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Posts posted by Bronzepickup

  1. If you are 31 then you have no choice than to seek a higher paying job outside of Thailand.

    You will have to self fund your retirement or face working until death.

    Your generation...and mine...will not have the luxury of a tax payer funded pension like that received by many of the snoozers here on TV.

    By the time you are ready to retire the UK government will have raised the retirement age to 75...maybe 80 as there is not enough tax revenue to meet the needs of the boomers for pensions and medicare.

    And here is my tip...

    Earning an income in the the coming decades is not nearly as important as ENSURING that you MINIMIZE your tax.

    The aging boomers are about to step up and eat the planet and X and Y gen are going to be taxed to the nuts to pay for them.

    And as a final thought...why change countries...why not stay in Thailand and change your HABITS...

    Profound personal change must come from within...

    Embracing discipline would be easier than moving camp...

    Good Luck

    Smart man. The world is changing rapidly. Those around 20-30 now will do wise not to place their bets on the welfare states.

    try your luck with a piece of bamboo on a Phuket beach then.

    Why would I do that?

    I am making money and putting it far outside the reach of greedy socialists in the EU. I'd suggest any capable young person of doing the same thing.

    The world has changed forever and so has the economy. The current 'crisis' is not a crisis at all, it is a correction coming that has been underway for about 20 years since the new economies (that includes Thailand) adopted market economies. There are a billion chinese willing and able to work twice as hard for 5 times less than the average welfare fed euro. These people want what we have and they're willing to work hard for it. Are you aware that engineers in Shanghai make more than they do in Frankfurt now?

    The welfare states are going to steal and steal to preserve their bloated corpse for as long as they can and that includes taking your money in the banks and come time, dip into private pensions. You just wait and see.

    It's going to get real ugly back in the socialist states of EU before the inevitable Euro crash. I'd rather not bank on the ponzi scheme to last until my retirement.

    sorry Mr Hammer. Misplaced guidance on my part.

    Khmer girl would rip your credit card and leave you for dead. probably best to stick with 6 months cheap beer and 6 months of darkness.

  2. If you are 31 then you have no choice than to seek a higher paying job outside of Thailand.

    You will have to self fund your retirement or face working until death.

    Your generation...and mine...will not have the luxury of a tax payer funded pension like that received by many of the snoozers here on TV.

    By the time you are ready to retire the UK government will have raised the retirement age to 75...maybe 80 as there is not enough tax revenue to meet the needs of the boomers for pensions and medicare.

    And here is my tip...

    Earning an income in the the coming decades is not nearly as important as ENSURING that you MINIMIZE your tax.

    The aging boomers are about to step up and eat the planet and X and Y gen are going to be taxed to the nuts to pay for them.

    And as a final thought...why change countries...why not stay in Thailand and change your HABITS...

    Profound personal change must come from within...

    Embracing discipline would be easier than moving camp...

    Good Luck

    Smart man. The world is changing rapidly. Those around 20-30 now will do wise not to place their bets on the welfare states.

    try your luck with a piece of bamboo on a Phuket beach then.

  3. Listening to one of these 'partygoers' being interviewed on the BBC; he feels that it's OK to celebrate her death because she invaded Iraq!


    As Oscar Wilde said "I wish i was young enough to know everything" i can remember wearing my Che Guevara t shirt and shouting "wait till the revolution" at all those people in their big cars ,then i went home to the big house i lived in in Finchley ,God i was a prat.

    Nothing changes then.

  4. 11 years is a long time in a thai bar if you start at 20.

    The guy is probably a waster.

    I do note that you brought a new low to the Maggie Thatcher is Dead thread.........it takes wits, intelligence and imagination to be a troll and in these areas you are quite obviously lacking.

    I apologize to the mods for calling out a new member as a troll so quickly however check his brief posting history and I think you'll tend to agree.

    I left good ol blighty to get away from people who could twist words.

    New low on the MT thread?

    Depends where you are judging from.

    At 31 I had 4 sons to take care of.

    OP has his journey ahead. It's his post, not yours, not mine.

  5. OP.......contrary to TV opinion, there is still serious money to be made in the UK.

    You'll walk in to a job in the hotel and hospitality business. Get your feet back below the table, look around and as long as you have an eye for the opportunity and basic business acumen you'll be fine. You have experience of working in the Byzantine world of Thai business and you won't believe how easy it is to do business in the UK by comparison.

    Your prime earning years are coming up, fill your boots up and keep an eye on your long term goals. If you miss Thailand, it's only a £500 flight away for a holiday, but I fear the Thailand you love is now just a memory, there's nothing wrong with that, as it's a good memory. I had 5 cracking years in Germany from age 23-28 and I made unbelievable money for a young guy, and I spent most of it, you better believe I've got happy memories of Germany. :drunk:

    Just come back, fill your boots off, and when you're ready look for the next adventure....that's what life is all about.

    ps. To all you moaning faced geriatrics out there, leave him alone, you're just jealous that you didn't arrive in Thailand when you were 20. :coffee1:

    You talk crap blether.

    Guy who spends 20-31 in thai bars looking for the next opportunity and advice on TV...

  6. Not sure what the Dead Kennedy's California Uber Alles has to do with Thatcher but it sure brings back memories of seeing them live at the Mabuhay Gardens, San Francisco, and permanently destroying my ear drums!

    Deflect what you don't want to hear.

    Some geezers on this post saw people dying.

  7. Thatcher was not, as some have posted here, a supporter of apartheid.

    Margaret Thatcher on apartheid: Sixteen quotes

    Fair enough; it looked at times she had a sympathetic ear to it.

    So, why do you think she supported the Khmer Rouge and sent SAS troops to train them? Why did she not make any comments about what was going on when it was happening, only to be annoyed with VIetnam for ending it.

    She put her hatred of communism ahead of human slaughter.

    grocer's daughter from Lincolnshire knew what she knew.

    sas training cabin with live ammo. I like this!

    try a helicopter gunship over a rice field Maggie and see if you like the sound of Wagner.

    Much more exciting than a day in Westminster.

    White trash.


    A new low on this thread.

    nope. a new high.

    7by7 waits behind a haystack.

  8. Thatcher was not, as some have posted here, a supporter of apartheid.

    Margaret Thatcher on apartheid: Sixteen quotes

    Fair enough; it looked at times she had a sympathetic ear to it.

    So, why do you think she supported the Khmer Rouge and sent SAS troops to train them? Why did she not make any comments about what was going on when it was happening, only to be annoyed with VIetnam for ending it.

    She put her hatred of communism ahead of human slaughter.

    grocer's daughter from Lincolnshire knew what she knew.

    sas training cabin with live ammo. I like this!

    try a helicopter gunship over a rice field Maggie and see if you like the sound of Wagner.

    Much more exciting than a day in Westminster.

    White trash.


  9. Having been around during the Thatcher yrs and suffered under her regime 8yrs out of work I can't say that I am sorry to read that she has passed away and I dont doubt that a lot of other people in my age bracket 50+ will feel the same way . !

    I lost my job 3 times under Maggie's reign, I simply got off my arse and went and got another. The reason you were out of work for the 8 years was down to you not her.RIP Maggie
    Likewise I lost 3 jobs through lay offs and redundancys in one year.I also had a long while off work before I found another job,but not everyone were as lucky as you and I,some people lived in areas where jobs were very scarce or non existent,and employees having their money cut below the going rate.or employers realising Thatcher had made the situation in their favour to abuse employees and pay them peanuts and take it or leave it! a virtual slaves charter. Who thought up the YOPS Scheme?come and work for a year on £30 a week and you could have a permanent job if you are a good boy. Well the reality was they sacked them all after a year, and took on new victims.Try to claim your rights at work,according to your agreed contract with the company,and they would tell to F*** Off if you don't like it,constantly living in fear of losing your job,gagged,keep your head down, and don't answer back to the Foreman or Manager/Owner. Ahhhh! the happy days of Thatcherism:sick: only those that worked in Factories,Skilled Trades,Labouring,Manual Work,would know what i'm talking about,the rest are still spouting off the party line propaganda,from when they ran there own business,worked in Banks,Insurance and all the cosy office paper shuffing jobs.
    my old dear always said I was lucky but I went from sales person, to farm laborer to semi skilled factory worker. I watched a TV programme and it focused on a mining area effected by the closures. A call centre opened near by, jobs were available but the guys said no way would they do that type of work. Work is work. Not much work in Isaan so the people move to where the work is, a mind set not to much accepted by many in the UK. As Norman said get on ya bike to the unemployed.

    up country thai work in the factories of the eastern seaboard. They miss their community.

    MT would struggle with this because she understood bank balance but nothing else.

    • Like 1
  10. She created today's housing crisis. She created the banking crisis. And she created the benefits crisis. It was her government that started putting people on incapacity benefit rather than register them as unemployed because the Britain she inherited was broadly full employment. She decided when she wrote off our manufacturing industry that she could live with two or three million unemployed, and the benefits bill, the legacy of that, we are struggling with today. In actual fact, every real problem we face today is the legacy of the fact that she was fundamentally wrong.

    Ken Livingstone's comment.

    Correct. She ran the country like you would run a grocer's shop.

  11. Yep.

    MT epitomises why Thailand is amazing by comparison with Great Britain.

    Grocer's daughter from Lincolnshire knew what she knew.

    This is not an invitation for posters to start having a go about Thailand by the way.

    Dangerous Lady.

  12. Thais have an instinctive dislike of the Russians.

    If the Thai policeman could get away with taking matters into his own hands he would.

    The open targeting AND reporting of ONLY Russians in relation to work permits in Phuket is racist - even if Russians are the main offenders, the authorities are making it very clear they do not like Russians and do not want them there. What about all the Kiwis, Aussies and Brits all over the country working without permits? I say this because I only ever read about Russians getting their cracks down here, which appears a little one eyed.

    I really wish someone in this country (who had the authority to have a voice) stood up to the open racism and xenophobia communicated and demonstrated by the establishment.

    When you come to my country, my dearest Thai friends, you can work beside me, you can work above me, or you can work below me - based on your own merits, not your skin color, nor your connections or financial position. How about the same fair deal in your homeland? Do you not love your country enough to share it with those that want to help make it a big success?

    Thailand is already successful it doesn't need any help from Johnny Foreigner. It you don't like open racism you can leave and go to Europe, North America or the finest Australia where they are just as racist but less open about it, oh hang on yes they are open about it too. Hmm America loves the Mexicans and invites them over their borders to work freely openly and honestly don't they? Uk rushing through retrospective laws to stop mass immigration because they too love people coming and taking locals jobs! and Australia well where do you start with Australia. Where is this utopia you are from, Africa? Never a racist soul to be found in Africa is there? Middle east and their open free societies.

    But is ok you just moan about a few Russians without passports working illegally and then have the cheek to pull the race card...

    Hey...what's wrong with Australia? Australians are pretty tolerant, there are always exceptions, but as a whole they are.

    I do agree with some people that Thai's business laws are restrictive and holding them back, with the bringing in of skilled people to open business that will benefit locals with new knowledge, better knowledge or better leadership in many areas. If you think Thai's can even compete in many industry's around the world...well......

    I personally don't like the Russians, same as I don't like the Chinese, because they are down right rude and disrespectful, but it's due to where they come from. They should be cracking down on them, true. But they should also be making it easier for legitimate business operations to come to Thailand within specific sectors, not around tourism, shop ownership etc.

    Have you missed the fact that a big % of business in LOS is run by Chinese.

    No I didn't, I am aware of that. But you can't change what happen generations ago. They are not Chinese born, moved to Thailand to open big business. They are Thai-Chinese and for all purposes Thai. Sure there are some Chinese who opened businesses here, within the law, but the majority are those Thai-Chinese.

    I don't see what your point is anyway. Should I have said, I don't like China born Chinese and Russia born Russians, because of their attitudes?

    Say what you like. Russians doing business in LOS are doing it for themselves and most of it is dodgy.

    Australians and Kiwis seem to lack a grasp of the Thai mentality even more than the US.

    Thais don't like Russians.


  13. A foreigner who is helpful to foreigners, helping them in a way that Thais cannot (giving info to them, and communicating to them in Russian) is arrested in a tourist area for helping foreigner on their holiday here.

    Well done Thailand. Perhaps raiding Thai policestations for plastic bags full of cash and cells with suspects being tortured in might be a better way to spend an afternoon. Perhaps even going around the beaches and picking up all the plastic crap that the Thais toss over their shoulders might be. :rolleyes:

    LOL! Did you actually read the article? Yet another Russian working in the tourist industry was caught without a work permit, a passport or visa. What would your country do?[/

    Give them a 5 bedroom house and the equivalent of 200,000 rupleskis a week in welfare.

    You got a problem with injustice? So do plenty of posters on TV.

    Me included.

    Thailand needs to deal with the Russian problem. Now.

  14. I am sure it is to get a grip on the Russian mafia, by far the biggest mafia in the world. If you ever have visited Russia, you will know that Russians just don't know how to behave properly, they have the same habits when they are overseas.

    Russians are NOT westerners, they are a nationality abused by 80 years of communism and the associated extreme corruption that that entails with one of the lowest life expectancies in the Caucasian world. They have white skins but their behaviour is totally different from western europeans.

    Trust me,we all are better off if authorities deal with Russians NOW.Most people seem to have very naive picture about them!Sooner Thai's close these entrepreneurs down the better!!


  15. A foreigner who is helpful to foreigners, helping them in a way that Thais cannot (giving info to them, and communicating to them in Russian) is arrested in a tourist area for helping foreigner on their holiday here.

    Well done Thailand. Perhaps raiding Thai policestations for plastic bags full of cash and cells with suspects being tortured in might be a better way to spend an afternoon. Perhaps even going around the beaches and picking up all the plastic crap that the Thais toss over their shoulders might be. rolleyes.gif

    Nouveau Riche Russians have no interest in Thailand apart from what they take can take.

    The same in London, and in Beijing.

    • Like 1
  16. The open targeting AND reporting of ONLY Russians in relation to work permits in Phuket is racist - even if Russians are the main offenders, the authorities are making it very clear they do not like Russians and do not want them there. What about all the Kiwis, Aussies and Brits all over the country working without permits? I say this because I only ever read about Russians getting their cracks down here, which appears a little one eyed.

    I really wish someone in this country (who had the authority to have a voice) stood up to the open racism and xenophobia communicated and demonstrated by the establishment.

    When you come to my country, my dearest Thai friends, you can work beside me, you can work above me, or you can work below me - based on your own merits, not your skin color, nor your connections or financial position. How about the same fair deal in your homeland? Do you not love your country enough to share it with those that want to help make it a big success?

    Thailand is already successful it doesn't need any help from Johnny Foreigner. It you don't like open racism you can leave and go to Europe, North America or the finest Australia where they are just as racist but less open about it, oh hang on yes they are open about it too. Hmm America loves the Mexicans and invites them over their borders to work freely openly and honestly don't they? Uk rushing through retrospective laws to stop mass immigration because they too love people coming and taking locals jobs! and Australia well where do you start with Australia. Where is this utopia you are from, Africa? Never a racist soul to be found in Africa is there? Middle east and their open free societies.

    But is ok you just moan about a few Russians without passports working illegally and then have the cheek to pull the race card...

    Hey...what's wrong with Australia? Australians are pretty tolerant, there are always exceptions, but as a whole they are.

    I do agree with some people that Thai's business laws are restrictive and holding them back, with the bringing in of skilled people to open business that will benefit locals with new knowledge, better knowledge or better leadership in many areas. If you think Thai's can even compete in many industry's around the world...well......

    I personally don't like the Russians, same as I don't like the Chinese, because they are down right rude and disrespectful, but it's due to where they come from. They should be cracking down on them, true. But they should also be making it easier for legitimate business operations to come to Thailand within specific sectors, not around tourism, shop ownership etc.

    Have you missed the fact that a big % of business in LOS is run by Chinese.

    Correct transam.

    Old Chinese from way back.

    Nouveau riche Russians and Chinese are a different breed.

    I live in Beijing and have home and family in LOS, so I know a little about about what is going on.

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