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Posts posted by amerasian

  1. I think the mental anguish this young lady will carry with her for the rest of her life. Is sufficient punishment. Past is past. No reason to destroy her life, even more than it is. Western ideology does not fit in a Buddhist culture and it shouldn't fit in either. I understand restitution and revenge, when you go looking for revenge dig two graves, ........it was a tragic accident leave it at that.......

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  2. Well at least they know what direction is better for kids. Kids in Thailand need more after school activities and sports to keep them occupied. Without those activities, they will use the youthful energy in other areas not as healthy for them.......wish you all the best luck....

  3. That's bullshit.anyone who agrees with that is a lunatic. She was in the airport. I'm sure its monitored by cctv. And the thieves were airport employees

    that's why she was locked up till they could reset. She would have been monitored showing her docs at security. Another Thailand scam is all this is. One call to her embassy and some verification with imagration would have cleared her....you don't throw visitors in jail

    come on. Thais are their own word enemy I swear..

  4. Well it may seem like I'm being insensitive. Bt the bottom line this is not in a western world, Or culture, the damage is done to both parties. And it was avoidable. But in a Buddhist society the vendor was given new life while the driver will surly be reborn as some lesser animal.

    Dot forget where you are and western culture is not the best culture on the planet in my opinion. Judgement will come from above in this culture. Not from mortals. Forgiveness will set you free, revenge will kill both parties....and damage many lives ....so better let the past be the past and settle things quickly. None of us gets out alive.....:)

  5. I lived in Puket for a year.had my truck broken into

    stole all our passports. And our phones. Rented a house there turns out to be neecy to a furniture shop. With laquor fumes coming into the house weekly. Unlivable beautiful big home.lost 20.000 thb deposit seen the house for tent one month later.just a scam

    was fined 100.000 thb for drunk in public. On walking street. Lets just say the mafia is alive and well in Puket

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