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Posts posted by keestha

  1. No, Penang is single entry only. Vientiane is currently issuing double entry tourist visas in the region.

    How about Kota Baru? do they give double entry tourist visas after a 3 month non immigrant O,

    Vietnam is a long way for me to go as Im currently inthe south of Thailand.

    Thanks for you reply

    Not Vietnam......Vientiane is the capital of Laos, situated just across the Thai border.

  2. Today the Labour Department in Phangnga extended my work permit for a 1 year period

    Required documents are presently:

    1) filled out application form

    2) copies of all the pages of the work permit, but as far as extension stamps are concerned only the last one

    3) copy of passport, front page and last extension or entry stamp

    4) copy of the company book (nangsue laplawng)

    5) last yearly tax return form ( ภ.ง.ค. 50) and receipt, plus the balance sheet

    6) last half yearly tax return estimate form ( ภ.ง.ค. 51) and receipt

    7) last yearly salary tax balance form ( ภ.ง.ค. 91) and receipt

    8) licences the company might need to conduct its business

    This time monthly salary tax forms (ภ.ง.ค. 1) and receipts were not needed, nor were forms and receipts for the obligatory staff health insurance.

    All copies need to be stamped and signed.

    My last 1 year extension ran up to December 25, 2009, but when I went to the Labour Office last December, I was informed that nowadays extensions can only be given from the date the work permit was initially issued. The work permit I am presently holding was issued January 28, 2002, so when I went to the Labour Office last December, I was only given a provisional extension up to January 27, 2010. The stamp I was given today runs till January 27, 2011.

    I was charged 3100 Baht.

    Disclaimer: other Labour Offices might apply different rules.

  3. The judgment on entry is always the Immigration Officer at the point of entry. The Consulate only provides the invitation letter - the bouncer can send you packing regardless of the letter.

    But does this ever happen?

    I remember reading a newspaper article about Eastern European prostitutes working in Thailand. In the article an Immigration Officer working at a point of entry was quoted as saying (I am quoting from memory) " We know exactly why they are coming here, but we cannot refuse them entry, because they obtained a tourist visa in one of the neighbouring countries".

  4. <snip>

    Getting back to the OT, I have long time ago learned not to take on the Tuk Tuks. I just let them get by as quickly as possible.<snip>

    Agreed. Treat them like moto-cy's - let them get past and they'll be off, out of your way.

    And the same applies for instance for tourist-filled busses and minivans that drive at breakneck speed to Phangnga Bay, on the Khokkloy-Phangnga road.

  5. I would like to buy a tuk tuk to use as a second car in my hotel: to bring departing guests to the busstop, when the pickup truck is being used for shopping.

    Since I am Khao Lak based, ideally I would like to buy one in Southern Thailand, but if need be it would be OK for me to drive the vehicle down from Chiang Mai or wherever.

    Would also be willing to consider a second hand tuk tuk, if in an acceptable technical condition.

    Sorry if this question has been raised here before, and thanks for any suggestions.

  6. Be prepared for a bumpy ride in regards to work permits, both new applications and renewals. I guess we will have more details in the next few days or weeks, but please read the article above and make your own conclusions.

    Sure this could effect companies that have foreign shareholders, I am quoting the Nation:

    "The proposed removal of some businesses from Annex III has prompted a concurrent proposal to impose stringent controls on the voting rights of foreign shareholder, which must not be higher than 50 per cent.

    The amended regulations would only apply to new foreign-owned companies."

    But George, I don't see work permit applications/renewals mentioned in any way, could you clarify please?

  7. For me as a hotel owner it is a recurring source of irritation that Thai people often book a room, but then just don't show up. I got into the habit of asking their telephone number, so that I can call them in the morning on the arrival date, to reconfirm.

    Reckon if Thai people have an appointment with a doctor that they cannot keep, they would certainly call to cancel, rather then just not showing up.

    Oh well, it could just be that doctors have a higher social status then hotel owners, especially if it is the owner of a cheap hotel, like in my case. Maybe they would more likely call to cancel if it is a booking in a more prestigeous outfit.

  8. Consider staying in Khao Lak which has many accomodation options. Khao Lak is 70 KM north of the bridge which connects Phuket to the mainland, and it has lovely beaches. Phuket airport can be reached from Khao Lak in a bit more than an hour, and the ride should cost about 1000-1200 Baht.

    In Khao Lak you can book an organized longtailboat tour at Phangnga Bay, which costs about 2150 Baht. Alternatively you could make your own way to the pier at Phangnga Bay (public bus, rented car or motorcycle), and charter a longtailboat there for 1200-1400 Baht.

  9. The monthly form for salary tax payment you can fill out yourself. Also if the company is not active at all, the yearly tax report has to be submitted, and also the form you have to submit halfway the year. You cannot do it yourself, the signature of a registered accountant will be needed for the yearly report. I guess a bookkeeping office could do this at a lowert price then 3000 Baht per month, use your bargaining skills.

  10. You will need a tax consultant, which should cost you about 3000 Baht per month. Tax report has to be filed once a year, but halfway the year a form has to be filled out which gives an estimate of the expected yearly result. Salary tax has to be paid every month, same goes for the obligatory staff health insurance, and for the VAT once you are in the VAT system, VAT is due if you make more than a certain turnover.

  11. The Reuters report does not present an accurate picture at all. Khao Lak as a tourist destination is much, much more developed than before the tsunami. New hotels and shopping plaza's are being built all over the place. We even have a Mac Donalds now :) Tourists who haven't been here for 2 years or so, are amazed at what pace the place has grown.

  12. The occupancy rate of my hotel is till now almost the same as last high season , but I am worried because there are not many bookings coming in, especially quality bookings ( more expensive bungalows for a longer period) are lagging behind. In Khao Lak everybody involved in the tourism industry agrees there are less tourists than last high season, though there is of course always the odd guy who keeps telling his business is going up and up and up.

    About this particular period in December one should be aware that it is always a bit quiet: those who want to celebrate Xmas/New Year at home have left, and those who are going to celebrate it here didn't arrive yet.

  13. 1974, Phoenix, Arizona/USA. Was glad to have found a US$ 2 room. Leaving the room to go to the shared bathroom, I was immediately pinned to the wall by a policeman who started frisking me. When it got through to him that I was a very young and innocent European backpacker, he advised me to leave the hotel immediately, and not through the front door.

    Oh well, I hadn't paid the room yet anyway.

  14. OP,

    Set an upper limit of 300 Baht, and you will find places to stay anywhere in Thailand.

    Don't ask travel agencies and taxi drivers about rooms, often they get a commisssion per night that you stay, and you are the one who pays for that.

    As previous posters have pointed out, a guide book like the Rough Guide or the Lonely Planet would be a wise investment.

  15. 2005, floating bungalows on a lake in a national park. Rather not say which national park, otherwise the place would be easily identifyable, and it might have improved/changed ownership in the meantime.

    With my sister I went on a longtailboat tour on the lake, and after an hour we docked at the floating hotel. Out of curiosity I requested to see one of the rooms, and upon entering at least twelve rats scurried away in all directions.

    A few months later my brother came to see me, and we went on the same boat trip. Knowing my brother's sense of humour I wanted to show him the hotel, but the boat man refused to take us there.

  16. Personally I never used credit cards, but I have often helped customers to pay for flight tickets online using a credit card.

    Two years ago when I had to go to Malaysia, I went to the Katsikorn Bank to get an ATM card that could be used abroad, and they gave me a VISA card with a text written at the bottom "electronic use only". The card looks just like a regular credit card, with the 16 digit number on the front, and the 3 digit number at the back.

    Could I use this card for purchasing a plane ticket online? And could I use it to buy something in a shop? What exactly do they mean by "electronic use only"?

    Please help out the old nitwit.

  17. Here in Khao Lak there are definitely less people around than last high season. My favourite information sources are like staff manning the delivery trucks for soft drinks, ice cubes, drinking water etc. They are more likely to tell the plain truth than other hotel owners, and restaurant, diving shop and so on owners, who often tend to give too rosy a picture about how their businesses are going.

    About this particular period in December I should add that it is always a bit quiet: people who are going to celebrate Xmas/New Year at home are leaving, and those who want to celebrate it here didn't arrive yet.

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