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Posts posted by Ragz

  1. Looks like Denise Minger the author of 'Death by Food Pyramid' finally concedes that low fat, low protein plant-based diets get proven health results. As much as I disagree with her advocacy of high protein/high fat diets, I gotta give it to her for being brave enough to admit it.

    No one can know 100% for sure which is the best way, but I am throwing my lot in with high carb, low fat plant based nutrition. I have done all low carb permutations over the years and have lost weight on many of them, however now that I am getting older I am more concerned about avoiding heart disease than quickly dropping pounds. And none of these low carb 'sciencey writers' have convinced me that the lipid hypothesis is untrue.

  2. Difficulties in reaching the destination are usually due to not following the roadmap; which in this context is the EightFold Path. Although the EightFold path is not exactly sequential, many consider Prajna (wisdom) to be the foundation of Sila (moral conduct) and Samadhi (meditation practice). Most practitioners give undue focus to Samadhi, particularly in the west. Some approach Sila with unbalanced rigidity.

    Prajna is the trickiest practice in a lot of ways, and seems like it often requires a fully realized teacher for guidance. It is easy to get lost in rigid practices of Sila and Samadhi just like the Buddha did when he was up still in the mountains.

  3. Yes, as far as I know, but a lawyer could let you know about all the nuances. We almost went for a 100% owned export company but opted for a normal Thai company because we had some opportunities within Thailand. Some lawyers told us Export Companies only require 2 Thai staff for every WP and some told us 4.

    The representative office option is possible, but a real hassle from what I have heard (check with a lawyer on this)

  4. If you don’t have the consistency or skills to start your own adsense/affiliate empire, a good place to start is odesk (or Elance). Start taking short-term low paying gigs and gathering feedback and hours in your spare time.

    At first you will have to keep your bids cheap because you will be competing with Indians, Filipinos, etc. but after you have a track record you will be able to charge more than them if you are a westerner/English speaker. 30,000Baht per month is very doable depending on your skillset and whether you hustle.

    After a while, if you do a good job, there is a good chance you will develop long term relationships with some employers, or gain the skills to start your own thing.

  5. For an intro to meditation I suggest doing a Goenka Vipassana 10 day retreat. However, there is some Buddhism talked about in these retreats. If you really want to avoid any religious or metaphysical talk of any sort there are the following teachers/methods:

    John Kabat-Zinn. Mindfulness and relaxation meditation. He's written an bunch of books and has a bunch of guided audio lessons

    Open Focus: a kind of guided mindfulness meditation. Similar to vipassana body scanning. They have a bunch of audio lessons available: openfocus.com

    The Relaxation Response: a form of mantra meditation. The author of this book was sued by the TM organization I believe, because the method is similar to their proprietary method. You can buy the book on amazon and they have a website.

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

  6. It's nearly impossible to tell if Jade has been treated with polymer without an infrared test. This type of jade is known a 'b' jade and there is a large amount of this type of jade being sold in Thailand. Acid/polymer is used to clear up the appearance of the jade.

    Jade that has been dyed is easier to identify once you have seen examples. Dyed jade is known a 'c' jade.

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

    • Like 2
  7. Thanks for the info lomatopo. I registered, maybe it's some kind of cap because I had to turn on my data a couple of times because of lack of wifi....I may have rang up too many charges. I will try the support number from another phone.

  8. I have a post-paid AIS account with roaming enabled but I do not have a roaming package. When I first arrived in China I connected to China Mobile no problem and received a couple of calls. However, after a couple of days I have no carrier connection and the 'No Service' message (using an iPhone 5s). I have tried reseting newtwork settings, manually choosing carrier all to no avail. Anyone have experience with this?

  9. Just switched over to monthly service from pay as you go, mainly for the voicemail. Just wondering if anyone can confirm that dialing *99 will get me to voicemail when dialing from overseas. I assumed these sorts of calls would only work within Thailand. I realize that this sort of call will incur long distance fees.

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

  10. China has a service called 'epacket' which is somehow subsidized by US Post. It gives them super low rates on ebay sales out of both the mainland and Hong Kong. That is why they have all those sellers selling $9 items with free shipping. Impossible to compete with that!

    I think the Thai sellers just make do with super slim margins and subsidize their shipping with the margins from the product sale, at least the low ticket item sellers.

  11. We are looking into the possibility of opening a warehouse in an Epz and have some questions:

    Are the leases for epzs handled directly through zone or through commercial real estate agents?

    Is epz warehouse space considerably more expensive than non epz space?

    How difficult/ expensive is it to get some of the goods out for sale in Thailand?

    Do these parks have smaller warehouses (5000-10000sq ft)?

    We would most likely be looking at Bangkok or Chonburi so any general comments on these two zones would be greatly appreciated as well.

  12. I am starting the process of forming a company and getting a work permit. I am told that the company formation could take as long as two months. I have a multi-entry one year B visa that expires on July 31. If the company formation ends up taking two months I will only have a few weeks left on my visa. Will I have to fly back to my home country and get another B visa, or is there a way for me to renew it within Thailand or a nearby country? Or is a visa with a few weeks left good enough to do the work permit application?

    Thanks for any info.

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