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Posts posted by KhunMarco

  1. video

    My comment on their youtube page:

    This is what happens to the youth of a wonderful culture when it's polluted and contaminated by the worst influence of western materialism.

    Wow you guys are really repulsive, but it's not your fault I guess.

    Globalization sucks


    go on and flame me like i'd give a flying thing...lol

  2. See each person as an individual and not as part of a group. All humans from

    all countries and cultures are equal without regard to race, color, creed or gen-

    der. Believe with confidence and trust that the vast majority of people whom you

    meet, befriend or do business with are more similar than different from you.

    People are inherently good. Most people act in good faith. They mean you no

    harm and would assist you in time of need. Dont waste your time thinking oth-

    erwise. Do not become a party to rumor or gossip.

    Reject stereotypes and the divisive and demeaning policies that group people

    into categories. Be the first to build bridges of tolerance and understanding.

    Short version: Open your mind sshole :o

  3. This was def. more than 30 seconds, I was on my chair when it started and for some reason I counted , till my GF came to rescue me :D I was at 35 and I'd say it continued to 40-50 (not sure ..i was running downstairs ..stupid, but she was freaking out :o ).

    Is there's a source to see the recorded time span?

  4. So basically even though we in Cm are closer to the seismic area, those in Bkk are probably at a much higher risk.

    he he the little bastard in me is glad to hear that :o

  5. I understand your point of view go-go and teachers is never a good idea. But wake up and come back to reality, stickman was and still is in the way of many Thailand based webmasters wannabe. You have no idea what some people are willing to do to "divert" a slice of traffic to their website. Then you have the battle with adsense ( google advertising) , some websites have been banned by the "program" because of their offensive/adult content, others are still in, but they are not exactly the UNICEF web site ..herm. People tend to make justice by themselves.

    Money , the nasty beast...

  6. I'm sorry to say this, but why do Thai girls come to this website to try to find info about how better to divorce their farang husbands, how better to get child support from people they are not married to, etc.? I always hear, as a farang living in Thailand, how Thailand is so great and we are so stupid.

    Is the purpose of Thaivisa to support Thai people married to farangs or to support Farang people living in Thailand, where every law, and every situation, legal or not, supports Thai people first and foremost?

    It is obvious why Thai women come here looking for some better way out than their own law supports. I think it would be a better use of their time to try to change the laws in Thailand if they don't like what they get from marriage and having children can provide them in this country. I think most Thai spouses get much more from any relationship with a farang then they would with their own Thai countrymen, but yet they want even more than this, and without having even ever visited our western country, they wish to be protected with our laws.

    Well, the marriage laws in most western countries, if not all, says you must share the debts with your spouse, as well as you will share the profits. So, I guess if her husband hasn't paid taxes since they were married, got into credit card debt, etc., she is responsible to pay half of that at least. If her husband dies before, maybe she will owe all of it.

    Do you think in this case these Thai spouses will be coming here asking for advise on how to pay their debts? Or suddenly, Thai law, or lack of law, will be enough for them?

    Looks like someone has been seriously hurt lately.

    I hope you'll have the courage to come back and read again your post and see what a tool you made of yourself.

  7. Actually turning off the 5W stand-by is a great thing. I was reading how much a nation can save just by doing it. Billions and billions of $ a year, no kidding.

    And tonight we had Antipasto misto, Spaghetti alla puttanesca, Ossubuco alla Milanese and Tiramisu' and we talked about it 2 hours :o.

    It's called food culture and it's one of the best thing in life, along with sex and sleeping :D

    sheeeeesh!!! No wonder Thai girls find me so attractive :bah:

    :D :D :D

  8. It's curious isnt it? Those who vigorously attack people for wanting a comfortable quality of life here (and who are prepared to work and save for it) are those who famously and patently don't have it themselves.

    Self-justification is a wonderful thing, baby .. .

    The IRS man spoken, lol you don't know zilch about us and our finance and yet... pass the spliff ...Ben. :o

  9. hippies are extinct

    They simply evolved, there are a a few communities around the world, they sell organic products and artisan stuff to tourists or they go to the city to trade.

    Last year I spent 1 month in a community on the Italian Alps, no electricity, no TV, nada, just a few animals and agriculture, they have the best of both worlds... hehe when they need a dentist .. you see them in town :o .

    It was an interesting experience

  10. Oh c'mon guys , you took my Hippy thing literally.

    Anyway I know a married couple who spend 7 months in Asia (India-Tibet-Nepal) and 5 months in Ibiza (Spain). In Ibiza they have bought an old home, they renovated it with a very low budget, but with an amazing result (for my taste). They rent from the city a space at 2 hippy markets an they sell the stuff they bought in Asia to tourists. They work 2 days a week and they managed to save money for emergency and their business trips :D in Asia.

    You know what, this 2 guys are extremely smart in my book. Eh he , I may join them one day.

    ...don't worry about a thing... every little thing is gonna be all right... :D:D


    I may be a cyber-hippy...mmm an internet cafe' on the beach with free pot and "special" cookies sounds good eh? :o:bah:

    P.s, ok forget the free thing, gee can't help it. rofl

  11. Now the pentagons gone on a blocking spree, different reasons though. Clicky

    That is a very different situation - Pentagon, like a lot of companies - are blocking websites they deem irrelevant for their workers. They are not trying to control what individuals can see from the privacy of their homes when they are not at work.

    The Defense Department has decided to make it impossible to reach 13 Web sites from its network, citing an overabundance of “recreational traffic.”

    Yup, better to focus on flying object headed to the pentagon than jerking around with videogames :o

  12. I can't believe all these people so attached to the concept that you have to trade all your dreams for stability and money in life. Gee what a sad place the world has become.

    No wonder most of the youngsters seem in a perennial state of misery back home. Since they are 3 y.o. they are under constant parental/social pressure to be the best of the best. :D

    For C.S. the guy is 23, he has the right to have fun for a few years and to feel not guilty about it. Screw the career , escape the rat race , you are still young and likely not brainwashed to death. You were lucky enough to have a decent education , which gives you an advantage that 90% of the world population can only dream about.

    I say, go for the hippy community and don't look back at zombie-city , peace and love dude :o


  13. Gee BAF, good luck with the almighty USA, man I wouldn't live there to save my life nowadays (just a personal opinion, please don't take it personally folks), anyway as they say to each its own.

    Sure must be embarrassing when people ask you "where's your wife from?","Thailand", "aaaahh nice place", "...herm ...actually... she was the only thing I really liked about the place..... except the working ladies and the cheap booze.. (just kidding paesa' , piu' o meno) :o

  14. The other point is in response to the comments about the struggle between the ideals of freedom, and the imposition of controls. I would suggest to you that both are essential, and that the struggle between the two will never end. I'm not saying that the struggle need be violent, but it will always be there. As individuals, most people who value freedom would like to be allowed to do whatever they, individually, want to do. Still, most of those same people would acknowledge that many people would abuse such freedom, and, as a result, humanity would probably destroy itself, given the technology and weapons available to us today. Anarchy is certainly not a viable situation.

    So, the question becomes where to draw the line. How much individual freedom should be surrendered for the sake of control? The answer to that question is nearly as individual as fingerprints. As we know, the question is answered differently in virtually every democracy in the world. And, within each country, the pendulum swings back and forth with nearly every election, and certainly with every change of "party" control. Then there is the effect, mentioned by a couple of you, of major, catastrophic events, like 9-11.


    An interesting topic with a lot of complicated implications.

    The main problem with governments and their will to trade freedom for security at our expenses, is that they are deliberately focusing on minor problems (but highly rewarding for their interest), hiding or overlooking the real problems. A few examples?

    An attack on chemical or nuclear plants in the U.S. could kill millions, yet security at these facilities consistently has been proven inadequate during mock attacks.Yet industry lobbying killed even modest proposed security improvements recently.

    According to the Environmental Protection Agency, more than 120 chemical plants individually could kill a million or more people in the event of an attack or serious accident, take for example the 1984 Union Carbide catastrophe in Bhopal, India, killed far more people than any domestic act labeled as terrorism. Those deaths were caused by a corporation cutting corners on basic safety measures combined with a lack of public access to vital information(a situation Patriot II would enable in the U.S.)

    With a bit of research you soon realize that there are thousands of problems way more dangerous than terrorism, but you hardly hear about them on the media mainstream. Why?

    Instead you are constantly bombed with terrorism, weapons of mass destruction, Muslims, homeland, patriotism, with us or against us, operation iraq freedom, terror etc etc. Again why? The number of people dying because of tobaccos is amazingly higher than the number dying because of terrorism attacks, yet I don't see any government burning tobacco fields, why?

    When you are able to answer these questions, you'll see where the real problem lies.

    A wise man once said : "Those who would trade freedom for security deserve neither"

    Benjamin Franklin.

  15. As someone else posted, in Italy if you want to use an Internet cafe' you have to show your ID card or passport ( I think the law was enforced after 9-11 as an anti-terrorism measure). I'm sure it's not the only European country with this type of law.

    All the gambling sites are censored.

    Plus (this is great, it puts the Thai laws in a bright light) if you own an e-commerce site you have to keep a log of all the pages published and send it at a given interval to an office where they are supposed to store it for future reference ( when you call the office to ask for information they beg you to stop sending anything because they have no idea where to store and how to keep track of all this stuff..hehe Italian bureaucracy at its best).

    Then if you own even a simple blog, for example about Digital cameras, they are trying to enforce a law that requires you to be a "patented" journalist..roflmaoooo.

    And we are talking about the 6-7 th economic power, not Bangladesh.

    All this to say:If you think things are going to be better in Thailand, think twice.

    And by the way I predict the whole planet will enjoy only a few more years of free internet. Too much money at stake, governments and corporations are not happy with so much "uncontrolled" information available.

    I expect a major disaster caused by the "uncontrolled" internet very soon, and as a result we will need some sort of personal identification ( a card, a license..) to access the net, anywhere in the world. Yes I know I'm a nut.

    Who wants to bet?

  16. Oh gee someone stolen my mobile! I knew it, this place is full of thieves!

    Roflmao, you guys are funny!

    The biggest thing they stolen from me was a mountain bike...it happened in Vanocouver B.C. Those Canadians are nasty, I'm going to post it on WWW.CanadaVisa.com :o


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