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Posts posted by Bronzepickup

  1. Thailand is already successful it doesn't need any help from Johnny Foreigner. It you don't like open racism you can leave and go to Europe, North America or the finest Australia where they are just as racist but less open about it, oh hang on yes they are open about it too. Hmm America loves the Mexicans and invites them over their borders to work freely openly and honestly don't they? Uk rushing through retrospective laws to stop mass immigration because they too love people coming and taking locals jobs! and Australia well where do you start with Australia. Where is this utopia you are from, Africa? Never a racist soul to be found in Africa is there? Middle east and their open free societies.

    The open targeting AND reporting of ONLY Russians in relation to work permits in Phuket is racist - even if Russians are the main offenders, the authorities are making it very clear they do not like Russians and do not want them there. What about all the Kiwis, Aussies and Brits all over the country working without permits? I say this because I only ever read about Russians getting their cracks down here, which appears a little one eyed.

    I really wish someone in this country (who had the authority to have a voice) stood up to the open racism and xenophobia communicated and demonstrated by the establishment.

    When you come to my country, my dearest Thai friends, you can work beside me, you can work above me, or you can work below me - based on your own merits, not your skin color, nor your connections or financial position. How about the same fair deal in your homeland? Do you not love your country enough to share it with those that want to help make it a big success?

    But is ok you just moan about a few Russians without passports working illegally and then have the cheek to pull the race card...

    Thank you for your "Grumpy old man" speech, telling me "if you don't like it you can leave". If you read my posts, I do not reside in Thailand. I do not reside in Thailand because it cannot provide me with the opportunity to succeed as I do in my home country, nor can it provide the salary that my Thai Girlfriend gets here working in a respectable workplace. She used to work at Suvarnabhumi.

    Thailand is already successful? That would depend on what you take into account when reviewing its' successes. Yes, it is a major exporter of goods, a major manufacturer of motor vehicles, but as China was 15 years ago, only because of low wages and weak labor laws. This is changing as inflation rises, wages increase and Thais slowly lose their "Thainess" through westernization.

    My old boss was from the countryside in India, I learnt to deal with my own racism, appreciate and understand someones skills before judging them. The "Utopia" I am from is New Zealand (again, if you wanted to know you could have just looked at my profile before ripping off the fastest reply possible). There are racists here, both white AND brown. But the laws here protect everyone, not only white, not only brown, not only black.

    Please, prior to accusing me of "pulling" the race card, please show me a similar article in the past 2 months of a person(s) of any other nationality within the paradise of Phuket having issues with deportation due to not having the correct work visa on this forum? My point is that the action should be broad, and not one sided against Russian people.

    Read, review, research, understand, comprehend. PLEASE!

    Please comprehend! Thais don't like Russians.

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