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Posts posted by iosufm

  1. [

    Hopefully it WON'T be like America in regards to illegal aliens... as it is conservatively estimated that there are at least 6 million illegal aliens there now. America most assuredly does NOT know who is in that country.

    I disagree. Perhaps those that were previously resident when the terrorist attack occured are hidden, but since then, in all my travels, i have not encountered an entry system as extenuous and far reaching as USA immigration. For instance, i have yet landed in a country for means of a plane transfer within the same international terminal, within 2 or 3 hours, that requires me to pass through immigration control...and not just immigration like Thailand's pleasant system at Don Meuang, i'm talking about the 3rd degree of probing-like questions right down to the name of your pet parrot and where you bought your sandals.....none but one country asks this from travellers, the US of A.

    As for the online system in Thailand, what a welcome idea. For all the things that Thailand does to earn it its TIT title in a derrogative way, this could be a major step forward for the country and for us live-ins. Especially if it can help keep the undesireables out, for if this was its only benefit it would still serve to make Thailand a better country If this works, we should treasure the sights, smells and sounds of Nong Khai. Only visiting it once a year brings a tear of remorse to my eye. Sniff.

    And if it doesn't work as smoothly as we are hoping it will.......i'll take Thailand's process over the Big-Brother likeness of the States's any day of the week.

  2. Simply, what are the advantages of having the child born inside thailand as opposed to being born outside thailand. Does having the child born outside Thailand make passing through immigration in thailand any easier?

    Is it also better for the thai wife to keep her last name instead of taking the farang surname, regarding the purchasing of land, ease of travel (last name same on both passports)?

  3. I have gone over THAI VISA´s website, and researched all i can on getting married to a Thai girl, having a baby with a thai girl, and residency or visa stamp applications to these conditions. However, my situation is different that what is covered on the website, and as of yet, i have not seen it addressed in the forums.

    On getting married, the website states :

    In order for a foreign citizen to register marriage in Thailand, the Thai authorities request that your Embassy issue a certificate in English and in Thai, which confirms your name, nationality, passport number, issuing passport authority, address in home country, employer, position, and salary. Furthermore, names and age of children from previous relationships, if any. And finally, names and addresses of 2 contact persons (references) in your country, who are not family members.

    I am from a small South American country that does not have an embassy in Thailand, and in fact, only has one embassy in all of Asia located in Japan. In my country, we have seperate government offices which have seperately given me upon my request: a) a police report of clean criminal record b ) a letter from our records department that i have never been married c) passport, driver´s licence, cedula - our 3 official forms of id here.

    Furthermore, i own a corporation registered not in my home country and because it is an entity through which derivitive investments, stock investments, and property investments are made, i hence have no "employer, position and salary" papers to present. I could present my corportation´s registration papers if need be. I have never been married before and have no children, my papers confirm this. I do have the names of two prominant contacts here, but i dont know if ive ever heard of a thai government official being able to speak spanish which he-she will need to call them.

    Next on the forum it states:

    Salary statement (the latest) or similar documentation of your income, for instance your pension statement or your yearly salary statement from the tax authorities in your home country

    I´m not old enough yet to be drawing a pension from my company, and since the corporation does all its business outside the country it is registered in, the entity does not have to submit any tax forms. Only fees are the yearly registration renewal fees.

    I can get all my documents translated into thai at any of the businesses that offer that service gathered around Asok station.

    So.....................with those obstacles, is it at all possible to get married to my Thai sweetheart . Since i have given her enough money to make the neccessary time deposit here in my country, she now has residency here. So, what if we got married here instead. Can we then just bring the marriage documents from here to Thailand, or do i have to get "remarried" in Thailand again to get the O marriage visa.

    Also, we are thinking about having a baby. I read the site about trying in the future to obtain Thai Nationality for myself, but it says....

    It's an advantage to be married to a Thai citizen and having children born in Thailand or having studied in a local university/college as an undergraduate.....

    so if we have a child, and he-she is born outside of Thailand and we then decide to move back to thailand, then there is no chance for me to eventually acquire thai nationality, is this correct?

    Under "thai citizenship" section, in the subsection "born outside of thailand", there is a list that looks like.....

    2.Bornoutside the Territory of the Kingdom of Thailand






    ......and continues. I do not know what the titles of this list headings are. In my case, she is Thai, i am foreign, the baby would be born outside of thailand.

    That´s it for my questions. I´m hoping its all just complicated in my mind and that some of you professionals with this sort of stuff can provide all the easy answers.

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