hours ago


    Those who believe it possible say 'ay'...

    Want to know the truth? Don't look up. Don't look at sea. Don't look in remote lands.

    Look at Malaysians in command in high places very closely. They are all in on the cover up.

  6. Not surprised at all.

    Thai students are strongly discouraged from asking questions both at school and at the Uni levels.

    I do not expect the brass (Military) are encouraged to question their Command in any form at any time.

    All of the above helps to Save the Faces but naturally impedes initiative and analytical capabilities.

    Congrats to Thai Military capabilities. Their hardware is working. It is detecting everything. Do not ask for more...

    Cynical are we ?

    What's wrong with being cynical? Cynicism = Optimism + Experience.

    Actually I wasn't cynical. I have been realistic. Do not ask of people more than they can give and avoid disappointment.

    Which part of my post you are not ready to sign under?

  7. Dear bonobo.

    Just read your OP.

    I can feel your pain, indignation, bewilderment and something akin to 'loss of face'.

    But, did you consider the differences between the West and East culture and ways of life?


    - social services look after old;

    - individualism runs amok;

    - personal space is inviolate;

    - my house is my castle;

    - grown up kids have their own life;

    - friends are scarce and far between;

    - life is generally good with plenty of food, drinks, music etc.


    OPPOSITE to everything above (especially in some Narathivan village).

    And finally, maybe, just maybe(?) your definition of 'friends' needs a revision?

    As to who likes which 'culture' more - believe me both West and East cultures have pro's and con's.

    Wishing you a happy life.partytime2.gif

    • Like 1
  8. Not surprised at all.

    Thai students are strongly discouraged from asking questions both at school and at the Uni levels.

    I do not expect the brass (Military) are encouraged to question their Command in any form at any time.

    All of the above helps to Save the Faces but naturally impedes initiative and analytical capabilities.

    Congrats to Thai Military capabilities. Their hardware is working. It is detecting everything. Do not ask for more...

    • Like 1
  9. Let us walk away from many good and bad points made here.




    16< 18;

    Daughter < Wife < Village;

    Thai Police < Western Police etc., etc.

    Do not listen to any of these good and bad points.

    Ask yourself what does your heart tells you?

    This isn't an advice, just thinking about life.

    In my life NOBODY ever gave me anything of substance except my EDUCATION.

    Thanks to my parents and Education they helped me to get I got EVERYTHING I ever wanted by my own efforts.

    If she is your daughter you owe her that much. Nothing else.

    If she is somebody else's daughter you do not owe her anything except what you want to give.

    Who is richer is between you and your wife.

    Richer or poorer, if you cannot convince your wife to do as YOU SEE FIT - you are a door mat in this family.

    Cannot figure out why did you ask us about what you must decide by yourself.

    Happy living. biggrin.png

  10. OP, must admit I've read your opening fully. Also admit I've not read a single response of 215 posts.

    I am pointing this out because I know the topic, the situation and I have my own opinion on the issue.

    NO! No! no!

    The kids are not the part of the package!

    The mother has to be complimented for being frank and earnest from the start. She is clear about her wants.

    The man is equally clear about his 'no-wants'. Yet he deserves no compliments from me.

    Because despite his not wanting responsibility for kids he hesitates, compromises, gives in.

    To sum up the situation - he is on the hook. I suspect the place the hook is in.

    Neither mother's nor man's positions are a surprise to me. There are many different individual cases but typical for Thai situation is:

    - first hormones

    - than 'love'

    - than kids

    - than looking out for a reliable provider/father

    - than may start the cycle again...

    Men are another basket case

    - impregnate one

    - go to the next

    - than may start the cycle again...

    I must add that myself I did look after my own kids and expect others do the same. More a question of principle and responsibility than money.

    Adoption of responsibilities of another person is against my instincts.

    The time for throwing stones is now on...

    • Like 1
  11. At long last, after enormous amount of inconsistencies we get a halfhearted admission of the obvious.

    Now the Bermuda Triangle goes back where it should be, the Alien Forces stood down and the Passed Out Pilot reawakened.

    It took more than a week for Malaysian Gov't to half admit half of the truth. The obvious half.

    It looks that 'face saving' is all important not only to Thais.

    And for the fourth time I am posting in relation to the obvious:

    This Unusual Mysterious Disappearance Was Only Possible With Help From The Ground.

    Everybody is looking for the plane. Everybody is looking at what happened at the plane. Everybody refuses to look at the ground!

    Want to find it? Want to know what happened?

    Look at the Ground Control at Radars at Communication System.

    This is also obvious. And this is the other obvious half of the truth Malaysians are trying to avoid saying anything about.

    Hope Chinese will make them...

  12. When I go to my profile and click on "My content", nothing shows up.

    It's waiting for "stats.g.doubleclick.net".

    It's been like this for several hours.

    Windows? If so Google HOSTS FILE - can't say any more than that due to the new forum rule changes - but I'll PM you if you wish.

    biggrin.png I know what you're getting at and the next time the problem occurs I'll give it a go. But today, everything's fine, so I guess there was a "glitch" somewhere that's been fixed - a bit like my Hotmail server that went walkabout for three days and is now working perfectly.


    I blame the NSA. They're up to something. ph34r.png

    Ssshhhh, don't mention it in the open.

    After Crimea they joined up with FSB,CIA and MI6 and now I have a cam inside my toilet bowl...

    I only know this because my phone bill is up 3%. facepalm.gif

  13. Been having terrible performance with my TOT account for several days. Reported to 1100 three times. Each time they claimed not to have any other reports of a problem in my area (Phuket).

    It's mainly because of the lying, I called True this afternoon.

    Thanks to all.

    Obviously I'm not paranoid and many people have similar problems. That's a relief.

    TOT are notorious for lying. Every time I call about 'No Internet' I get the same standard answer:

    - 'Broken cable. We are working on it.'

    Then I point out that I'm calling from my desk phone AND that the office downstairs has Internet AND my neighbors in the building have it....

    AND how one gets one strand in a cable break so often...

    Anyway, I'm still alive and kicking... think the guys hate my guts... but it's OK, the feeling is mutual...


  14. If US wants any meaningful dialogue/negotiation with Russia they should first and foremost accept equal terms.

    Russia is not Iraq, Iran, Syria, Afghanistan, Sudan, Uganda, Lybia, etc.

    Any American voting/referendum ever had international observers?

    High time to stop this attitude of grown-ups talking to children.

    American Democracy is not exactly a Democracy and their form of political order is not for every country.

    Kosovo was OK, Sth. Sudan was OK, Nth. Korea was OK but Crimea is not OK.

    No wonder they get nothing and go nowhere with Russia except contemptuous " And what are you going to do about it?".

    Each and every American President after Nixon would do a service to US by keeping their soldiers inside their country, their pants zipped up and their policies concentrating on US domestic problems.

    And they have far too many of them on the table - running away deficit, printing paper useless money, throwing their forces around for no good cause with too many bodies coming back home...

  15. This could be a good comment without the disclaimer in the end. Islam is the thing that makes them inhuman. Have you ever heard of shinta or dao terrorists? Or about a gang of Mahayana buddhists mutilating the entire village, including children, cattle and pets, for the sole reason that people who live there follow Therawada? Do you know any other religion that indulges pedophilia, and clearly imposes the imperative of violence to non-believers? How about cutting people's arms off for petty thefts? Stoning victims of rape for adultery? Torturing animals (search for "halal" on youtube)?

    Take Islam away, and those people will go back to their palm oil or whatever...

    Yes, my friend. look back to history. Shintoists, Daoists, Christians, Hinduists, ancient Romans, and many other religious fanatics did the same. Not because of their religion but being brainwashed into animals.

    Including Communists and Nazis.

    Welcome to the Earth.

    I see some people here advising to level mosques. To irradicate Islam. They are all wrong.

    Look back to history. Muslims lived in peace with Jews for centuries. Moors were more tolerant to other religions including Christianity than Christians to other denominations of the same Christianity.

    Any brainwashed fanatic of any religious group is capable of atrocities. Because a brainwashed fanatic stops being a human being by becoming a desensitized humanoid. It has nothing to do with Islam.

    There are millions of decent Muslims. Do not proclaim a Holy war on them. Do not touch their mosques. Better use inhuman rules against the brainwashed humanoids.

    You cannot stop a terrorist who has been brainwashed and is ready to die. But you can turn his mother and father and sister and brother against him.

    Not easy to stomach in this world of political correctness? Than do nothing until the events touch you personally.

    BTW cutting off fingers and palms of a thief was practiced not only by Muslims. Scandinavians used this practice too, before they even heard of Islam. And Mongols used to rape women and than disembowel them not being Muslims.

  16. An eye for an eye doesn't work here. All we get is a whole world blind.

    There is a category of 'people' who cannot be called people.

    I previously mentioned that the only language these animals understand is cruelty.

    4 for 1 will be just about right proportion if you look at the numbers of Thai victims and those animals losses.

    And, please, do not mention humanity terms in this context. Blood is all they understand.

    All these murderers have families. And families are responsible for their actions just as much as their spiritual leaders.

    It is a widely recognized fact that education starts at home and continues at school.

    NOTE! It is not Islam I am talking about. I am talking of inhuman animals having nothing to do with any religion.

  17. Thanks to all responses.

    I live here long enough to know about TOT in general.

    Only mentioned this problem because:

    - it was a markedly drastic slowdown;

    - it is for the last 3 days;

    - the office downstairs noted the same;

    - it is 2 min wait with EVERY click, no matter what.

    I never used to switch off my router because it's Wi-Fi and two TVs are also using it. Will try to switch off at night, thanks for advice.

    TOT technicians come and go but they are useless/ignorant bums. Can't do anything.

    Most likely ADSL sell more than they can deliver. There is no cable here where I am. Cheers.

  18. Hello to all.

    I am in Rayong area. All of a sudden my Internet has slowed down 10 times.

    Every connection takes up to 2 min.

    Every click means a 2 min wait.

    It has come to the point of being useless.

    I have run a complete system check and nothing wrong with my PC.

    Is this Google only? Is this Thailand only? Is this a local TOT affair only?

    Has been like this for last two days.

    Anybody knows about this or noticed the same? Really going berserk...

    Thanks for input.

  19. ...

    They can start doing business for gold instead of the paper dollar - this will re-elect Obama.

    They can form a close alliance with Chinese - this will re-elect Obama.


    Re-elect Obama?cheesy.gif

    Here's some advice -- don't quit your day job to be a political pundit.

    Jingthing, of all the people here I thought you understand subtlety...

    OK, this will kick him out of the White House. Is this loud and clear for you?

    There is a thing called SARCASM, if you need to know. Look it up.

  20. Chill out TV hot heads.

    Putin is not reincarnation of Adolf. Neither is Merkel.

    There is no threat of a WWIII yet.

    It is business as usual. US didn't cope with Russian missiles in Cuba. Neither Russia is going to cope Ukraine in NATO (rockets or no rockets).

    Ukraine has several options. It can pay for energy to Russia and play independence games based on national sentiments. Or pay attention to the fact that its most vital part (East) is populated by Russians.

    Or go nuclear and have another Chernobyl. But whichever course they will choose they must recon with Russia's interests.

    Not only because there are so many Russians among them, but because Russia is a very powerful immediate neighbor. And an aggressive neighbor to boot.

    Crimea is lost to Ukraine. It was never Ukrainian anyway. And if their numerous thieving, stupid and overly nationalistic governments weren't so stupid this Crimea business wouldn't had happened.

    Does anybody (Merkel, Obama or others) think that Russia will give back Sebastopol? Lunacy!

    I have no idea what Russia will do. But I know this much:

    Sanctions will not work.

    Putin is smarter than Obama.

    Military actions are not even on the table.

    And just as Ukrainians have several options so do Russians.

    They can start doing business for gold instead of the paper dollar - this will re-elect Obama.

    They can form a close alliance with Chinese - this will re-elect Obama.

    They can split Ukraine in East and West - without sending in military (at least formally).

    Than Ukraine will be left with half polish half nationalist population.

    I am not exactly a Russian sympathizer. But I feel US Administration have gone too far in their efforts to destabilize the East.

    Going back to Merkel - in this particular speech she is out of her depth. German business will not re-elect her again. Just wait and see.

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